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570. *Alden, Ebenezer. S. of Dr. Ebenezer and Anne (Kimball), b. Randolph, Aug. 10,
1819. M. A., A. C. 1842.
Prepared Randolph Acad. Andover T. S., 1840-43; ordained as home miss'y, Denmark, Ia., N. 5, 1843; a. p. Solon, Ia., 1843-44; Tipton, Ia., 1844-48; p. 1st Cong. Ch. Marshfield, 1850-85; p. emeritus, 1885-99. Trustee Ia. Coll. D. Marshfield, Jan. 4, 1899. Married Ap. 4, 1848, Maria L., da. of Christopher Dyer, So. Abington (Whitman), who d. Mch. 4, 1889. 6 ch. Edmund K. (A. C. 1880). Bro. Edmund K. (A. C. 1844). |
571. *Ash, George Washington. S. of Ebenezer and Hannah (Floyd), b. Putney, Vt., D. 31,
1808. M. A., A. C., 1847.
Prepared Burr Sem., Manchester, Vt. Andover T. S., 1839-42; s. s. Halifax, Vt., 1842-43; ordained Westmoreland, N. H., O. 25, 1843; p. there, 1843-46; a. p. Salisbury, N. H., 1846-47; taught Flemingsburg and Lexington, Ky., Grenada and Canton, Miss., and Liberty, Mo., 1847-57; prin. Warsaw (Ill.) H. S., 1857-58; a. p. and teacher Mt. Sterling, Ill., 1859-65; Young America (Kirkwood), Ill., 1865-67; w. c., 1867-69; prin. Washington Sem., Richview, Ill., 1869-71; s. s. Fall Creek and Lenox, Ill., 1871-73; prof. of languages Ill. Agricultural Coll., Irvington, Ill., 1873-75; r. Kirkwood, Ill., 1875-1901. D. Kirkwood, Ill., Mch. 5, 1901. |
572. *Avery, William Pitt. S. of John and Clarissa (Ayer), b. Griswold, Conn., O. 2, 1816.
Prepared with Rev. S. D. Jewett, Griswold, Conn. Taught, 1839-40; Hartford T. S., 1840-42; home miss'y Coventry, R. I., 1844-45; ordained Lewis, N. Y., Je. 3, 1846; p. there, 1846-49; a. p. Bozrah, Conn., 1850-56; a. p. Hampton, Ia., 1858-72; Chapin, Ia., 1858-75; r. there, 1875-85. D. Chapin, Ia., Jan. 23, 1885. Married O. 2, 1844, Olive, da. of Daniel Huntington, Griswold, Conn. 2 ch. |
573. *Bailey, Joseph Holmes. S. of Joseph and Anna (Niles), b. W. Newbury, S. 15, 1808.
Prepared Bradford Acad.; A. C., 1834-39; absent 1 yr. Taught Edgartown, 1839-41; studied theology with Rev. Jacob Ide, W. Medway, 1841-43; s. s. No. Dighton, 1843-44; ordained there, Jan. 31, 1844; p. there, 1844. D. W. Newbury, N. 10, 1844. |
574. *Baker, Joseph Danforth. S. of Joseph and Betsey (Danforth), b. Otisco, N. Y., Jan. 5,
Prepared Homer (N. Y.) Acad. Auburn T. S., 1839-41; ordained Harford, N. Y., Je. 8, 1842; p. there, 1842-45; Scipio, N. Y., 1846-50; Bloomington, Ill., 1851-52; Cambridge, Ill., 1852-69; Malden, Ill., 1869-73; Plymouth, Ill., 1873-76; w. c. Oskaloosa, Ia., 1876-78; a. p. Danville, Ia., 1878-82; w. c. Cambridge, Ill., 1882-90. D. Cambridge, Ill., May 24, 1890. Married S. 20, 1841, Lucy, da. of Caleb Dewey, Westfield, who d. 1882. 2 ch. |
575. *Bancroft, James Henry. S. of Jacob and Frances (Butterfield), b. Boston, May 4,
1819. M. A., A. C., 1842. Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Boston Latin School. Andover T. S., 1839-42; resident licentiate there, 1842-43; p. Boston, Dover, etc., 1843-44. D. Boston, Aug. 25, 1844. |
576. *Barber, Luther Humphrey. S. of Alson and Hannah (Humphrey), b. Canton, Conn., S. 3,
1815. M. A., A. C., 1842.
Prepared Amherst Acad.; A. C., 1834-39; absent 1 yr. Hartford T. S., 1839-42; s. s. Hitchcockville (Riverton), Conn., 1842-43; ordained there, O. 25, 1843; p. there, 1843-61; a. p. Scotland, Conn., 1861-62; p. there, 1862-69; a. p. Hanover, Conn., 1869-78; Bolton, Conn., 1878-89; Vernon Centre, Conn., 1889-92; r. Ellington, Conn., 1892-95; r. with nephew Rev. Clarence H. Barber (A. C. 1877), Danielson, Conn., 1895-1907. D. Danielson, Conn., Aug. 17, 1907. Married Aug. 23, 1842, Lucinda, da. of Daniel Taylor, Canton, Conn., who d. Ap. 20, 1896. 1 adopted da. |
577. *Bartlett, Ellis. S. of Ellis and Anna (Bartlett), b. Plymouth, Je. 15,
1817. M. A., A. C., 1842.
Prepared Hadley. Taught New Bedford, 1839-42; Taunton, 1842-43; merchant N. Y. City, 1843-52. D. Brooklyn, N. Y., N. 14, 1852. Married Aug. 15, 1843, Sophia Ashmead, Philadelphia, Penn. 2 ch. |
578. *Beers, George Whitfield. S. of Rev. Daniel and Sophia (Newell), b. Jewett, N. Y., S.
14, 1819. M. D., U. of City of N. Y., 1845.
Prepared Southampton (L. I.) Acad. Studied med. U. of City of N. Y., 18(?)-45; practised Brooklyn, N. Y., 1847-63. D. San Francisco, Cal., Jy. 12, 1863. Married Ap. 28, 1852, Julia A., da. of Robert Douglas, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2 ch. |
579. *Bonney, Elijah Hayward. S. of Oliver and Betsey F. (Hayward), b. Hadley, N. 4, 1816.
Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley. Taught Ashfield, Hadley and Williamstown and Philadelphia, Penn., 1839-40; private tutor in family of Mr. Lewis, Westmoreland Co., Va., 1840-41; Union T. S., 1841-44; taught Royalston, 1844; s. s. Cong. Ch. Bennington, Vt., 1845-46; Pawlet, Vt., 1846-47; ordained there, F. 25, 1847; p. there, 1847-53; a. p. Bellows Falls, Vt., 1853-54; Plainfield, 1854-55; s. s. Albion, N. Y., 1855; Presb. Ch. Vernon Centre, N. Y., 1855-72; Lenox, N. Y., 1872-75; Townsend, N. Y., 1876-79; Clarkson, N. Y., 1879-82. D. Clarkson, N. Y., Je. 26, 1882. Married Jy. 10, 1848, Jane M., da. of Asa S. Jones, Albion, N. Y. Ch. Emma J. |
580. *Carpenter, Chester Whitmore. S. of Dyer and Martha (Gibbs), b. Ashford, Conn.,
Aug. 8, 1812. M. A., A. C., 1842.
Prepared Monson Acad. Taught Pittsfield, 1839-40; Hartford T. S., 1840-42, 1843-44; p., 1844-45; ordained Sinclairville, N. Y., S. 25, 1845; p. there, 1845-47. D. Beaver, Penn., Ap. 17, 1847. Married S. 8, 1844, Sarah A., da. of Levi Field, Willington, Vt. 1 da. |
581. *Clapp, Dexter. S. of Ralph and Fanny (Bartlett), b. Westhampton, Jy. 15,
1816. M. A., A. C., 1842. Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley. Harvard T. S., 1839-42; ordained Savannah, Ga., N. 26, 1843; p. there, 1843-46; 1st Cong. Ch. W. Roxbury, 1846-51; associate p. East Unitarian Ch. Salem, 1851-64; w. c. there, 1864-68. D. Salem, Jy. 26, 1868. Married (1) S. 1, 1845, Susan F., da. of Warner Preston, Bangor, Me., who d. Je. 21, 1859; (2) Je. 17, 1861, Mary, da. of Zechariah F. Silsbee, Salem. |
582. *Clark, Spencer Searle. S. of Edwards and Achsah (Searle), b. Southampton, O. 31, 1815.
Prepared Southampton Acad. Auburn T. S., 1839-41; s. s. Groton, N. Y., 1841-43; p. Sullivan, N. H., 1844. D. So. Deerfield, O. 12, 1844. |
583. *Clift, William Avery. S. of William and Nancy D. (Avery), b. Griswold, Conn., S. 12, 1817.
Prepared with Rev. Spofford D. Jewett, Griswold, Conn. Union T. S., 1840-43; ordained Stonington, Conn., D. 17, 1844; p. there, 1844-64; controller Woodlawn Cemetery, N. Y. City, 1864-67; p. Mystic Bridge, Conn., 1869-78; Hadlyme, Conn., 1881-86; r. Mystic Bridge, Conn., 1886-90. Associate ed. Amer. Agriculturist, 1867-68; ed. The New England Homestead, 7 yrs.; author The Tim Bunker Papers. One of founders and first president Amer. Fish-Culturists Assoc. D. Mystic Bridge, Conn., D. 9, 1890. Married Jan. 1, 1845, Harriet A., da. of Rev. Absalom Peters, N. Y. City. Ch. Harriet; William; George D. (A. C. ex 1871). |
584. *De Forest, Henry Grant. S. of Lockwood and Mehitable (Wheeler), b. N. Y. City,
Aug. 3, 1820. M. A., A. C., 1842.
Prepared Washington Institute, N. Y. City. Yale L. S. 1839-40; studied law with Daniel Lord, N. Y. City, 1840-42; admitted to bar there, May, 1844; partner Weeks & De Forest, law firm, N. Y. City, 1844-66; retired, 1866. D. Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., N. 18, 1889. Married Ap. 25, 1847, Julia M., da. of Robert Weeks, N. Y. City. 4 ch. [Seems to be brother of Frederick L. (A. C. 1845).] |
585. *Dickinson, Daniel Sherman. S. of John and Hannah C. (Sherman), b. Russell, S. 4,
Prepared New Haven, Conn. Taught Chatham Acad., Savannah, Ga., 1839-42; Hartford T. S., 1842-43; teacher and p. Liberty Co., Ga., 1843-45; s. s. Peru, Ill., 1845-46; ordained as Presb. there, O. 4, 1846; p. there, 1846-51; prin. Elgin (Ill.) Sem. 1852-55; farmer Beloit, Wis. and p. Narrington, Ill., Marion, Ia. and Union Grove, Ia., 1855-65. D. Beloit, Wis., Jy. 12, 1865. Married (1) May 4, 1848, Melissa E., da. of Ralph Lord, Kenosha, Wis., who d. Mch. 19, 1849; (2) Ap. 29, 1851, Mary, sister of (1). 2 ch. |
586. *Farrar, George. S. of James and Dorcas (Chapin), b. Lincoln, Jy. 19,
1818. M. A., A. C., 1842. LL. B., Harvard, 1844.
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Harvard L. S., 1841-44; admitted to bar, 1844; practised Charlestown, 1844-49. D. Aiken, S. C., Jan. 18, 1851. Married May 1, 1848, Julia A., da. of William Carleton, Charlestown. 1 ch. |
587. *Fuller, Francis Lord. S. of Ambrose and Chloe (Newton), b. Wilbraham, O. 1, 1814.
Prepared Monson Acad. Hartford T. S., 1839-42; s. s. Barkhamsted, Conn., 1842-43; ordained as evangelist, Westfield, S. 7, 1843; a. p. Cong. Ch. Otsego, Mich., 1843-48; Kirtland, O., 1848-51; Freedom, O., 1851-56; Crystal Lake, Ill., 1856-62; De Kalb, Ill., 1863-65; w. c. Chicago, Ill., 1865-71; a. p. Saratoga, Minn., 1871-73; Spring Valley, Minn., 1873-75; Hamilton, Minn., 1875-76; p. there, 1876-80; w. c. Kansas City, Mo., 1880-81. D. Kansas City, Mo., Je. 17, 1881. Married (1) S. 7, 1843, Dolly Maria, da. of Noah Shepard, Westfield, who d. Jan. 11, 1848; (2) Ap. 13, 1848, Hannah, sister of (1), who d. Jy. 11, 1849; (3) Jy. 8, 1850, Harriet, da. of Ambrose Collins, Pittsfield. 3 s., 3 da. |
588. *Gillett, Edward Bates. S. of Daniel and Edith (Bates), b. So. Hadley Falls, Aug. 24,
1818. LL. D., A. C., 1855. Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Westfield and Hopkins (Hadley) Acads. Studied law with uncle Isaac B. Bates, Northampton; Harvard L. S., 1840-41; admitted to bar, Westfield, 1843; practised, partner with William G. Bates, Westfield, 1843-52; Springfield, 1852-83. State Senator, 1852; District Attorney for Hampden and Berkshire Counties, 1856-71; president Hampden Bar Assoc.; presidential elector, 1860; trustee A. C., 1861-96; member State Bd. of Education, 1872-78; trustee and vice-president Smith Coll., 1871-99; trustee Hartford T. S., 1887-94; Westfield Acad., 1882-99; director Boston & Albany R. R., 1872-99. D. Westfield, F. 3, 1899. Married N. 1, 1848, Lucy D., da. of James Fowler, Westfield. 7 ch. Frederick H. (A. C. 1874); Arthur L. (A. C. 1880). (Portrait in possession of A. C.) |
589. *Gillette, Charles. S. of Lucas and Cynthia (Kingsley), b. Halifax, Vt., O. 17, 1813.
Prepared Gouverneur (N. Y.) Acad. Union T. S., 1839-42; resident licentiate there, 1842-43; s. s. Granville, N. Y., 1844-45; ordained there, Je. 26, 1845; p. there, 1845-47; Fort Covington, N. Y., 1847-58; a. p. Milford, N. Y., 1858-70; Westford, N. Y., 1870-71; Mannsville, N. Y., 1871-74; Red Creek, N. Y., 1874-77; r. Rochester, N. Y., 1877-87. D. Rochester, N. Y., D. 9, 1887. Married (1) Je. 5, 1848, Caroline M., da. of Jabez Parkhurst, Fort Covington, N. Y., who d. Aug. 23, 1857; (2) S. 27, 1858, Sarah C., da. of Preserved Ware, Santa Rosa, Cal. 4 ch. |
590. *Gleason, Charles Frederick. S. of Jonathan and Esther (Smith), b. Worcester, N. 22,
Prepared Baptist Sem., Worcester. Hartford T. S., 1841-44; ordained as evangelist E. Windsor Hill, Conn., May 14, 1845; home miss'y Lowell, Ill., 1845-49. D. Lowell, Ill., Aug. 13, 1849. Married May 14, 1845, Elizabeth H., da. of Jesse Charlton, E. Windsor, Conn. |
591. *Gore, Darius. S. of John and Anna (Carpenter), b. Dudley, S. 24, 1814. M. A.,
A. C., 1842.
Prepared Dudley Acad.; A. C., 1836-39. Taught, 1839-40; Hartford T. S., 1840-43; ordained as evangelist Sturbridge, May 15, 1844; home miss'y Groveland, Ill., 1845-50; Wethersfield, Ill., 1850-53; Sycamore, Ill., 1853-60; Lamoille, Ill., 1860-69; La Harpe, Ill., 1869-73. D. La Harpe, Ill., Aug. 9, 1873. Married (1) May 15, 1844, Charlotte H., da. of Lyman Bruce, Sturbridge, who d. O. 2, 1844; (2) S. 29, 1846, Lucretia M., da. of Philip Dean, No. Killingly, Conn., who d. Mch. 22, 1867; (3) Jy. 15, 1868, Caroline J., da. of Gilderoy McArthur, Chicago, Ill. 6 ch. |
592. *Harris, John Milton. S. of Rev. Samuel and Ruth (Pratt), b. Windham, N. H., O. 18,
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Taught Windham, N. H., 1839-40; farmer Nashua, N. H., 1840-43; Fitchburg, 1843-77. D. Fitchburg, Jy. 26, 1877. Married Je. 10, 1841, Betsey, da. of Jonathan Merriam, Gardner. Ch. Edwin A.; Charles C. |
593. *Hewit, Augustine Francis. (Baptismal name Nathaniel Augustus.) S. of Rev.
Nathaniel and Rebecca W. (Hillhouse), b. Fairfield, Conn., N. 27, 1820. M. A., A. C., 1842; D. D., 1877; D. D. from the Pope,
1884. Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover; A. C., 1836-39. Hartford T. S., 1840-42; licensed to preach as Presb., 1842; studied with Bishop Whittingham, Baltimore, Md.; ordained Prot. Episcopal Ch., O., 1843; rector Ch. of St. John the Baptist, Baltimore, Md., 1843-45; Chaplain on plantation in N. C., 1845-46; became Catholic, Charleston, S. C., Ap., 1846; studied Catholic theology, 1846-47; ordained sub-deacon, deacon and priest Charleston, S. C., Mch. 25, 1847; r. there, 1847-48; Baltimore, Md., 1848-49; miss'y for Redemptionist Fathers, 1851-; member Institute of St. Paul the Apostle, 1858-; Superior, Congregation of the Miss'y Priests of St. Paul the Apostle, 1888-97; prof. of Dogmatic Theology, Paulist Coll. of St. Thomas Aquinas, Washington, D. C., 1890-95. Wrote many religion articles; ed. The Catholic World, 1859-74; ed. Works of Bishop England. D. N. Y. City, Jy. 3, 1897. (Portrait in possession of A. C.) |
594. *Holbrook, Edmund Stephen. S. of Stephen and Sarah (Batchelder), b. Grafton, Ap. 23,
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Studied law while teaching, Essex Co., Va., 1840-43; admitted to bar Richmond, Va., Mch., 1843; to Ill. bar, Peru, Ill., May 14, 1844; 1st Lieut., 1st Regt. Ill. Vols., Mexican War, 1846-47; practised law Peru, Ill., 1847-65; Chicago, Ill., 1865-97. Ed. Peru (Ill.) Telegraph, 1848-52. Author a vol. of poems. D. Chicago, Ill., N. 7, 1897. Married N. 25, 1852, Annie, da. of Caleb Case, Oshkosh, Wis., who d. May 16, 1882. 7 ch. |
595. *Huntington, Frederick Dan. S. of Rev. Dan and Elizabeth W. (Phelps), b. Hadley,
May 28, 1819. M. A., A. C., 1842; D. D., A. C., 1855; Columbia, 1887; LL. D., A. C., 1887; L. H. D. Syracuse,
1897. Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley. Harvard D. S., 1839-42; ordained Boston, O., 1842; p. South Cong. Ch. there, 1842-55; Plummer prof. of Christian morals and preacher, Harvard U., 1855-60; ordained priest, Prot. Episcopal Ch., Mch. 19, 1861; rector Emmanuel Ch. Boston, 1861-69; Bishop of Central N. Y., 1869-1904. Trustee Hobart Coll. Author Sermons for the People; Christian Believing and Living; Christ and the World; ed. 7 vols in prose literature and poetry. His Memoir and Letters pub. 1906. D. Hadley, Jy. 11, 1904. Married S. 4, 1843, Hannah D., da. of Epes Sargent, Boston. 7 ch. (Portrait in possession of A. C.) |
596. *Hutchinson, Horace. S. of Simon and Vandalinda (Morse), b. Sutton, Aug. 10,
1816. Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Monson Acad. Andover T. S., 1840-43; ordained Sutton, S. 23, 1843; p. Burlington, Ia., 1843-46. D. Burlington, Ia., Mch. 7, 1846. Married S., 1844, Susan, da. of John Batcheller, Millbury. 1 ch. [Seems to be brother of Sylvander (A. C. 1836).] |
597. *Johnson, Charles Patten. S. of Patten and Phebe (Davis), b. Dudley, Jan. 30, 1819.
Prepared Framingham Acad. Ed. newpaper Boston, 1840-42; lectured on animal magnetism in Southern States, 1842-43; asst. ed. N. Y. Globe; in Naval Office of N. Y. Custom House, 1852-60; deputy collector of Int. Rev., 6th district N. Y. City, 1862-67. D. N. Y. City, Je. 23, 1867. Married (1) S. 14, 1841, Sarah Perry, N. Y. City, who d. N. 16, 1848; (2) Mch. 17, 1852, Ardelia, da. of Otis Rhodes, Homer, N. Y. 2 s. |
598. *Kendall, Charles. S. of Edward and Mary (Gerrish), b. Westminster, F. 19, 1813.
Prepared Westminster Acad.; A. C., 1834-39; absent 1 yr. Union T. S., 1839-42; s. s. Bernardston, 1842-44; ordained there, Jan. 24, 1844; p. there, 1844-54; taught Mercersburgh, Va., 1855; s. s. Royalston, 1855-56; Petersham, 1856-59; Auburn, 1859-65; p. Presb. Ch. Windham Centre, N. Y., 1865-73. D. Windham Centre, N. Y., Mch. 19, 1873. Married (1) Jy. 25, 1846, Maria, da. of Abram Howe, Marlboro, who d. S. 28, 1858; (2) Je. 21, 1859, Sarah E., da. of Benjamin Gilbert, Stamford, N. Y. 5 ch. |
599. *Kidder, John Sumner. S. of John and Rachel (Shepard), b. Crown Point, N. Y., Jan.
22, 1811.
Prepared Appleton Acad., New Ipswich, N. H. and Burr Sem., Manchester, Vt. Andover T. S., 1839-42; s. s. Canton, 1842-43; ordained Schoolcraft, Mich., S. 12, 1843; s. s. there, 1843-47; Leoni, Mich., 1847-48; Wayne, Mich., 1849-51; Litchfield, Mich., 1851-55; Eaton Rapids, Mich., 1855-59; Windsor, Mich., 1859-64; Wayland and Hopkins, Mich., 1864-67; Rockford, Mich., 1867-69; Rochester, Mich., 1869-71; New Haven, Mich., 1871-74; Nunica and Robinson, Mich., 1874-76; Hopkins, Mich., 1876-97. D. Hopkins, Mich., O. 18, 1897. Married Aug. 29, 1843, Mary A., da. of Ezra Kidder, Alstead, N. H., who d. May 29, 1896. 6 ch. |
600. *Limber, John. S. of John and Mary (Long), b. Crawford Co., Penn., Ap. 22, 1814.
Prepared Meadville, Penn. Taught acad. Meadville, Penn., 1839-42; prin. acad. Erie, Penn., 1842-43; taught in private family Meadville, Penn., 1843-44, at same time studying theology; ordained O. 16, 1844; miss'y to Creek Indians, 1844-46; home miss'y Washington, Tex., 1846-48. D. New Orleans, La., Jan. 29, 1849. Married Jan. 15, 1849, Emily S., da. of Ebenezer Messenger, Wrentham. |
601. *Miller, Thomas Spencer. S. of Rev. Moses and Bethiah (Ware), b. Heath, May 24,
1817. M. A., A. C., 1842.
Prepared with father. Prin. Hancock (N. H.) Acad., 1839-40; Andover T. S., 1840-41; tutor A. C., 1841-43. D. Hawley, Jy. 31, 1843. Bro. Samuel F. (A. C. 1848). |
602. *Palmer, Albert Ripley. S. of Frederick A. and Lucy (Clark), b. Amherst, Mch. 14,
1819. M. A., A. C., 1842. Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Amherst Acad. Studied law with Osmyn Baker, Amherst, 1841-42; with Marshall M. Strong, Racine, Wis., 1842; admitted to bar there, D., 1842; practised there, 1842-46. D. Racine, Wis., S. 12, 1846. Married Aug. 28, 1845, Helen, da. of Dr. Levi W. Humphrey, Southwick. 1 da. |
603. *Preston, James Willard. S. of Rev. Willard and Lucy Maria (Baker), b. Providence, R.
I., Aug. 11, 1818. M. A., A. C., 1842. Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Chatham Acad., Savannah, Ga. and Classical and English School, E. Hartford, Conn. Studied law with Judge Berrien, Savannah, Ga., 1839-41; admitted to bar Camden Co., Ga., N. 1841; practised St. Mary's, Ga. and in Fla., 1841-48; chief clerk U. S. Armory, Springfield, 1849-59; deputy collector of port of Boston, 1860-62; practised law Boston, 1862-92. Mayor St. Mary's, Ga. D. Boston, Ap. 7, 1892. Married Jan. 10, 1843, Elizabeth Jane, da. of William H. Williams, St. Mary's, Ga. 2 s., 1 da. |
604. *Ray, John Wainwright. S. of Levi and Tryphena (Foster), b. Norwich, N. Y., Ap. 13,
1813. M. A., A. C., 1842.
Prepared Homer (N. Y.) Acad. Union T. S., 1839-40, 1841-42; Auburn T. S., 1840-41; ordained as Presb. Glens Falls, N. Y., N. 16, 1842; p. there, 1842-45; a. p. Norwich, Conn., 1845-46; asst. sec. Amer. Education Soc., N. Y. City, 1846-47; a. p. Oswego, N. Y., 1847-48; p. Clyde, N. Y., 1848-49; agent Amer. Tract Soc. in Ala., 1849-51; a. p. Dansville, N. Y., 1851-52; Plainfield, Mich., 1852-53; p. Rockville, Conn., 1853-55; a. p. Avon Springs, Minn., 1855-57; Lane, Kans., 1858-60; ed. Daily Whig and Republican, Quincy, Ill., 1860-61; head of Civilization Division, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C., 1861-65; ordained deacon, Prot. Episcopal Ch., 1865; rector Tecumseh, Mich., 1865-66; Cold Water, Mich., 1866-69; Westfield, N. Y., 1869-72; Wellsville, N. Y., 1872-73; Rochester, N. Y., 1873-75; general agent The Churchman, Rochester, N. Y., 1875-. D. Washington, D. C., Jy. 7, 1905. Married N. 28, 1855, Mary J., da. of Isaac Fenstermaker, Dansville, N. Y. 1 ch. |
605. *Rice, Thomas Osborne. S. of Asa and Rebecca (Osborne), b. Ashby, Aug. 19,
1815. M. A., A. C., 1842.
Prepared Monson Acad. Hartford T. S. 1841-44; ordained W. Killingly (Danielson) Conn., Jan. 1, 1845; p. there, 1845-56; Brighton, 1858-59; Circular Ch. Charleston, S. C., 1860-65; s. s. Rockville, Conn., Chelsea and Chicago, Ill., 1865-67; p. Central Presb. Ch. Des Moines, Ia., 1867-72; w. c. there, 1873-74; Carthage, Mo., 2 yrs.; Chiltonville, 1877-80; Templeton, 1881-85; W. Granville and Tolland, 1885-88. D. W. Granville, Aug. 15, 1888. Married (1) Mch. 19, 1845, Mary C., da. of Luther Washburn, Pittsfield, who d. Ap. 14, 1849; (2) Aug. 27, 1850, Margaret, da. of Peleg Mann, Boston. Ch. Mary W.; Rebecca O. |
606. *Robbins, Alden Burrill. S. of David and Elizabeth (Burrill), b. Salem, F. 18,
1817. D. D., A. C., 1868.
Prepared Classical Schools, Salem and Brooklyn, N. Y. Andover T. S., 1840-41, 1842-43; Union T. S., 1841-42; ordained Salem, S. 20, 1843; p. 1st Cong. Ch. Bloomington (Muscatine), Ia., 1843-91; p. emeritus, 1891-96. One of founders Ia. Coll., 1847, and trustee, 1847-96; president of bd., 17 yrs.; director Chicago Cong. T. S., 1854-91. D. Muscatine, Ia., D. 27, 1896. Married (1) S. 27, 1843, Eliza C., da. of Samuel L. Hough, Canterbury, Conn., who d. Jy. 16, 1850; (2) S. 20, 1851, Mary S., da of Ebenezer Arnold, Bath, Me., who d. Je. 22, 1894. 9 ch. |
607. *Root, Henry R. S. of Luther and Lota (Rowe), b. Sunderland, Jan. 17,
1820. M. A., A. C., 1842.
Prepared Amherst Acad. Taught Denton, Md., 1839-41; prin. acad. Orangeburg, S. C., 1841-45; studied law with W. M. Hudson there, 1843-45; with Charles Gilman, Baltimore, Md., 1845-46; admitted to bar there, Je. 12, 1846; practised there, 1846-70. Partner of Elisha R. Sprague (A. C. 1840). D. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 11, 1870. Married May 10, 1859, Elizabeth, da. of George Slater, Baltimore, Md. Ch. Henry S.; Mary L.; Helen I.; Joseph B. |
608. *Rosseel, John Alexander. S. of Joseph and Louisa (Miller), b. Ogdensburg, N. Y.,
Jy. 19, 1817.
Prepared Ogdensburg (N. Y.) H. S.; A. C., 1836-39. Princeton T. S., 1840-43; s. s. Fort Covington, N. Y., 1843-45; ordained as Presb. evangelist Ogdensburg, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1845; s. s. Evans' Mills, N. Y., 1846-54; p. Neenah, Wis., 1854-61; s. s. Orwell, Penn., 1862-64; Wysox, Penn., 1864-70; Mansfield and Covington, Penn., 1870-72; p. Portage City, Wis., 1872-76; s. s. Towanda, Penn., 1876-78; Pleasant Mount and Uniondale, Penn., 1878-81; New Milford, Penn., 1881-86; Warren and Little Meadows, Penn., 1886-87; r. Towanda, Penn., 1887-97. D. Towanda, Penn., Ap. 29, 1897. Married N. 15, 1843, Sarah Anna, da. of Baron S. Doty, Ogdensburg, N. Y. 2 da. |
609. *Sanderson, John Pease. S. of John H. and Sarah (Laurence), b. Sunderland, Vt., N.
28, 1816.
Prepared Bennington, Vt. Studied law with H. Canfield, Arlington, Vt., 1839-42; Amelia Is., Fla., 1842; admitted to bar there, 1842; practised there, 1842-44; Columbia Co., Fla., 1844-47; Jacksonville, Fla., 1849-71; member Fla. House of Representatives, 1843; solicitor of Eastern Circuit of Fla., 1848-52; State Senator, 1848; presidential elector, 1852; member Provisional Congress, Richmond, Va., 1862; president F. A. & G. C. R. R., 1857-; vice-president Jacksonville, Pensacola & Mobile R. R. D. N. Y. City, Je. 28, 1871. Married (1) F. 23, 1843, Mary E., da. of Robert Harrison, Amelia Is., Fla., who d. Ap. 27, 1857; (2) Jy. 28, 1858, Marion R., sister of (1). 2 ch. |
610. *Sharp, James Clement. S. of Edward and Mary (Badlam), b. Dorchester, F. 22, 1818.
Prepared private school Dorchester. Surveyor Dorchester, several yrs.; taught natural science, private schools for young ladies, Boston and vicinity; Bradford and Abbott (Andover) Acads.; Wheaton Sem., Norton; employed by State bd. of education as lecturer on science Bridgewater, Salem, Framingham and Westfield Normal Schools. D. Dorchester, Ap. 10, 1897. Married O. 3, 1843, Sarah E., da. of Samuel Howe, Dorchester, who d. F. 3, 1888. Ch. Edward; Everett H.; Howard R.; Elizabeth B. and 2 others. |
611. *Spaulding, Samuel Thompson. S. of Philip and Tirzah (Hoar), b. Jamaica, Vt., May
2, 1819. Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Amherst Acad. Taught Augusta, Me., 1839-40; Pawtucket, R. I., 1840-42; studied law with Baker & Delano, Amherst, 1842-44; admitted to bar Northampton, Mch. 26, 1844; practised Palmer, 1844-46; Ware, 1846-56; Northampton, 1856-77. District Attorney for Franklin and Hampshire Counties, 1862-71; Judge of Probate Hampshire Co., 1873-77; member Prudential Committee, A. C., 1872-77; trustee Smith Coll., 1874-77. D. Northampton, O. 7, 1877. Married N. 10, 1847, Maria S., da. of Dr. Timothy J. Gridley, Amherst. Ch. Jane; Timothy G. (A. C. 1872). |
612. *Spofford, Richard Cecil. S. of Rev. Luke A. and Grata M. (Rand), b. Gilmanton,
N. H., D. 22, 1817.
Prepared Merrimac Acad., E. Bradford. Studied theology with Rev. Jacob Ide, Medway, 1839-42; s. s. Barre, 1842-43. D. Martha's Vineyard, May 25, 1843. Bro. Henry M. (A. C. 1840). |
613. *Stone, William Bowman. S. of Francis and Hannah (Matthews), b. No. Brookfield, Jan. 24,
Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley. Andover T. S., 1839-40; studied theology with Rev. George Trask, Warren, 1840-42; ordained Gardner, F. 23, 1842; p. there, 1842-50; farmer W. Brookfield, 1851-90. Member Mass. Legislature, 1873. D. W. Brookfield, F. 4, 1890. Married (1) F. 16, 1842, Phoebe W., da. of Jonathan Robinson, Hardwick, who d. N. 12, 1852; (2) May 24, 1853, Samantha, sister of (1), who d. Je. 22, 1884; (3) D. 22, 1885, Martha, sister of (1) and (2). 4 ch. |
![]() Prepared Monson Acad. Studied law with Rufus Choate, 1 yr.; taught Monson Acad., 5 terms; taught mental and moral philosophy Williston Sem., 1841-42; Andover T. S., 1842-45; ordained Brookline, O. 22, 1845; p. Harvard Ch. there, 1845-46; Ch. of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1846-99; p. emeritus, 1899-1900. Associate ed. The Independent, 1848-61; trustee A. C., 1863-98; president A. B. C. F. M., 1888-97. Author Bernard of Clairvaux; Divine Origin of Christianity, and other religious books, also many addresses, sermons and lectures. D. Brooklyn, N. Y., Je. 5, 1900. Married O. 1, 1845, Mary E., da. of Rev. Francis Jenks, Boston, who d. Jan. 7, 1898. 4 da. (Portrait in possession of A. C.) |
615. *Sumner, George. S. of George and Peggy (Burt), b. Southbridge, F. 5,
1818. M. A., A. C., 1846. Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Monson Acad. Studied law with Judge Bates, Northampton, 1839-40; taught in Ky., 1840-41; studied law with Jeremiah Sullivan, Madison, Ind., 1841-42; admitted to bar, 1842; practised Jackson, Mich., 1842-48; Detroit, Mich., 1848-52. D. Detroit, Mich., O. 29, 1852. |
616. *Taylor, James Allen. S. of Levi and Eunice (Burnham), b. Granby, Aug. 21, 1814.
Prepared with Rev. Joseph Knight, Granby. Andover T. S., 1839-40, 1841-42; prin. acad. Atkinson, N. H., 1840-41. D. Andover, O. 2, 1842. |
617. *Todd, Charles Noyes. S. of Jonathan and Jane (Noyes), b. Rowley, O. 5,
1812. M. A., A. C., 1842.
Prepared Dummer Acad., Newbury. Taught Baltimore, Md., and N. Y. City, 4 yrs.; Union T. S., 1843-46; licensed but never ordained; prin. Honesdale (Penn.) Acad. and McLean Female Institute, Indianapolis, Ind., 1847-61; publisher, bookseller and life insurance agent there, 1861-88. D. Indianapolis, Ind., S. 13, 1888. Married D. 25, 1854, Margaret M., da. of Rev. Charles G. McLean, Indianapolis. |
618. *Tolman, Richard. S. of Stephen and Mary (Pierce), b. Dorchester, S. 30, 1817.
Prepared Dorchester Acad. Andover T. S., 1841-44; ordained Danvers, S. 17, 1845; p. 3rd Ch. there, 1845-48; So. Dennis, 1849-52; Tewksbury, 1852-70; a. p. Hampton, Va. and chaplain Normal and Agricultural Institute, 1870-78; taught there, 1878-86; w. c. Arlington, 1886-94. Member Mass. Legislature, 1866-67. Ed. The Southern Workman. D. Arlington, Jan. 2, 1894. Married D. 1, 1845, Olivia, da. of Thomas Sweetser, Reading, who d. Je. 20, 1891. 4 s.; Florence; Julia; Emily; Olivia. Bro. Albert (A. C. 1845). |
619. *Trask, James Dowling. S. of Oliver and Elizabeth (Dowling), b. Beverly, Aug. 16,
1821. M. A., A. C., 1842; M. D., U. of City of N. Y., 1844.
Prepared Beverly Acad. Harvard Med. School, 1 yr.; taught in Md. and Va., 2 yrs.; studied med. U. of City of N. Y., 18(?)-44; practised Brooklyn, N. Y., 1844-48; White Plains, N. Y., 1848-59; Astoria, L. I., 1859-83. County physician White Plains, N. Y.; one of founders and Fellow Amer. Gynecological Soc.; prof. of obstetrics and diseases of women and children, L. I. Coll. Hospital, 1859-61. D. Astoria, L. I., S. 2, 1883. Married S. 18, 1845, Jane C., da. of Thomas O'Farrell, Belfast, Ireland. 3 ch. George [G.] (A. C. ex 1866). |
620. *Tuthill, George Miller. S. of Nathaniel and Clarissa (Miller), b. Wading River, L. I.,
O. 31, 1818.
Prepared Franklinville (N. Y.) Acad. Taught private school in Penn. and acad. in L. I., 3 yrs.; Union T. S., 1843-47; ordained as Presb., Ap. 22, 1847; s. s. Spruce St. Ch. St. Louis, Mo., 1847-49; Monticello (Godfrey), Ill., 1849-51; Kalamazoo, Mich., 1851; p. St. Clair, Mich., 1851-58; a. p. Pontiac, Mich., 1858-64; Ashtabula, O., 1864-67; St. Johns, Mich., 1867-71; district supt. Amer. Bible Soc. for Mich. and Wis., Kalamazoo, Mich., 1871-83. D. Kalamazoo, Mich., May 9, 1883. Married May 12, 1847, Anna H., da. of William Hall, N. Y. City. Ch. Frank H.; Mary H.; William H.; Julia S. Bro. Franklin (A. C. 1840). |
621. *Vaile, Rawson. S. of Jonathan and Polly (Rawson), b. Winhall, Vt., May 28, 1812.
Prepared Millbury and Amherst Acads.; A. C., 1834-36, 1837-39. Taught Chester (Vt.) Acad., 1836-37; private school Richmond, Ind., 1840-42; prin. Wayne Co. Sem., Centreville, Ind., 1842-48; studied law, 1840-44; admitted to Ind. bar, 1844; pub. and ed. a Free Soil newspaper, Centreville, Ind., 1848-52; ed. Ind. Free Democrat, Indianapolis, Ind., 1852-54; Ind. State Journal, 1854-56; practised law Kokomo, Ind., 1857-88. D. Kokomo, Ind., D. 30, 1888. Married (1) Ap. 16, 1840, Anne E., da. of William Pope, Spencer, who d. Jan. 11, 1852; (2) Ap. 12, 1854, Rebecca G., da. of George V. Robinson, Indianapolis, Ind., who d. O. 25, 1876; (3) D. 12, 1882, Mrs. Minerva Montgomery, da. of Rev. Nicholas Norwood, Indianapolis, Ind. Ch. W. P.; J. Fred; Joseph E.; Charles S.; Sarah L.; George R.; Mrs. J. C. Bridge. |
622. *Wakefield, William. S. of William and Sarah (Parker), b. Reading, D. 5,
1813. M. A., Marietta, 1846.
Prepared Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N. H. and Reading Acad. Taught So. Reading (Wakefield) and Dorchester; Andover T. S., 1842-45; s. s. McConnellsville, O., 1845-47; ordained there, Jy. 20, 1847; p. there, 1847-52; Madison, O., 1852-55; Harmar, O., 1855-72; supt. of schools there, 1864-68; a. p. La Harpe, Ill., 1873-80; agent State Bible Soc. Peoria, Ill., 1880-86; w. c. Sheffield, 1886-87. D. Sheffield, O. 24, 1887. Married (1) Aug. 3, 1841, Mary B., da. of Peter Flint, No. Reading, who d. May 7, 1842; (2) O. 13, 1845, Clara, da. of Stephen Tolman, Dorchester, and sister of Richard Tolman (A. C. 1839). Ch. William F.; Mary L.; Lucelia A.; William; Albert T.; Helen P. |
623. *Waters, Andrew. S. of Nathaniel and Sally (Hager), b. Millbury, S. 27,
1814. M. A., A. C., 1842.
Prepared Millbury. Taught Lewiston, Del., 1840-42; prin. Hart Co. Sem., Munfordville, Ky., 1842-45; taught Scottsville, Ky., 1845-48, 1849-52; Columbia, Tenn., 1848-49; prin. Female Sem. Bowling Green, Ky., 1852-60; taught Castalian Springs, Tenn., 1860-62; Litchfield, Ill., 1862-64; Bunker Hill, Ill., 1864-73. D. Bunker Hill, Ill., Mch. 2, 1873. Married Mch. 14, 1843, Harriet N., da. of Isaac B. Clary, Hartford, N. Y. 6 ch. |
624. *Wheeler, Winthrop Faulkner. S. of Phineas and Hannah (Jones), b. Acton, Mch. 27, 1815.
Prepared Warren Acad., Woburn. Andover T. S., 1839-42; s. s. Presb. Ch. Ionia and Otisco, Mich., 1843-44; ordained as home miss'y Portland, Mich., Jan., 1844; s. s. Grand Haven and Muskegan, Mich., 1844-45; Sheawassee and Bryon, Mich., 1845-46; manufacturer sashes and blinds E. Woburn, 1847-48; s. s. W. Gloucester, 1848-49; farmer Westford, 1850-80. D. Westford, Je. 27, 1880. Married (1) Aug. 15, 1850, Lucy, da. of John Robbins, Acton, who d. Mch. 12, 1861; (2) N. 26, 1863, Mary Jane, da. of Leonard Russell, Westford. Ch. Leonard; Roy B.; Mary H. |
625. *Whiting, Lyman. S. of David and Phebe (Whiton), b. No. Brookfield, Ap. 28,
1817. M. A., A. C., 1844; D. D., Ia. Coll., 1868. Phi Beta Kappa.
Prepared Leicester, Westminster and Amherst Acads.; A. C., 1835-37; B. A., 1889. Grad. Andover T. S., 1842; ordained Brookfield, Jan. 11, 1843; p. there, 1843-47; Lawrence, 1847-50; Reading, 1850-55; Portsmouth, N. H., 1855-58; Providence, R. I., 1859-64; Dubuque, Ia., 1864-69; Janesville, Wis., 1869-74; Philadelphia, Penn., 1874-77; Charleston, W. Va., 1878-83; So. Williamstown, 1884-89; E. Charlemont, 1889-1906. Delegate and president Know Nothing Congressional Convention; chaplain Mass. Senate, 1854-55; trustee Beloit Coll., 1870-77; ed. Ia. News Letter, Dubuque, Ia., some time. D. E. Charlemont, May 27, 1906. Married (1) Jan. 5, 1843, Esther S., da. of Jason Chamberlain, Westboro, who d. Je. 4, 1882; (2) D. 16, 1884, Josephine, da. of Samuel Cummings, Lawrence. 8 ch. |
626. *Whitman, Henry Lyman. S. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Howard), b. W. Hartford, Conn., D.
30, 1814. M. D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1845.
Prepared E. Hartford, Conn. and Amherst Acads. Taught in Tenn., 1 yr.; in Mo., 1 yr.; studied med. with Dr. Archibald Welch, Wethersfield, Conn. and Jefferson Med. Coll., 1842-45; practised Freeport, Ill., 1845-47; Dubuque, Ia., 1847-52; Des Moines, Ia., 1853-75. D. Des Moines, Ia., Aug. 17, 1885. Married D. 30, 1865, Ellen, da. of Samuel Thompson, Ellington, Conn. 3 da. |
627. *Wing, Augustus. S. of James and Hannah (Wetherbee), b. Rochester, Vt., N. 19, 1808.
Prepared Rochester (Vt.) H. S., Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt. and Amherst Acad.; A. C., 1836-39. Andover T. S., 1840-43; r. Rochester, Vt., 1843-45; s. s. Northfield, Tunbridge, Chelsea, W. Fairlee, Washington and Newbury, all in Vt., 1845-55; taught Chelsea (Vt.) H. S., 5 yrs.; Cincinnati, O., 1855-56; Stockbridge, Vt., several yrs.; Roxbury, Vt., 1 yr.; prin. W. Randolph (Vt.) Acad., 3 yrs.; Bridport, Middlebury and Whiting, Vt. D. Whiting, Vt., Jan. 19, 1876. |
Adams, Daniel. B. Medfield, N. 7, 1817. A. C., 1835-38. D. May 28, 1843. |
*Allen, William Ellsworth. S. of Ebenezer, b. E. Windsor, Conn., O. 6, 1814. A. C., 1835-36. Taught in Va. and Miss. D. Columbia, Miss., Mch. 5, 1849. |
*Beers, Henry Newell. B. Lexington, N. Y., Je. 12, 1816. A. C., 1835-38; grad. U. of City of N. Y., 1839. Minister and in business. D. Bay Shore, N. Y., Jy. 12, 1887. |
Billings, Samuel Partridge. S. of Israel, b. Hatfield, Mch. 1, 1819. A. C., 1835-36. Farmer Hatfield. |
*Brown, Josiah Wolcott. S. of Hayward, b. Concord, May 18, 1812. A. C., 1835. Grad. Andover T. S., 1845; ordained as home miss'y Oswego, Ill., Aug. 5, 1846; w. c., 1848-53; s. s. No. Ashburnham, 1853-54; w. c. Manchester, Vt., 1854-69; Westboro, 1869-. D. W. Acton, Mch. 30, 1890. |
*Bruuer, Ajalon. S. of Luther, b. Wilbraham, F. 4, 1819. A. C., 1836-37. Grad. Jefferson Med. Coll., Philadelphia, Penn., 1844; practised med. D. D. 18, 1846. [Bro. Lycortas L. (A. C. 1836), Emilus (A. C. 1845).] |
*Danforth, John C. S. of Thomas, b. about 1812. Registered from Busti, N. Y. A. C., 1835. D. while a student A. C. |
*Davis, John Walton. S. of Timothy and Catherine, b. Wellfleet, Jan. 14, 1817. A. C., 1835-37; grad. Bowdoin, 1839. Practised law Topsham, Me.; Wellfleet; Provincetown. D. Provincetown, Je. 27, 1880. |
Dickinson, Samuel Huntington. B. Hatfield, Jan. 28, 1816. A. C., 1835-36. Farmer Hatfield. |
*Ely, William Mather. S. of Oliver, b. Binghamton, N. Y., Jy. 25, 1819. A. C., 1835-36. Merchant Binghamton, N. Y. Member N. Y. Assembly, 1869-72. D. F., 1872. |
*Fowler, Jonathan Amos. B. Lebanon, Conn., O. 26, 1817. A. C., 1835-36. Taught music Cherry Valley, N. Y.; Englewood, N. J.; N. Y. City. Pub. many compositions for piano. D. Aug. 31, 1878. Ch. George L. (A. C. 1877). |
*Freeman, John Robinson. B. Oxford, Conn., S. 25, 1812. M. A. (hon.), A. C., 1856. A. C., 1835-37. Taught Berlin, Branford, Clinton, Eastford, Essex and Madison, Conn., 14 yrs.; studied theology; ordained Andover, Conn., Je. 23, 1856; p. there, 1856-65; Stafford, Conn., 1866-67; Barkhamstead, Conn., 1868-71; Canterbury, Conn., 1871-76; Westford, Conn., 1876. D. Westford, Conn., D. 6, 1876. |
*Goldthwait, William Cotton. B. Longmeadow, May 1, 1816. Alpha Delta Phi. A. C., 1835-37. Taught Westfield Acad., 11 yrs.; private school Longmeadow, 11 yrs.; associate ed. The Mass. Teacher, several yrs. D. Longmeadow, 1882. |
*Hale, Richard. B. Boston, May 24, 1820. A. C., 1835. Ed. Journal of Commerce, N. Y., 18(?)-58. |
*Jennings, James Henry. S. of James and Phebe (Sanford), b. Shelter Island, N. Y., Mch. 1, 1813. Prepared Monson Acad.; A. C., 1835. Union T. S., Hampden-Sidney, Va.; licensed to preach, 1842; p. in Va., 1842-61; w. c. Mayview, Mo. |
*Kimball, Asa H. S. of Edmund, b. Marblehead, Jan. 22, 1819. A. C., 1835-36. D. May, 1859. |
*Leeds, Charles. S. of Benjamin B., b. Dorchester, D. 20, 1818. A. C., 1835-38. D. May 26, 1846. [Bro. George (A. C. 1835); Daniel (A. C. 1837).] |
*Longley, Moses Maynard. B. Hawley, Je. 14, 1815. A. C., 1835-36; grad. Oberlin, 1842. Grad. Oberlin T. S., 1845; p. Chatham and Guilford, O.; Peru; Washington; Fitchburg; miss'y Granville, Jacksonville, Dwight and Danvers, Ill. |
*Pettes, Samuel. S. of Samuel, b. about 1819. Registered from Boston. A. C., 1835. Grad. Harvard D. S., 1842; p. Chicopee and Sharon. D. 1860. |
*Price, Samuel Harrison. B. about 1815. Registered from Greenbrier Co., Va. A. C., 1835-37. Studied law; r. in Vt. and N. Y.; general agent of an insurance company. D. Lewisburg, W. Va., 1884. |
*Prudden, Joseph Stone. S. of Joseph, b. Orange, Conn., about 1816. A. C., 1835-36. D. Hannibal, Mo., F. 18, 1837. |
*Rosenkrans, Joseph. S. of Levi, b. Wallpack, N. J., N. 13, 1812. A. C., 1835-37; grad. Union, 1839. Grad. Union T. S., 1842; p. Presb. Ch. Bethlehem, N. Y., 1843-45; s. s. Newport, N. Y., 1845-48; Dunnsville, N. Y., 1849-51; Martinsburg, N. Y., 1851-53; p. Onondaga Valley, N. Y., 1852-56; s. s. there, 1861-63; p. Romulus, N. Y., 1856-61. D. Onondaga Valley, N. Y., Je. 19, 1863. |
*Thayer, Martin Russell. S. of Martin Russell, b. Petersburg, Va., Jan. 27, 1819. A. C., 1835-36; grad. U. of Penn., 1840. Practised law Philadelphia, Penn., 1842-. Member 38th and 39th Congress; judge of District Court, 1867-; presiding judge, Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia, Penn., 1874-. |
*Trask, William Elliot. S. of Col. Trask, b. Brimfield, D. 5, 1820. A. C., 1835-36; grad. U. of City of N. Y., 1840. Studied Columbia Med. School, but did not take a degree or practise. D. Fort Kent, Me., 1889. |
*Tyler, Jesse Hopkins. B. Rutland, N. Y., May 4, 1817. A. C., 1835-37. Practised med. Richmond, Va.; druggist Philadelphia (Penn.) and N. Y. D. Albany, N. Y., Mch., 1860. |
*Van Antwerp, Lewis. S. of Thomas and Elizabeth, b. N. Y. City, Jan. 1, 1821. Prepared with Pelham Clarke, N. Y.; A. C., 1835-37. Publisher of school books. |
*Watson, John March. S. of William, b. Hartford, Conn., May 23, 1819. A. C., 1835-37; grad. Yale, 1839. Studied law with Mr. Hungerford, Hartford, Conn., and in office of William Watson, N. Y. City. D. Wethersfield, Conn., Ap. 13, 1849. |
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