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1117. *Bailey, Rufus Alexander. S. of Moses and Anne (Chandler), b. Auburn, Me., Jy. 28, 1833.
Prepared Litchfield, Waterville and Auburn Acads., Me.; B. S. Civil engineer for Rockford and Kenosha R. R., 1855-58; studied law with William Lathrop, Rockford, Ill., 1858-60; admitted to bar, Aug. 18, 1860; taught while studying law, 2 winters; practiced law Rockford, Ill., 1860-73; judge of Winnebago Co., Ill., 1873-1906; r. Rockford, Ill., 1906-10. D. Kenosha, Wis., O. 29, 1910. Married O. 5, 1855, Mrs. Emma L. Trufant, da. of Joseph Faulkner, Rockford, Ill., who d. Ap. 11, 1905. |
1118. *Bell, John Dempster. S. of Isaac and Abigail (Lamphier), b. Weedsport, N. Y., D. 27,
1831. M. A., A. C., 1883. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Union School, Weedsport, N. Y. and Wesleyan Sem., Lima N. Y.; Genesee Coll., 1851-54; A. C., 1854-55. Taught Owego, N. Y., 1855-56; Evanston (Ill.) Biblical Institute, 1858-59; ordained Rochester, N. Y., S., 1862; preached in Rock River Conference of M. E. Ch., Wis., 1857; Shelburne Falls, 1861; Hammondsport, N. Y., 1862; Wellsboro, Penn., 1863-64; Dansville, N. Y., 1865; Ulster, Penn., 1867; s. s. Cong. Ch. Yankton, Dak., 1868; Monticello, Ia., 1869; Emporia, Kans., 1870-71; in southern Ill. Conference, 1872; Presb. home miss'y Canon City, Col., and supt. of schools Fremont Co., Col., 1873-75; w. c. Pacific Coast, 1875-77; s. s. Pueblo, Col., 1877-78; r. Los Angeles, Cal., 1878-84; Denver, Col., 1884-86. Ed. The National New Yorker, Canandaigua, N. Y., 1856-57; Milford (Mass.) Journal, 1865-66. D. Denver, Col., N. 24, 1886. Married (1) Jan. 15, 1862, Jennie S., da. of Jeremiah Maning, Shelburne Falls, who d. Je. 9, 1863; (2) Jan. 28, 1873, Priscilla T., da. of Charles S. Pollock, Griggsville, Ill. Ch. Edson M.; Frederick S. |
1119. *Bennett, Eli Gilbert. S. of Sturges and Charlotte (Gilbert), b. Georgetown, Conn., F.
2, 1831. M. A., A. C., 1858. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared with Henry Lobdell, Danbury, Conn. Clerk Gilbert and Bennett Manufacturing Co., Georgetown, Conn., 1855-60; merchant Georgetown, Conn., 1860-81; bookkeeper Gilbert and Bennett Manufacturing Co., N. Y. City, 1881-1903; r. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1903-20. D. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jy. 12, 1920. Married May 4, 1859, Mary Esther, da. of Edward Birchard, Wilton, Conn., who d. Brooklyn, N. Y., F. 23, 1906. Ch. Eli S.; Edwin B.; Charles; Mary E.; Mrs. Isaac D. Hurlbutt. |
1120. *Bissell, Edwin Cone. S. of George C. and Elizabeth (White), b. Schoharie, N. Y.,
Mch. 2, 1832. M. A., A. C.; D. D., A. C., 1874; LL. D., Lake Forest, 1893. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Monson Acad. Taught Williston Sem., 1855-56; Union T. S., 1856-59; ordained Westhampton, S. 21, 1859; p. there, 1859-64; San Francisco, Cal., 1864-69; s. s. Honolulu, H. I., 1869-70; p. Winchester, 1871-73; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Gratz, Austria, 1873-78; w. c. Boston, 1878-80; studied Leipsic, Germany, 1880-81; prof. of Hebrew language and literature, Hartford T. S., Hartford, Conn., 1881-92; prof. of Old Testament Exegesis and literature Mc Cormick T. S., Chicago, Ill., 1892-94. Capt. Co. K, Pacific (Cal.), 2 1/2 yrs. Author Practical Hebrew Grammar; The Historic Origin of the Bible; The Apocrypha of the Old Testament. D. Ap. 10, 1894. Married S. 6, 1859, Emily, da of Oren Pomeroy, Somers, Conn. 1 ch. |
1121. *Boardman, Joseph. S. of William J. and Betsey (Bayley), b. Amesbury, Je. 18,
1833. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared with James H. Davis and Rev. H. O. Howland, Amesbury. Taught Putnam Free School Newburyport, 1856-57; Andover T. S., 1857-60; ordained Pownal, Me., Mch. 20, 1861; a. p. there, 1860-61, and p., 1861-65; p. Hopkinton, 1865-68; s. s. Plymouth, 1868-69; w. c. Hopkinton, 1869-70; p. Pawtucket Ch. Dracut, 1870-74; a. p. Craftsbury, Vt., 1874-81; Seabury and Hampton Falls, N. H., 1881-84; p. Barnet, Vt., 1884-1902; a. p. Roxbury, Vt., 1902-03. D. Plymouth, N. H., F. 21, 1913. Married (1) May 20, 1862, Mima A., da of Orlando S. Patten, Amesbury, who d. S. 17, 1867; (2) N. 1, 1870, Mary Niles, da. of Rev. Leonard Withington, Newburyport, who d. May 11, 1902. 8 ch. William J. (A. C. 1895). |
1122. *Bridgman, Albert Henry. S. of Henry A. and Mary (Strong), b. Belchertown, Jan. 6,
1832. M. A., A. C., 1858. LL. B., Albany Law School, 1856. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Amherst and Monson Acads. Albany Law School, 1855-56; admitted to bar of Supreme Court, Albany, N. Y., Mch., 1856; in office of J. W. Boyden, Amherst, 1856-57; practised law Maysville, Ia., 1857-62; Priv. and Sergt. 32nd Ia. Inf. and clerk in Provost Marshal's office, 1862-65; farmer Kier, Ia., 1865-69; ed. Paxton (Ill.) Record, 1869-73; mail agent Bloomington, Ill., to Muncie, Ind., 1873-92; mail agent Pekin to Chicago on Santa Fe R. R., 1899-1908. D. Crystal Lake, Ill., Aug. 2, 1908. Married F. 10, 1859, Josephine, da. of Dr. Thomas L. Hartness, N. Y. City, who d. O. 13, 1894. 9 ch. |
1123. *Brown, Francis Frederic. S. of Edward and Abigail (Rogers), b. Sudbury, Aug. 12,
1832. M. A., A. C., 1858; M. D., Berkshire Med. Institute, 1862. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Warren Acad., Woburn. Taught Royalston and Sudbury, 1855-6; asst. instructor in Mathematics Flushing Institute, L. I., 1856-58; studied med. with Dr. L. Goodenough and Dr. C. A. Walker and at Harvard and Berkshire Med. Schools, 1858-62; assistant in insane hospital So. Boston, 1861-62; Asst. Surgeon 48th Mass. Vols., 1862-63; practised med. Reading, 1864-90. D. Reading, Jan. 13, 1890. Married Je. 7, 1865, Emma M., da. of Lemuel D. Clapp, Dorchester, Mass. 5 ch. |
1124. *Brown, Samuel Edward. S. of James and Emily M. (Barclay), b. Owego, N. Y., N. 26,
1833. M. A., A. C., 1858. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Owego Acad., with Rev. John B. Wentworth and by himself; Genesee Coll., 1853-54; A. C., 1854-55. Studied law Owego, N. Y., 1855-57; admitted to bar, May, 1857; practised law Owego, N. Y., 1857-578; Davenport, Ia., 1858-62; attorney of Long Island R. R. Co., N. Y. City, 1882-91. D. Hempstead, L. I., F. 17, 1891. Married Aug. 17, 1859, Mary L., da. of H. W. Davis, Owego, N. Y. 8 ch. |
1125. Buck, Charles Wentworth. S. of Charles and Sophronia (Herrick), b. Hampden, Me., Aug. 19,
1833. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Boston Latin School and Williston Sem.; Harvard, 1851-53; A. C., 1853-55. Taught Conway Acad., 1856-57; studied law with Brooks & Ball, Boston, 1857-58; admitted to bar, St. Louis, Mo., 1859; practised there, 1 yr.; studied theology with Rev. W. G. Elliot, St. Louis, Mo., 6 mos. and at Meadville (Penn.) T. S., 1860-62; ordained as Unitarian Boston, 1862; s. s. Plymouth, 1862-63; p. Fall River, 1863-68; Portland, Me., 1868-79; in business Leadville, Col., 1880-82; proof reader University Press, Cambridge, 1882-1907. Married D. 29, 1863, Mary Ellen, da. of Prof. Oliver Stearns, Harvard D. S. 6 ch. Bro. Robert H. (A. C. ex 1856). Address, 47 Trowbridge St., Cambridge, Mass. |
1126. *Caldwell, John Curtis. S. of George M. and Betsey (Curtis), b. Lowell, Vt., Ap. 17,
1833. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Lowell H. S. Prin. Washington Acad., E. Macchiasa, Me., 1855-61; Col. 11th Me. Inf., 1861-62; Brig. Gen. 1st Brigade, 1st Div., 2nd Army Corps, 1862-64; brevetted Major Gen., 1864; president Military Commission, Washington, D. C., 1864-66; admitted to bar Ellsworth, Me., 1866; Adj. Gen. for Me., 1867-69; consul Valparaiso, Chili, 1869-74; U. S. Minister to Montevideo, Uruguay, 1874-82; practised law Topeka, Kans., 1882-85; chairman Kans. Bd. of Pardons, 1885-93; sec., 1895-97; consul San Jose, Costa Rica, 1897. D. Aug. 30, 1912. Married May 15, 1857, Martha H., da. of Jeremiah Foster, E. Machias, Me. 8 ch. |
1127. *Choate, Rufus. S. of Rufus and Helen (Olcott), b. Salem, May 14, 1834. Phi
Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Boston Latin School. Studied law with father; admitted to bar, May 1, 1858; practised law Boston, 1858-61; 2nd Lieut. 2nd Mass. Vols., 1861-62; Capt., 1862. D. Dorchester, Jan. 15, 1866. |
1128. *Colton, John Jay. S. of Quintus Curtius and Abigail (Jocelyn), b. Georgia, Vt., May 12,
1830. M. D., U. of Penn., 1870. Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Prepared Bakersfield Acad., Vt. Taught Shrewbury, 1855; Grammar School, So. Adams and Lowell, 1856; Lowell, H. S., 1856-64; paymaster with rank of Major, Philadelphia, Penn., 1865; office Philadelphia, Penn. for use of nitrous oxide gas in dentistry, 1865-71; studied med. U. of Penn., 1868-70; druggist Boston, 1870-72; practised med. Lowell, 1872-1912. City physician Lowell, 1885-87. D. Lowell, S. 23, 1912. Married N. 24, 1856, Czarina C., da. of Jeremiah Varnum, Dracut, Mass. Ch. Nellie V.; Alice Maria. |
1129. *Croswell, Micah Sampson. S. of Thomas and Mary (Gower), b. Farmington Falls, Me.,
Jy. 20, 1833. M. A., A. C., 1858. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Wesleyan Sem., Kent's Hill, Me. and Waterville Acad., Me.; Colby, 1851-54; Furman U., Greenville, S. C., 1854; A. C., 1855. Prin. Genesee Sem., Ill., 1855-56; merchant Minn., 1856-61; Chicago T. S., 1861-62, 1866-68; 1st Lieut. 8th Minn. Vols., 1862-63; Capt., Brevet Major and Brevet Lieut. Col., 1863-66; ordained, Ap. 22, 1869; s. s. Lisle, Ill., 1868; 1st Cong. Ch. Emporia, Kans., 1869-70; Green St. Ch. San Francisco, Cal., 1870-71; p. Sonoma, Cal., 1871-77; w. c. No. Oakland, Cal., 1877-78; p. Amboy, Ill., 1878-80; Paxton, Ill., 1880-82; Creston, Ill., 1882-90; r. Chicago, Ill., 1890-93; manager Croswell Oil Co., Los Angeles, Cal., 1895-1901; orange grove, Redlands, Cal., 1901, and ranch Croswell Springs, Cal. D. Pasadena, Cal., Ap. 6, 1913. Married S. 25, 1865, Mary E., da. of Oliver Parsons, Milwaukee, Wis. |
1130. *Denison, George. S. of Daniel and Pamelia L. (Head), b. Hartland, Vt., N. 24,
1831. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Kimball Union Acad., N. H.; U. of Vt., 1851-54; A. C., 1854-55. Prin. Sherbrooke Acad., 1855-56; studied law with O. Prescott and William W. Crapo, New Bedford, 1856-57; Albany Law School, N .Y.; admitted to N. Y. bar, D. 8, 1857; Mo. bar, F., 1858; practised law St. Louis, Mo., 1858-96; Priv. and Corporal, 7th Mo. Vols., 1862-65; judge of police court St. Louis, Mo., 1867-69, 1877-81. D. St. Louis, Mo., D. 3, 1896. Married F. 3, 1864, Emma A., da. of Benjamin Webster, Godfrey, Ill. 5 ch. Robert C. (A. C. 1889). |
1131. *Derby, Hasket. S. of Elias Hasket and Eloise Lloyd (Strong), b. Boston, Je. 29,
1835. M. A., A. C., 1858; M. D., Harvard, 1858. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Boston Latin School. Harvard Med. School, 1855-58; U. Of Vienna, Austria, and Berlin, Utrecht, London, and Paris, 1858-61; with Sanitary Commission, Fortress Monroe, 1861; oculist Boston, 1861-1910. lecturer on ophthalmology Harvard Med. School, 1867-71; surgeon of Mass. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 30 yrs.; founded eye dept. Carney Hospital, 1877. President Amer. Ophthalmological Soc., 5 yr.; trustee Children's Institutions Dept. Boston, 10 yrs.; Boston Public Library. Ed. Le Forestier's Relation; Autobiography and Voyages of Francois Le Forestier. D. Falmouth Foreside, Me., Aug. 21, 1914. Married O. 15, 1868, Sarah, da. of Rev. Charles Mason, Boston. Ch. Charles A.; Eloise L.; George S.; Stephen H.; Robert M.; Augustin; Arthur L.; Francis. |
1132. *Dickinson, William Eastman. S. of Daniel and Tammy (Eastman), b. No. Amherst, Je.
11, 1832. M. A., A. C., 1858. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley and Williston Sem. Union T. S., 1855-57; Andover T. S., 1857-58; ordained, D. 19, 1860; s. s. Orleans, 1860-62; Sprague, Conn., 1862-65; Montville, Conn., 1865-68; p. Canton, 1868-70; Walpole, N. H., 1870-76; Chicopee, 1876-87; a. p. Fitzwilliam, N. H., 1887-91; r. Amherst, 1891-1905. D. Amherst, Mch. 15, 1905. Married S. 6, 1860, Eliza H., da. of Joshua Hobart, No. Amherst. Ch. Edward B. |
1133. *Dunlap, George Edward. S. of George and Electa (Edwards), b. Huntington,, O. 2,
1832. Phi Beta Kapp; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Taught Ill. and Mass., 1855-61; Orderly Sergt., Co. C, 51st Regt. Mass. vols., 1862-63; accountant Crompton Loom Works, Worcester, 1863-68; agent Continental Life Insrurance co., Boston, 1868-71; prin. N. Y. Juvenile Asylum, N. Y. City, 1871-75; supt. N. Y. Orphan Asylum, 1875-83; with Dept. of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, N. Y. City, 1883-1910. D. Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch. 30, 1910. Married Je. 2, 1857, Julia E., da. of Simeon Clapp, Worcester. |
1134. *Farman, Elbert Eli. S. of Zadok and Martha (Dix), b. New Haven, N. Y., Ap. 23,
1831. M. A., A. C., 1860; LL. D., A. C., 1882. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N. Y.; Genesee Coll., 1851-53; A. C., 1853-55. Studied law with F. C. D. Mackay, Warsaw, N. Y., 1856-58; admitted to bar, 1858; practised law Warsaw, N. Y., 1858-76; admitted to U. S. Courts, 1862; a pub. of Western New Yorker, 1859-61; district attorney Wyoming Co., N. Y., 1868-76; U. S. Consul General, Cairo, Egypt, 1876-81; U. S. member international commission to revise judicial codes of Egypt for use of mixed tribunals, 1880-81; judge mixed tribunals of Egypt, 1881-84; U. S. member international commission, on War Indemnity Commission; practised law U. S., 1884-1911. Secured obelisk, Cleopatra's Needle, as gift from Khedive of Egypt to N. Y. City, 1879; made large collections of ancient coins and Egyptian antiquities, now in Metropolitan Museum of Art, N. Y. City. Decoration of Grand Officer Imperial Order of the Medjidieh from Khedive. Author Along the Nile with Gen. Grant; Egypt and Its Betrayal. D. Warsaw, N. Y., D. 30, 1911. Married (1) D. 24, 1855, Lois P., da. of Tilly Parker, Gainesville, N. Y., who d. Je. 28, 1881; (2) O. 8, 1883, Adelaide F., da. of David H. Frisbie, Galesburg, Ill. Ch. Lois E.; Elbert Eli; Marie Louise. |
1135. *Fiske, Asa Severance. S. of David and Laura (Severance), b. Strongsville, O., Mch. 2,
1833. M. A., A. C., 1858; D. D., Hamilton, 1889. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Amherst and Shelburne Falls Acads. Taught Canandaigua, N. Y., 1855-56; Andover T. S. and Yale T. S., 1856-57; tutor A. C., 1857-59; ordained Je. 6, 1860; p. St. Paul, Minn., 1860-62; Chaplain 4th Minn. Vols. and supt. of freedmen, 1863-65; p. 2nd Ch. Rockville, N. Y., 1872-75; p. Presb. Ch. San Francisco, Cal., 1875-84; Ithaca, N. Y., 1884-96; Gunton Temple Ch. Washington, N. Y., 1896-1904; s. s. Warsaw, N. Y., 1904-05; Niagara Falls, 1905-06; Harrisburg, Penn., 1906-07; Erie, Penn. and Cortland, N. Y., 1907; Presb. Ch. New Orleans, La., 1914-18. Author Reason and Faith; Ruth; Twentieth Century Sermons. D. New Orleans, La., Jy. 30, 1925. Married S. 6, 1860, Elizabeth Worthington, da. of Joseph W. Hand, Washington, D. C. 3 ch. Bro. Samuel (A. C. 1848). |
1136. *Fitch, Appleton Howe. S. of John Augustus and Lucy Ann (Howe), b. Hopkinton, Mch. 11,
1830. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Hopkinton H. S. and Wilbraham Acad. Taught Franklin Acad., Dover, N. H., 1855-56; Chicago, Ill., 1857-58; Dixon (Ill.) H. S., 1858-59; Peoria, Ill., 1859-64; 1st Lieut. Co. F, 139th Ill. Vols., 1864; manufacturer Maples, Ind., 1864-79; in business Kalamazoo, Mich., 1879-86; farmer Hopkinton, 1886-91; contractor with Chicago firm, 1891-95; r. Hopkinton, 1895-1910. D. Chelsea, Aug. 28, 1913. Married O. 3, 1859, Elizabeth H., da. of Epenetus A. Bennett, Chicago, Ill., who d. S. 13, 1913. Ch. Herbert B.; Nellie A.; Lucy A.; Florence H.; Grace A.; Harriet. |
1137. *Gilbert, Edwin Smith. S. of Enos and Isabella (Stevens), b. Livonia, N. Y., Jy.
26, 1829. Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Chester, N. Y., and Kingsville, N. Y.; Genesee Coll., 1851-53; A. C., 1853-55. Taught mathematics Hedding Literary Institute, Greene Co., N. Y., 1855-56; Lima and Brighton, N. Y., 1856-58; Rochester Collegiate Institute, N. Y., 1858-61; 2nd Lieut. Co. D, 13th Regt. N. Y. Cols.; 1st Lieut., Capt., Major, Lieut. Col., 25th Regt. D. Rochester, N. Y., F. 22, 1863. Married (1) S. 3, 1856, Frances Rosalie, da. of Dr. Levi King, Cairo, N. Y., who d. Aug. 27, 1858; (2) S. 25, 1862, Hattie, da. of Dr. Marvin D. Hicks, Rochester, N. Y. |
1138. *Graves, John Long. S. of Horatio and Fanny (Gunn), b. Sunderland, Aug. 15,
1831. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared with Mr. Hubbard, Worcester, Williston Sem. and Mt. Pleasant Institute, Amherst. Taught Oxford Acad. N. H., 1855-56; studied theology with Rev. S. D. Clarke, Sunderland and Dr. Kirk, Boston; ordained Boston, Jan. 4, 1860; p. there, 1858-62; Hartford T. S., 1864-65; p. Presb. Ch. Washington, D. C., part of 1 yr.; agent N. Y. Life Insurance Co., Springfield, 1866-75; importer of Chinese and Japanese goods, Boston, 1876-1913. Gave public library to Sunderland, 1901. Commissioner-in-Chief of Boston Foreign Exhibition, 1883. D. Boston, Mch. 3, 1915. Married S. 1, 1858, Frances G., da. of A. G. Britton, Orford, N. H., who d. Jy. 28, 1912. Ch. Gertrude M.; Louise B. |
1139. *Hallock, William Allen. S. of Leavitt and Elizabeth P. (Snell), b. Plainfield, Aug.
27, 1832.
Prepared Hinsdale Acad. and by himself. Yale T. S., 1856-57; Union T. S., 1857-58; Hartford T. S., 1858-59; ordained Gilead, Conn., O. 24, 1860; p. there, 1860-64; w. c., 1864-66; s. s. Kiantone, N. Y., 1866-69; Chautauqua, N. Y., 1869-72; Jamestown, N. Y., 1872-75; a. p. Bloomfield, Conn., 1857-87; r. Jamestown, N. Y., 1887-1911. D. Buffalo, N. Y., S. 4, 1911. Married S. 19, 1860, Clara M., da. of William Hall, Jamestown, N. Y., who d. S. 17, 1897. Ch. William H. (A. C. 1885); 1 da. Bro. Leavitt H. (A. C. 1863). |
1140. *Hardon, Charles. S. of Nathan and Sally (Hodges), b. Mansfield, Jan. 2,
1834. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Mansfield Acad. Studied Andover T. S., 3 mos.; Oberlin T. S., 6 mos.; by himself, while farming and teaching; taught Delaware Lit. Institute, Franklin, N. Y., 1855-62; Prep. Dept. Urbana (O.) U., 1862-64; ordained New Jerusalem Ch. Urbana, O., D. 4, 1864; s. s. there, 1864-65; St. Louis, Mo., 1866-67; Mansfield and Foxboro, 1867-68; miss'y of New Church Association for Mass., r. Lowell, 1868-71; p. Contoocookville, N. H., 1871-74; prin. acad. there, 1872-75, 1876-79; s. s. Peoria, Ill., 1875-76; Providence, R. I., 1879-81; w. c. Salem, 1881-82; engaged in canvassing; r. Cal., 1914-17. Pub. many articles on New Church denomination and on single tax question. D. Pomona, Cal., Ap. 28, 1817. Married (1) Aug. 20, 1863, Mary, da. of David Cathcart, Urbana, Ill., who d. D. 18, 1866; (2) Jy. 12, 1868, Mrs. Clara A. Pratt, da. of William H. Mc Glathry, Frankfort, Me., who d. Mch. 13, 1870; (3) S. 29, 1871; Annie E., sister of (2), who d. Je. 5, 1909. Ch. Charles H.; Lottie S.; Rachel E.; Annie M. |
![]() Prepared Le Roy Acad., N. Y.; Genesee Coll., 1851-53; A. C., 1853-55. Prin. Sodus Acad., N. Y., 1855-56; Warsaw Acad., N. Y., 1856-57; studied chemistry and physics, U of Göttingen, Germany, 1857-59; prof. of chemistry and natural history Victoria Coll., Ont., 1859-67; Beloit Coll., 1867-68; prof. of chemistry A. C., 1868-1907; retired under Carnegie Foundation, 1907. Author Qualitative Analysis, 1875. D. Warsaw, N. Y., D. 10, 1920. Married Jy. 26, 1860, Ellen A., da. of Nehemiah Park, Warsaw, N. Y. Ch. Edward P. (A. C. 1885); Frederick J.; Harry N.; Annette (Pratt); Frank P. (A. C. 1900); William S. (Portrait in possession of A. C.) |
1142. *Hart, Nathaniel Coleman. S. of Robert Stewart and Harriet Wing (Russell), b. Bedford,
N. Y., Aug. 16, 1835. M. A., A. C., 1858.
Prepared Bedford (N. Y.) Acad. and at grammar school of Columbia; Columbia, 1851-52; A. C., 1852-55. Studied law with father; admitted to bar, Jan. 15, 1857; practised N. Y. City, 1857-61. D. N. Y. City, Je. 6, 1861. |
1143. *Hartwell, John. S. of Samuel and Polly (Hagar), b. Lincoln, D. 20,
1827. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Lawrence Acad., Groton. Hartford T. S., 1855-57; taught Buckland, 1857-58; s. s. Hartland, Conn., 1858-59; ordained Leverett, S. 29, 1859; p. there, 1859-64; p. Becket, 1864-71; s. s. Southbury, Conn., 1871-78. D. Southbury, Conn., D. 18, 1878. Married Je. 20, 1860, Sarah Wetmore, da. of Giles Southmayd, Middletown, Conn., who d. Jy. 31, 1901. Ch. Lucy W.; Charles W.; Lucy S.; Mary A. Bro. Charles (A. C. 1849). |
1144. *Howard, Martin Stoddard. S. of Jotham and Mary Ann (White), b. Milford, Aug. 22,
1830. M. A., A. C., 1861. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Worcester Acad., Mt. Hollis Sem. and with Rev. George F. Walker, Holliston. Taught So. Dennis, 1855-56; licensed to preach, Ap. 15, 1856; ordained W. Yarmouth, N. 20, 1856; p. there, 1856-59; So. Dartmouth, 1859-65; Groveland, 1865-68; Wilbraham, 1868-1911; p. emeritus, 1911-19. D. Wilbraham, F. 2, 1919. Married S. 26, 1855, May A., da. of Horatio N. Carlton, Hopkinton, who d. D. 28, 1912. Ch. Henry C.; Charles E.; Mary E.; Edwin C.; Samuel F. |
1145. *Hoyt, Dixi Crosby. S. of Enos and Grace (Crosby), b. Northfield, N. H., Aug.
24,1833. M. A., Harvard, 1860.
Prepared Framingham. Harvard Med. School; practised Southboro, 1860-61; Priv. 13th Mass. Vols., 1861; disabled by fever and discharged; later appointed Asst. Surgeon 5th Mass. Regt., O. 22, 1861; post surgeon Readville, 1862; Asst. Surgeon 2nd Mass. Heavy Artillery, 1863-64. D. Newbern, N. C., N. 1, 1864. |
1146. *Hughitt, William Edward. S. of Orin and Harriet (Wilbur), b. Genoa, N. Y., O.
22, 1832.
Prepared Homer Acad., Genoa, N. Y. Studied law Rochester, N. Y.; admitted to bar Rochester, N. Y., 1857; practised law Auburn, N. Y., 1857-97. Judge of Cayuga County Court, 1864-78; president of 1st Nat. Bank, Auburn, N. Y., Ap. 12, 1897. Married Mch. 11, 1856, Rachel, da. of Andrew Milliken, Genoa, N. Y. 6 ch. Frederic E. (A. C. 1881). |
1147. *Jefferds, Chester Daniel. S. of Rufus and Susan (Torrey), b. Dixfield, Me., F. 20,
1828. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Gould Acad., Bethel, Me. Andover T. S., 1855-58; with Domestic Miss'y Soc. Richmond and Jamaica, Vt., 1858; ordained Chester Vt., O. 20, 1858; p. there, 1858-62. D. Chester, Vt., N. 22, 1862. Married Jan. 18, 1859, Electa, da. of Thomas Miller, Dummerston, Vt. 2 ch. Mary (m. F. A. Holden, A. C. 1878). |
1148. *Jocelyn, Dana Israel. S. of Israel and Hannah (Colton), b. Georgia, Vt., D. 6,
1830. Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Prepared Bakersfield, Vt. Taught Grafton H. S., 1855-56; Stoneham, 1856-59; Lowell, 1859-60; Clinton, 1860-62; Malden, 1862-65; practised dentistry St. Louis, Mo., 1865-1906. D. St. Louis, Je. 10, 1906. Married S. 10, 1874, Maria L., da. of Levi Moyer, St. Louis, Mo. 1 ch. |
1149. *Joy, William Leonard. S. of William H. and Hetty (Leonard), b. Townshend, Vt., Aug. 17, 1831.
Prepared Leland Sem., Townshend, Vt. Studied law with John Roberts, Townshend, Vt.; admitted to bar, May 1857; practised law Sioux City, Ia., 1857-99. U. S. District Attorney for Dakota Territory, 1864-65; member Ia., Legislature, 1861-66; member Capitol Commission, 1870-72; attorney for Sioux City and Pacific R. R. Co., 1868; president Sioux Nat. Bank, 1880-96. D. Corona, Cal., Jy. 1, 1899. Married O. 9, 1859, Frances A., da. of Chauncey Stone, Westmoreland, N. H. 2 ch. |
1150. *Kelsey, Henry Sylvester. S. of Sylvester and Polly (Gates), b. Le Roy, N. Y., D.
5, 1830. M. A., A. C., 1858. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Williston Sem. Taught Gallipolis, O., 1855-56; Hartford T. S., 1856-57; tutor in mathematics, A. C., 1857-60; prof. of mathematics and physics, Beloit (Wis.) Coll., 1860-63; ordained Granby, O. 28, 1863; p. there, 1863-66; 1st Ch. Rockville, Conn., 1866-68; supt. of schools under Amer. Miss'y Association, Mobile, Ala., 1868-69; prin. acad., Geneva, N. Y., 1869-70; p. Holliston, 1870-73; Woburn, 1873-76; College St. Ch. New Haven, Conn., 1877-84; r. Chicago, Ill., 1884-1913; in insurance business some yrs. and member optical firm, 1894-1913. D. Chicago, Ill., D. 26, 1913. Married (1) Aug. 8, 1861, Harriet A., da. of Philip S. Beebe, Litchfield, Conn., who d. Aug. 3, 1865; (2) O. 16, 1867, Mrs. Eliza L. Fiske, da. of Rev. Aaron Foster, E. Charlemont, who d. Aug. 12, 1913. Ch. Catherine B. (d.). |
1151. *Lord, James Brown. S. of Aaron P. and Sarah (Sawyer), b. Ipswich, Je. 6,
1835. M. A., A. C., 1858; LL. B., Harvard Law School, 1860. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared with Rev. John P. Cowles, Ipswich and Thetford (Vt.) Acad. Taught Hempstead (N. Y.) Sem., 1855-56; studied law with Otis P. Lord, Salem, 1857-58; Harvard Law School, 1858-60; admitted to bar Boston, 1860; practised there, 1860-61; Methuen, 1861-65; Boston, 1876-1914. D. Dorchester, Mch. 14, 1914. Married Ap. 11, 1866, M. Arvilla, da. of Darius Hibberd, Methuen, who d. D. 1, 1905. Ch. Charlotte C. |
1152. *McClung, Matthew. S. of Calvin M. and Eliza J. (Morgan), b. Knoxville, Tenn., Mch. 11,
1833. LL. B., Lebanon Law School, Tenn., 1857. Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Prepared Prep. Dept. E. Tennessee U., Koxville, Tenn. and with Dr. Marshall Henshaw. Lebanon Law School, Tenn., 1855-56; practised law Lexington, Mo., 1856; merchant Nashville, Tenn., 1859-72; Knoxville, Tenn., 1872, to few years. before death. Served in Confederate Army through War. D. Knoxville, Tenn., Ap. 6, 1913. Married Ap. 29, 1858, Julia F., da. of Thompson Anderson, Nashville, Tenn. Ch. Thompson A.; Matthew; Pattie (Mrs. Charles C. Mc Gehee); 4 (d.). |
1153. *Montague, William Lewis. S. of Ephraim and Laura (Sabin), b. Belchertown, Ap. 6,
1831. M. A., A. C., 1858; Ph. D., Ill. Wesleyan Un., 1893. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley and Williston Sem. Taught Latin and Greek Williston Sem., 1855-57; A. C., 1857-95; tutor, 1857-58; instructor in Latin and French, 1858-62; asst. prof. of Latin and instructor in French, 1862-64; prof. of French, 1864-68; librarian, 1864-78; Italian and Spanish added to professorship, 1868; resigned office of librarian, 1878; prof. of French, Italian, Spanish, 1868-95; registrar A. C., 1860-80. Studied theology at Amherst privately and at Andover T. S., for few weeks; licensed to preach by Hampshire East Association, F. 14, 1860; thereafter supplied nearby pulpits occasionally; director Amherst Summer School of Languages, 1883-96; made 6 trips to Europe, including 4 yrs. of literary work in Paris, 1896-1900. Wrote several grammatical and philological works and other books, pamphlets and articles; compiled the Biographical Record of Alumni and Non-Graduates of Amherst College, 2 vols., 1883, 1901. Member several learned societies at home and abroad. D. Jy. 27, 1908. Married Aug. 19, 1858, Rebecca Waterman, da. of Henry Pope, Halifax. 2 adopted ch. |
1154. *Nason, Henry Bradford. S. of Elias and Susanna (Keith), b. Foxboro, Je. 22,
1831. M. A., A. C., 1863; Ph. D., Gottingen, 1857; M. D., Union, 1880; LL. D., Beloit, 1880.
Prepared Williston Sem.; A. C., 1852-55; B. S. Studied chemistry and natural science, Georgia Augusta U., Gottingen, Germany, 1855-57; prof. of natural history R. P. I., 1857-58; prof. of chemistry and natural science Beloit, 1858-66; prof. of chemistry and mineralogy R. P. I., 1866-95. International Juror Paris Exposition, 1878; member several learned societies. Author several scientific treatises. D. Troy, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1895. Married S. 7, 1864, Frances K., da. of Martin I. Townshend, Troy, N. Y. 2 ch. |
1155. *Noerr, Moses. S. of John M. and Wilhelmina (Brant), b. Philadelphia, Penn., Aug.
17,1833. M. A., A. C., 1858. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared St. Louis English and Classical H. S., Mo.; A. C., 1852-55. Taught, 1855-56; Princeton T. S., 1856-59; ordained by Presbytery Dubuque, Ia., Je. 19, 1860; s. s. Maquoketa, Ia., 1859-60; p. there, 1860-64; s. s. Andrew, Ia., 1859-64; Bellevue, Ia., 1864-66; Arlington, Ill., 1867-68; Beulah and Cove Valley, Ill., 1868-70; Paxton, Ill., 1870-71; p. Milan, Ill., 1871-77; s. s. Gilman, Ill., 1878-80; p. Decatur, Mich., 1880-83; Hamburg, Ia., 1883-87; Leon, Ia., 1887-91; s. s. Hot Springs, S. D., 1891-92; Dallas Centre, Ia., 1892-93; Sidney, Ia., 1893-96; Hollister, Cal., 1897; r. San Francisco, Cal., San Jose, Cal., Kansas City, Kans., 1898-1918. D. Kansas City, Aug. 3, 1918. Married Jy. 15, 1896, Mrs. Cornelia M. Barrows, Tamalpais, Cal., who d. Jan. 21, 1899. |
1156. *Orne, John. S. of John and Sarah Ingalls (Morse), b. Newburyport, Ap. 29,
1834. Ph. D., A. C., 1896. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Newburyport H. S.; A. C., 1852-55. Prin. Barnard H. S., Southampton, N. H., 1856; submaster Brown H. S., Newburyport, 1856-58; prin. So. Grammar School Lawrence, 1856-62; submaster Salem H. S., 1862-63; taught private school Salem, 1863-67; submaster and teacher of physics Cambridge H. S., 1867-1900; private teacher and student of Arabic language and literature, 1900-11; curator of Arabic mss. in Semetic Museum, Harvard, 1899-1911. Wrote many articles on Oriental subjects and translated Arabic inscriptions in Semetic Museum. Member Amer. Oriental Soc. and other learned societies. D. Cambridge, N. 29, 1911. Married N. 28, 1867, Louisa F., da. of Richard Lindsay. |
1157. *Packard, Levi Sewall. S. of Levi and Clarissa (Sandford), b. Spencer, Je. 7,
1834. M. A., A. C., 1858. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Leicester and Monson Acads. Taught Chatham, N. Y., 1855-59; Nassau, N. Y., 1859-60; Spencertown, N. Y., 1860-63; W. Stockbridge, 1863-66; prin. Charlton (N. Y.) Acad., 1866-69; supt. of schools, Saratoga, N. Y., 1869-82; kept large family boarding house Pinebluff, N. C., 1888-. D. Pinebluff, N. C., Mch. 21, 1919. Married (1) Ap. 15, 1858, Ann E., da. of Ephraim Traver, Valatie, N. Y., who d. S. 2, 1875; (2) Je. 26, 1877, Marion P., da. of William G. Brown, Plattsburg, N. Y. 5 ch. |
1158. *Parsons, James Challis. S. of Gorham and Abigail M. (Challis), b. Gloucester, Aug.
16, 1833. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Gloucester H. S. Taught Marblehead H. S., 1855-57; Harvard D. S., 1857-59; ordained Waltham, Je. 6, 1860; p. there, 1860-64; prin. Waltham H. S., 1864-77; p. 2nd Unitarian Ch. Athol, 1877-81; prin. Prospect Hill School Greenfield, 1881-96; s. s. Unitarian Ch. Northampton, 1882-83; r. W. Bridgewater, 1896-97. Author English Versification. D. W. Bridgewater, Je. 30, 1897. Married N. 24, 1859, Etta A., da. of Dr. Clark Blaisdell, Marblehead. 3 da. |
1159. *Porter, Philip Chester. S. of Philip R. and Sarah (Carver), b. Berkley, Ap. 17,
1833. M. D., Berkshire Med. Institute, 1866. Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Prepared with Rev. Lucius R. Eastman, Berkley. Taught Dighton Acad., 1855-57; Reading H. S., 1858-60; Newton Grammar School; U. of Mich. Med. School, 1864-65; Berkshire Med. Institute, 1865-66; practised Lenox and Dighton, a few mos. each; Lowell, 1873-75; taught Swampscott Grammar School, 1867-73; prin. Medway H. S., 1875-77; taught Dover, 1877-78; prin. Wrentham H. S., 1878-; taught Westminster; Sutton; patented and manufactured new type of artificial leg. D. Berkley, Jan. 11, 1895. Married May 26, 1869, Marion R., da. of George Wood, Jordan, N. Y. 1 ch. (d.). |
1160. *Prentice, Erastus Ladd. S. of Stephen and Wealthy (Ladd), b. Franklin, Conn., Aug.
20, 1825. M. A., A. C., 1858. Psi Upsilon.
Prepared by himself and Amenia Sem., N. Y.; Genesee Coll., N. Y., 1851-53; A. C., 1853-55. Preached at Methodist Chapel, So. Amherst, 1853-55; studied theology; ordained Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Je., 1856; p. Kingston, N. Y., 1856-57; St. Paul's Ch. N. Y. City, 1857-58; Newburgh, N. Y., 1858-59; Chester, Matteawan, Tuckahoe, Poughkeepsie, Peekskill, Warwick (all N. Y.). D. Warwick, N. Y., F. 28, 1873. Married O. 12, 1858, Ella M., da. of Elvin Rogers, Kingston, N. Y. Ch. Emma; Vincent. |
1161. *Reynolds, Joseph Brown. S. of Dr. Joseph and Lucy (Prescott), b. Rockport, Jan. 28,
1834. M. D., Harvard Med. School, 1862. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Gloucester H. S. and with Moses Patton. Taught Concord, in Ill. and Mo., 1855-57; studied med. with father and at Harvard Med. School; physician to Boston Institutions, Deer Island, 1862-63; asst. surgeon 49th Regt. Mass. Vols., 1863; asst. surgeon U. S. Army, 1863-64; practised New Salem, Ill., 1868-71. D. New Salem, Ill., Aug. 28, 1871. Married F. 19, 1868, Mrs. Mary Ludlow, da. of James Mc Williams, Griggsville, Ill. |
1162. *Richardson, Henry Jackson. S. of Daniel and Olive B. (Perkins), b. Middleton,
Je. 23, 1829. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Taught Topsfield Acad., 1855-56; Andover T. S., 1856-59; ordained Lincoln, S. 6, 1860; p. 1st Cong. Ch. there, 1860-92. D. Lincoln, D. 19, 1893. Married Je. 26, 1864, Mrs. Harriet A. French, da. of William Colburn, Lincoln. |
1163. *Singleton, Horace Leonard. S. of Henry and Mary A. (Reynolds), b. Portsmouth,
Va., D. 27, 1833. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared with Edward Wyman, St. Louis, Mo. Princeton T. S., 1856-59; ordained as evangelist by Presbytery of Upper Mo., O., 1860; s. s. Chillicothe, Mo., 1860-62; p. Broadway Presb. Ch. Baltimore, Md., 1862-63; s. s. Bel Air, Md., 1863-64; Baltimore, Md., 1864-65; p. Wilmington, N. C., 1866-71; ed. Good News and The Alliance, Baltimore, Md., 1872-74; r. Baltimore, Md., 1874-87; N. Y. City, 1887-1910. D. 1910. Married O. 20, 1863, Martha C., da. of George W. Morling, Baltimore, Md. Ch. Etta; Charlotte. |
1164. *Spinney, Charles Edwin. S. of John and Betsey (Wilbur), b. Taunton, May 24,
1831. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Lynn H. S.; A. C., 1852-55; B. S. Taught Lynn H. S., 1855-56; commercial college, Milwaukee, Wis., 1856-61; prin. public schools Oconomowoc, Wis., 1861-62; taught public schools Milwaukee, Wis., 1863-86. D. Milwaukee, Wis., F. 28, 1886. Married Jan. 5, 1861, Elsie H., da. of Rev. James Hall, Brookfield, Wis. 5 ch. |
1165. *Sprague, Ezra Thompson. S. of William B. and Joanna (Hutchins), b. Windham, Conn.,
Je. 23, 1833. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared W. Killingly (Danielsonville) Acad., Conn. Taught there, 1855-56; studied law with Smith and Keyes, Madison, Wis., 1856-58; admitted to bar Madison, Wis., D. 1857; practised law there, 1856-61; Priv., Corp., Sergt., 1st Wis. Vols., 1861; Adj. 8th Wis. Vols., 1861-64; Col. 42nd Wis. Vols., brevetted Brig. Gen., Je. 1865; practised law De Pere, Wis., 1866-70; judge of circuit court, 1870-71; r. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1873-75; practised there, 1875-88; U. S. Commissioner and Register in Bankruptcy, 1873-88; clerk of Supreme Court, Utah, 1876-88. D. Salt Lake City, D. 30, 1888. Married N. 20, 1860, Helen L., da. of J. B. Crandall, Madison, Wis. 4 ch. Bro. Havilah M. (A. C. 1858). |
1166. *Strong, Edward Alexander. S. of Alexander and Catharine (Goodnow), b. Boston, D. 10,
1834. M. A., A. C., 1858. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Boston Latin School. Andover T. S., 1 term; merchant Boston, 1857-82; r. Boston, 1882-1912. Director several banks and other corporations; trustee A. C., 1885-90. D. Boston, N. 29, 1912. Married Je. 10, 1858, Marion H., da. of Clinton Clarke, Brookline. Ch. George (A. C. 1880); Ellem (m. William B. Clark, A. C. 1884). |
1167. *Thomas, Chauncey Boardman. S. of Alpheus and Electa (Banks), b. New Salem, S. 7,
1834. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared New Salem and Amherst Acads. Taught Ellington, Conn., 1855-56; Westfield, 1856-57; Andover T. S., 1857-60; city miss'y Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1860-62; ordained, Jan. 28, 1862; chaplain hospital, Alexandria, Va., 1862-63; hospital, New Orleans, La., 1863-66; p. Salem Cong. Ch. Chicago, Ill., 1866-68; Peru, Ill., 1868-72; r. Amherst, 1872-76; p. Glover, Vt., 1876-81. D. Amherst, Jan. 20, 1881. Married Jan. 28, 1863, Kate, da. of Jacob Storm, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1 ch. |
1168. *Walton, Charles Henry. S. of Joseph S. and Esther (Southmayd), b. Sherbrooke, Que., Je.
12, 1834.
Prepared by himself; U. of Vt., 1851-53. R. without active employment N. Y. City and New Haven, Conn., 1855-61; 1st Lieut. 6th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 1861; acting Asst. Quartermaster, 1861-62; with publishing house, N. Y. City, 1862-67; r. Jacksonville, Fla., 1867-68; proprietor and ed. Tallahassee Sentinel, Fla., 1868-78; ed. The Florida Agriculturist, Jacksonville, Fla., 1875-77. D. Jacksonville, Fla., Je. 27, 1877. Married May 7, 1859, Margaret Hughes, N. Y. City. 2 ch. |
1169. *Washburn, George. S. of Philander and Elizabeth (Homes), b. Middleboro, Mch. 1,
1833. D. D., A. C., 1874; LL. D., U. of Mich., Princeton, A. C., 1900, U. of Penn., 1906. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Pierce Acad., Middleboro. Travelled in Europe and the East, 1855-56; Andover T. S.,1857-58, 18862-63; treasurer A. B. C. F. M., Constantinople, Turkey, 1858-62; ordained as miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Middleboro, Jy. 29, 1863; stationed Constantinople, 1863-68; prof. of mental and moral philosophy, Robert Coll. there, 1869-1903; director of college, 1871; acting president, 1872; president, 1877-1903; r. U. S., 1903-06; returned to Constantinople, 1906, taught yr. or two; r. Boston, 19(?)-15. Member Congress of Religions Chicago, 1893; Edinburgh Conference; trustee Thessalonica Agricultural and Industrial Institute. Received Order of St. Alexander from Prince Alexander of Bulgaria; Civil Merit from Prince Ferdinand, King of Bulgaria. Author Woman, Her Work in the Church; The Deaconesses of Kaiserwerth on the Rhine; Fifty Years in Constantinople; many articles in English and American periodicals. D. Boston, F. 15, 1915. Married Ap. 15, 1859, Henrietta L., da. of Rev. Cyrus Hamlin, Waterford, Me. Ch. George (A. C. 1882). (Portrait in possession of A. C.) |
1170. *Webster, Benjamin Franklin. S. of Benjamin and Rhoda (Abbott), b. Boston, Aug. 29,
Prepared with Edward Wyman (A. C. 1835), St. Louis, Mo.; A. C., 1853-55. Taught St. Louis, Mo., 1855-56; Monticello, Ill., 1856-57; ed. Alton Daily Courier, Ill., 1857, 1861; studied law St. Louis, Mo., 1858-59; admitted to bar, N. 1859; practised Alton, Ill., 1859-66; correspondent N. Y. Herald, with Army of Cumberland, 1861-63; confidential clerk to Asst. Sec. of War, 1863-64; practised St. Louis, Mo., 1867-1903. Founder Sterling and Webster Abstract Co., president, 1882-92. Member State Senate, 1885-89. Author Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. D. St. Louis, Mo., N. 2, 1903. Married S. 3, 1868, Mary E., da. of John H. Bragg, St. Louis, Mo., who d. D. 29, 1902. 4 ch. George B. (A. C. ex 1889). |
1171. *Wilson, John Loren. S. of John T. and Sarah (Mason), b. Macomb, N. Y., Ap. 17,
Prepared Ogdensburg Acad. and Potsdam Normal School, N. Y. Taught Springfield, Ill., 1855-62; enlisted as Priv., Aug. 5, 1862; raised company mustered S. 18, 1862 as Co. G, 114th Regt. Ill. Vols.; Captain, 1862-64; Provost Marshal, Memphis, Tenn., 1864-65; taught 1 yr.; in business Pana, Ill.; farmer Waco and York, Neb., 1879-1909. County commissioner, 1884; state representative, 1886-88. D. York, Neb., N. 9, 1909. Married (1) D. 5, 1878, Mary A., da. of Gershom Keyes, Pana, Ill., who d. Jan. 1, 1880; (2) O. 13, 1881, Mrs. E. C. Bresee, da. of George B. Nolton, De Peyster, N. Y. 3 ch. |
1172. *Woodworth, Henry Dwight. S. of John M. and Mary W. (Armstrong), b. Lebanon,
Conn., F. 18, 1826.
Prepared Monson Acad. Prof. of mathematics Paducah Coll., Ky., 1855-56; taught No. Scituate, R. I., 1856-57; Andover T. S., 1857-60; ordained E. Bridgewater, S. 12, 1860; p. Union Ch. E. and W. Bridgewater, 1860-62; a. p. Wellesley, 1863-65; city miss'y Boston, 1866-67; Westford, 1867-69; Rehoboth, 1870-73; r. E. Cambridge, 1873-87; in jewelry business Boston, 1877-87; a. p. No. Falmouth, 1888-90; E. Granby, Conn., 1890-91. D. E. Granby, Conn., Je. 27, 1891. Married Aug. 15, 1855, Sarah E., da. of Luther Carkin, Brookfield, who d. Aug. 27, 1884. 3 ch. |
*Arnell, Samuel Mayes. S. of Rev. James M. and Jane (Mayes), b. Maury Co., Tenn., May 3, 1833. M. A. (hon.), A. C. 1880. Prepared Stephenson Acad.; A. C., 1852-53. Studied law; practised Columbia, Tenn. Member Constitutional Convention, Tenn., 1865; Tenn. Legislature, 1865-66; U. S. Congress 39th, 40th and 41st. D. 1901. |
*Ayres, David Cornelius. S. of Edward and Mary (Smith), b. Granby, Jan. 27, 1833. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared Williston Sem.; A. C., 1851-53. Studied med. Ann Arbor, Mich.; taught, practised med. Minneapolis, Minn.; druggist Washington Heights, N. Y.; hospital steward Nashville, Tenn., during Civil War. Supposed to have gone West and died. |
*Baker, Charles. S. of James and Lydia (Goulding), b. Phillipston, Jy., 1828. Prepared Worcester Acad. Farmer and teacher; A. C., 1851. In lumber business Worcester, 1852-. D. S. 18, 1896. |
*Cobb, James Thornton. S. of Henry and Augusta (Adams), b. Beverly, D. 15, 1833. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon. Prepared Beverly H. S.; A. C., 1851-53; grad. Dartmouth, 1855. Broker Boston, 1855-56; taught Prescott, Wis., 1856-58; est. Union Acad., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1858; with John Tullidge pub. Western Galaxy; on Salt Lake Tribune; student of Shaepeare and the Shakespeare-Bacon controversy. D. Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 31, 1910. |
*Converse, Charles. S. of William L., b. Jan., 1835. Registered from New Orleans, La. Delta Kappa Epsilon. A. C., 1851-53. D. Amherst, Jan. 9, 1853. |
*Cooke, Oliver Wade. S. of Rev. Sylvester (A. C. 1825) and Olivia (Wade), b. Brooklyn, Penn., Je. 20, 1833. Prepared Mt. Retirement Sem., Deckertown, N. J.; A. C., 1852-54. Taught Mt. Retirement Sem., Deckertown, N. J., 1854-58; prin. Deckertown (N. J.) Acad., 1858-61; in U. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C., 1862-66; in railroad offices, 1866-72; auditor passenger receipts Erie Railway Co., N. Y. City; r. Passaic, N. J., 1872-88; auditor Stonington Steamship Co., 1886-98; in real estate and insurance business Newton, N. J., 1899. D. Newton, N. J., N. 14, 1907. |
*Crowell, Charles Harris. B. Windham, N. H., Jan. 18, 1830. Delta Upsilon. Prepared Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N. H.; A. C., 1851-52. Taught Alton, Ill., 1856-67; supt. public schools Grass Valley, Cal., 1870-78; Eureka, Nev., 2 yrs.; taught public schools San Francisco, Cal., 7 yrs. D. San Francisco, Cal., Ap. 12, 1900. |
*Crowell, James William. S. of Peter, b. Londonderry, N. H., Aug. 14, 1830. A. C., 1851-54. D. at home, Jy. 20, 1855. |
*Darling, William Henry. B. Warsaw, N. Y., Je. 19, 1835. Psi Upsilon. A. C., 1852-53. D. Amherst, D. 5, 1853. |
Davis, Francis W. Registered from Nashua, N. H. A. C., 1854. |
*Duncan, William Paley. S. of Rev. Abel G. and Lucia (Harlow), b. Brooks, Me., Ap. 1, 1833. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover and Williston Sem.; A. C., 1851. Taught some yrs.; admitted to bar, Mich., 1861; Mass., 1863; practised law Boston, 1863-1903. D. Jy. 29, 1903. |
*Evans, Alfred Douglas. B. D., 1833. Registered from Medford. A. C., 1851-52; grad. Harvard, 1855. Went West, 1856; admitted to bar, Ia.; r. Dubuque, Ia., 2 yrs.; served under Farragut in U. S. N.; deputy collector of internal revenue New Orleans, La., 18(?)-69; paymaster frontier forces in Tex.,1869-72; practised law Boston, 1874-. D. Corpus Christi, Tex., Je. 24, 1884. |
*Fairchild, Elijah Stites. S. of Ezra (A. C. 1822), b. Mendham, N. J., May 23, 1835. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared Hill Top Family School, Mendham; A. C., 1851-52; grad. Princeton, 1856. Andover T. S., 1856-59; ordained Morrisania, N. J., Jan., 1860; p. Cong. Ch. there, 1860-61; 1st Cong. Ch. Orient, L. I., 1861-62; 1st Presb. Ch. Oyster Bay, L. I., 1862-65; Dutch Reformed Ch. Flushing, L. I., 1866-72; College Point, L. I., 1873-78; Old Reformed Ch. N. Y. City, 1885-89; rector St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Ch. Chicago Ill., 1889-1911; with Fairchild publications concerning clothing industry, 1911-18. Pub. Confirmation as an Apostolic Rite. D. Chicago, Ill., F. 6, 1918. |
*Gibbens, Edwin Augustus. S. of Daniel Leari and Mary Richardson (Howe), b. Boston, Mch. 20, 1834. Prepared Boston Latin School; A. C., 1851-53; grad. Harvard, 1855. Taught Jamaica Plain H. S.; Public Latin School Boston; Waltham; school for boys N. Y. City. D. N. Y. City, Mch. 26, 1890. |
*Gibbs, Elijah Bradner. S. of Henry and Sally, b. Orwell, Penn., Jy. 21, 1832. Prepared Oswego Acad. and Clinton Institute, N. Y.; A. C., 1853-54. In business; grad. Detroit (Mich.) Med. Coll; practised Detroit, Mich. D. Orwell, Penn., S. 23, 1899. |
*Hawley, Franklin Ebenezer. S. of Ebenezer H., b. O. 8, 1832. Registered from Ridgefield, Conn. Psi Upsilon. A. C., 1851-53. D. Ridgefield, Conn., D. 5, 1853. |
*Holland, Joseph Bassett. S. of Samuel and Mary (Phillips), b. Fayetteville, Vt., Jy. 10,1833. M. A. (hon.), A. C., 1856; M. D., Dartmouth, 1866; Columbia Med. School, 1867. A. C., 1854; grad. Dartmouth, 1858. Prin. Westfield Acad., 1858-61; demonstrator microscopical and pathological anatomy Dartmouth, 1865-66; special student and demonstrator of chemistry Harvard, 1867-68; wholesale pub. and bookseller N. Y., 1868-70; Galesburg, Ill., 1870-1902. D. Boston, F. 14, 1902. |
*Houghton, Joseph Henry. S. of Joseph, b., May, 1831. Registered from N. Y. City. Psi Upsilon. A. C., 1851-52. In business; Lieut. and Adj. 51st U. S. (Col.) Inf., 1864-66; brevet Capt., 1866; aide on staff of Gen. Hawkins, 1864-66; clerk Supreme Court of Wash., 1871-77; general land agent No. Pacific R. R. for Pacific Coast, 1877-82; sec. and treasurer Tacomah Light and Water Co., 1882-. Member Wash. Legislature, 1883. D. 1899. |
*Howland, Charles Morton. S. of John, b. Conway, N. 27, 1830. A. C., 1851. D. Conway, O. 10, 1853. |
*Hull, Savilian Richard. S. of Samuel and Rebecca (Manwaring), b. Cheshire, Conn., Jy. 16, 1827. A. C., 1851, 1852-53. Studied law Yale; practised Meriden, Conn.; New Haven, Conn., 1880-. D. 1905. |
*Lane, Edward Payson. S. of Ebenezer and Celeste (Hersey), b. Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O., May 5, 1833. Prepared Miami U., Oxford, O.; A. C., 1851. Merchant Cincinnati, O. D. Memphis, Tenn., May 18, 1869. |
Lombard, Cyrus Baldwin. S. of Stephen and Hannah (Gale), b. Aurelius, N. Y., Ap. 28, 1829. Prepared Clinton Literary Institute, N. Y.; A. C., 1851. Studied theology with Rev. W. R. G. Mellen, Universalist, Auburn, N. Y.; p. Girard, Penn.; Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Medford, 2 yrs.; Shirley, 5 yrs.; New Bedford, 9 mos.; Springfield, Ill.; Neenah, Wis., 1879-; w. c. Auburn, N. Y., 1880-. |
*Melvin, George Bradley. S. of Richard, b. Derry, N. H., F. 21, 1834. Prepared Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N. H.; A. C., 1851-53. D. Derry, N. H., Aug. 25, 1857. |
*Merrill, Orville Willard. S. of Jesse, b. Orford, N. H., Mch. 21, 1826. M. A., Beloit. Prepared Kimball Union Acad., N. H.; A. C., 1851. Hartford T. S., 1853-56; s. s. Corinth, Vt., 1856-59; Waterloo, Ia., 1859-62; p. Anamosa, Ia., 1862-70; supt. home missions, Neb., 1870-74. D. Lincoln, Neb., Mch. 11, 1874. |
*Mixer, Phineas, Jr. B. Unionville, O., O. 18, 1828. A. C., 1853-54; grad. Williams, 1855. Grad. Lane T. S., 1858; farmer De Witt, Ark. D. 1880. |
*Montague, George Lowell. S. of Moses and Harriet (Smith), b. So. Hadley, D. 15, 1833. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared So. Hadley, H. S.; A. C., 1851-54; grad. Williams, 1855. Taught Beloit, Wis. and Freeport, Ill., 1856-60; studied law; served in 6th Wis. Regt., 1861, Lieut., Capt., Major, Lieut.-Col., Col. 37th Mass. Regt., 1862-65; insurance actuary Universal Life Insurance Co., N. Y., 1865-78; broker, 1879-; r. Fairhaven. D. Fairhaven, Jy. 26, 1912. Bro. Moses L. (A. C. ex 1845). |
*Moore, Charles William. S. of James H. and Jane (Delano), b. W. Boylston, N. 28, 1832. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared Williston Sem.; A. C., 1851-54. With Ill. Central R. R., 1854-58; taught H. S. and supt. schools in Mass., Ill. and Minn., 1858-69; 2nd Lieut. 51st Mass. Cols., 1862-63; supt. western division St. Paul & Pacific R. R., 1869-76; travelling salesman for wholesale grocery business Minneapolis, Minn., 1876-; fire insurance agent there. D. O. 17, 1891. |
*Prince, Henry Baxter. S. of Samuel and Abigail (Robbins), b. So. Amherst, Mch. 18, 1833. A. C., 1854. Farmer and merchant Stillwater, Minn. D. Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 3, 1900. |
*Shearer, Lewis. S. of Sextus and Elizabeth (Lewis), b. Buffalo, N. Y., May 18, 1832. LL. B., Harvard, 1855. Prepared Edward Wyman's School, St. Louis, Mo.; A. C., 1851-52. Grad. Harvard Law School; practised law San Francisco, Cal., 1855-. Member Republican State Central Committee during Civil War. D. Oakland, Cal., D. 25, 1887. |
*Stickney, John Buffington. S. of Jeremiah Caplin and Anne (Frazier), b. Lynn, May 25, 1832. M. A., Yale, 1870. Prepared Lynn H. S.; A. C., 1851-52, 1852-53; grad. Yale, 1856. Studied law with father; admitted to bar N. Y., 1857; raised Vol. Co., 1862; Lieut., Capt. and Judge Advocate, 35th Regt. Mass. Vols., 1862-64; practised law St. Augustine, Fla., 1869-; state attorney 6th Judicial Circuit, Fla. D. Washington, D. C., 1882. |
*Waldron, Richard Albra. S. of Richard, b. May, 1832. Registered from Dover, N. H. Delta Kappa Epsilon. A. C., 1851-52. Practised med. several places; Nottingham, Ind., 1873-. D. Nottingham, Ind., Aug. 7, 1900. |
*Wheeler, Henry Martyn. S. of Henry and Mary H. (Thaxter), b. Worcester, Aug. 7, 1830. Prepared Worcester H. S., Leicester and Framingham Acads.; A. C., 1851-52; Brown, 1853. Clerk Worcester County Court House, 1854-60; asst. sec. State Mutual Life Assurance Co. Worcester, 1860-88. Author local history. D. Wellesley Farms, S. 9, 1917. S. Henry H. (A. C. 1877). |
*Whitaker, Ozi William. S. of Ira, b. New Salem, May 10, 1830. D. D., Kenyon, 1869; LL. D., U. of Penn., 1898. Psi Upsilon. Prepared Shelburne Falls and Brattleboro Acad.; A. C., 1851-52; taught New Salem Acad., 1853; grad. Middlebury, 1856. Prin. Marlboro H. S. and No. Brookfield H. S., 1856-60; grad. General T. S., 1863; ordained deacon and priest Boston, 1863; rector St. John's Ch. Gold Hill, Nev., 1863-65; St. Paul's Ch. Englewood, N. J., 1865-66; St. Paul's Ch. Virginia City, Nev., 1867; miss'y bishop of Nev. and Ariz., 1868-74; Nev., r. Virginia City, 1875-86; est. diocesan school for girls Reno, Nev., 1876; asst. bishop of Penn., 1886-87; bishop, 1887-1911. D. |
Williams, Benjamin Franklin. Registered from Cincinnati, O. A. C., 1854. |
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