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Index -- Howland
(to the Amherst College
Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921) )
Every student record containing the surname Howland . Click on a name to see the full biography.
Burt, Wilbur Farnham 1912
Howland, Albert Henry 1865
Howland, Barnard 1921
Howland, Charles Morton ex 1855
Howland, David Brainard 1883
Howland, Edward Hitchcock ex 1874
Howland, Freeman Parker 1824
Howland, George 1850
Howland, George Carter 1885
Howland, Giles Wilson 1890
Howland, Harold Jacobs 1898
Howland, Harrison Otis 1841
Howland, Henry Martyn 1882
Howland, Hubert Marston ex 1882
Howland, John 1876
Howland, Karl Van Schaack 1897
Howland, Samuel Whittlesey 1870
Howland, Walter Morton 1863
Howland, Willard Francis ex 1925
Howland, William 1846
Howland, William Carpenter ex 1897
Howland, William Southworth 1870
Howland, William Ware 1841
Perry, Hezekiah Danforth 1845
Spooner, William Silas 1894
Thompson, John Howland 1850
Every Howland that has been indexed so far. Click on a name to see the relevant biography.
Howland, Albert (father, 1865)
Howland, Albert Henry 1865
Howland, Barbara S. (child, 1876)
Howland, Barnard 1921
Howland, Bertha (child, 1846)
Howland, Bertha D. (child, 1876)
Howland, Charles H. (father, ex 1882)
Howland, Charles Morton ex 1855
Howland, Charles P. (child, 1890)
Howland, Charles W. (father, 1890)
Howland, Cora V. (child, 1885)
Howland, David 1883 (brother, 1876)
Howland, David B. 1883 (child, 1841)
Howland, David B. 1883 (brother, 1870)
Howland, David B. 1883 (brother, 1870)
Howland, David B. 1883 (brother, ex 1874)
Howland, David B. 1883 (brother, 1882)
Howland, David Brainard 1883
Howland, Edward ex 1874 (child, 1841)
Howland, Edward ex 1874 (brother, 1870)
Howland, Edward ex 1874 (brother, 1870)
Howland, Edward ex 1874 (brother, 1876)
Howland, Edward ex 1874 (brother, 1882)
Howland, Edward H. ex 1874 (brother, 1883)
Howland, Edward Hitchcock ex 1874
Howland, Elizabeth S. (wife, 1845)
Howland, Florence (child, 1863)
Howland, Freeman Parker 1824
Howland, George 1850
Howland, George 1850 (brother, 1846)
Howland, George 1850 (brother, 1863)
Howland, George Carter 1885
Howland, George F. (child, 1885)
Howland, Gerard (child, 1897)
Howland, Giles Wilson 1890
Howland, Grace Avery (mother, 1850)
Howland, Harold 1898 (brother, 1897)
Howland, Harold Jacobs 1898
Howland, Harrison O. 1841 (brother, 1841)
Howland, Harrison Otis 1841
Howland, Henry (father, 1885)
Howland, Henry 1882 (brother, ex 1874)
Howland, Henry 1882 (brother, 1876)
Howland, Henry H. (child, 1885)
Howland, Henry M. 1882 (child, 1841)
Howland, Henry M. 1882 (brother, 1870)
Howland, Henry M. 1882 (brother, 1870)
Howland, Henry M. 1882 (brother, 1883)
Howland, Henry Martyn 1882
Howland, Herbert C. (child, 1876)
Howland, Hubert Marston ex 1882
Howland, John (father, ex 1855)
Howland, John 1876
Howland, John 1876 (child, 1841)
Howland, John 1876 (brother, 1870)
Howland, John 1876 (brother, 1870)
Howland, John 1876 (brother, ex 1874)
Howland, John 1876 (brother, 1882)
Howland, John 1876 (brother, 1883)
Howland, John C. (child, 1897)
Howland, John R. (child, 1885)
Howland, John Southwick (father, ex 1897)
Howland, Josephine (mother, 1912)
Howland, Karl V. S. (brother, 1898)
Howland, Karl Van Schaack 1897
Howland, Katherine R. (child, 1897)
Howland, Margaret B. (child, 1876)
Howland, Mariesta D. (child, 1890)
Howland, Marion R. (child, 1876)
Howland, Mrs. Anna C. (Prettyman) (wife, 1863)
Howland, Mrs. Aurelia (Yost) (mother, 1824)
Howland, Mrs. Caroline Greenwood (Russell) (wife, 1846)
Howland, Mrs. Cora Emma (Roche) (wife, 1885)
Howland, Mrs. Deborah (Cushing) (wife, 1824)
Howland, Mrs. Eliza (Bartlett) (wife, 1824)
Howland, Mrs. Elizabeth (------) (mother, ex 1882)
Howland, Mrs. Elizabeth (Perry) (wife, 1882)
Howland, Mrs. Ella L. (Deane) (wife, 1870)
Howland, Mrs. Ella M. (Jacobs) (mother, 1897)
Howland, Mrs. Ella M. (Jacobs) (mother, 1898)
Howland, Mrs. Emily B. (Starkweather) (wife, 1883)
Howland, Mrs. Esther (Allen) (mother, 1841)
Howland, Mrs. Florence C. (Reynolds) (wife, 1863)
Howland, Mrs. Florence May (Dill) (wife, 1890)
Howland, Mrs. Fredreka Shaw (Barnard) (mother, 1921)
Howland, Mrs. Hannah (Morton) (mother, 1846)
Howland, Mrs. Hannah (Morton) (mother, 1850)
Howland, Mrs. Hannah (Morton) (mother, 1863)
Howland, Mrs. Hannah O. (Bailey) (wife, 1841)
Howland, Mrs. Jane E. (Gray) (mother, 1885)
Howland, Mrs. Madeline (Sayles) (wife, 1898)
Howland, Mrs. Mariesta (Dodge) (mother, 1890)
Howland, Mrs. Mary E. K. (Richardson) (wife, 1870)
Howland, Mrs. Mary G. (Perkins) (mother, 1865)
Howland, Mrs. Mary L. (Carpenter) (mother, ex 1897)
Howland, Mrs. Mary Louisa (Carpenter) (wife, 1870)
Howland, Mrs. Mida D. (Warne) (wife, 1863)
Howland, Mrs. Polly (Ware) (mother, 1841)
Howland, Mrs. Sara Brewster (Chollar) (wife, 1876)
Howland, Mrs. Susan (Reed) (wife, 1841)
Howland, Mrs. Susan (Reed) (mother, 1870)
Howland, Mrs. Susan (Reed) (mother, 1870)
Howland, Mrs. Susan (Reed) (mother, ex 1874)
Howland, Mrs. Susan (Reed) (mother, 1876)
Howland, Mrs. Susan (Reed) (mother, 1882)
Howland, Mrs. Susan (Reed) (mother, 1883)
Howland, Mrs. Wilhelmina Genevieve (Hilgers) (wife, 1897)
Howland, Phebe Hildreth (mother, 1894)
Howland, Richard M. (child, 1885)
Howland, Samuel 1870 (brother, ex 1874)
Howland, Samuel 1870 (brother, 1876)
Howland, Samuel 1870 (brother, 1883)
Howland, Samuel W. 1870 (child, 1841)
Howland, Samuel W. 1870 (brother, 1870)
Howland, Samuel W. 1870 (brother, 1882)
Howland, Samuel Whittlesey 1870
Howland, Southworth (father-in-law, 1845)
Howland, Southworth (father, 1841)
Howland, Southworth (father, 1841)
Howland, Walter 1863 (brother, 1846)
Howland, Walter M. 1863 (brother, 1850)
Howland, Walter Morton 1863
Howland, Willard Francis ex 1925
Howland, William (father, 1824)
Howland, William (father, 1921)
Howland, William 1846
Howland, William 1846 (brother, 1850)
Howland, William 1846 (brother, 1863)
Howland, William 1870 (brother, ex 1874)
Howland, William 1870 (brother, 1876)
Howland, William 1870 (brother, 1882)
Howland, William 1870 (brother, 1883)
Howland, William A. (father, 1850)
Howland, William Avery (father, 1846)
Howland, William Avery (father, 1863)
Howland, William B. (father, 1897)
Howland, William B. (father, 1898)
Howland, William B. (child, 1897)
Howland, William C. 1897 (son, possibly, 1870)
Howland, William Carpenter ex 1897
Howland, William R. (child, 1846)
Howland, William S. 1870 (father, possibly, ex 1897)
Howland, William S. 1870 (child, 1841)
Howland, William S. 1870 (brother, 1870)
Howland, William Southworth 1870
Howland, William W. 1841 (father, ex 1874)
Howland, William W. 1841 (father, 1882)
Howland, William W. 1841 (brother, 1841)
Howland, William Ware 1841
Howland, William Ware 1841 (father, 1870)
Howland, William Ware 1841 (father, 1870)
Howland, William Ware 1841 (father, 1876)
Howland, William Ware 1841 (father, 1883)
An "ex " preceding the class year means that the student did not graduate from Amherst.
Note: To date, about 45% of the entries in the Biographical Record are typed, and about two-thirds of those are indexed. As more entries are typed and indexed, this index page
will probably grow. Consequently, if you're interested in this surname, you should bookmark this page and check back again every few months.
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(If you're interested in the surname Howland , consider checking these surnames, which also have Soundex value H453 : Holland and Hollender .)
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