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Index -- Clapp
(to the Amherst College
Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921) )
Every student record containing the surname Clapp . Click on a name to see the full biography.
Clapp, Alender Osmyn 1837
Clapp, Alfred Dwight 1865
Clapp, Andrew Josiah 1858
Clapp, Arthur Martin 1898 (not yet entered)
Clapp, Charles 1832
Clapp, Dexter 1839
Clapp, Edwin 1849
Clapp, Ellery Carroll 1902 (not yet entered)
Clapp, George Ewing 1913 (not yet entered)
Clapp, Henry Lyman ex 1859
Clapp, Jacob Crawford 1857
Clapp, John Mantel 1890 (not yet entered)
Clapp, John White ex 1854
Clapp, Joseph Bolter 1829
Clapp, Ralph 1825
Clapp, Ralph S. 1923
Clapp, Rufus Chapman 1833
Clapp, Salmon ex 1841
Clapp, Walter Clayton 1883 (not yet entered)
Clapp, William Endicott 1900 (not yet entered)
Clapp, William Henry ex 1876
Clapp, William T. 1923
Clark, Lewis Franklin 1837
Faust, John William 1857
Litchfield, Daniel Clapp 1853
Maxwell, Henry Edwards ex 1878
Ripley, Charles ex 1835
Ross, Joseph McGee ex 1854
Sanderson, Frederick Milton 1861
Sanderson, Julius 1869
Smith, Henry Oliver 1863
Smith, Horace Anthony 1864
Spare, John 1838
Every Clapp that has been indexed so far. Click on a name to see the relevant biography.
Clapp, Alender Osmyn 1837
Clapp, Alfred Dwight 1865
Clapp, Almin (father, 1858)
Clapp, Andrew Josiah 1858
Clapp, Arthur Martin 1898
Clapp, Catherine (mother, 1857)
Clapp, Charles 1832
Clapp, Cynthia (mother, 1837)
Clapp, Deborah (mother, 1853)
Clapp, Dexter 1839
Clapp, Ebenezer (father, 1849)
Clapp, Edwin 1849
Clapp, Eleanor (mother, ex 1854)
Clapp, Eliphaz (father, ex 1841)
Clapp, Elisha (father, 1825)
Clapp, Ellery Carroll 1902
Clapp, George Ewing 1913
Clapp, H. R. (teacher, ex 1878)
Clapp, Henry Lyman ex 1859
Clapp, Jacob Crawford 1857
Clapp, John Mantel 1890
Clapp, John White ex 1854
Clapp, Joseph (father, 1837)
Clapp, Joseph Bolter 1829
Clapp, Joshua (father, 1857)
Clapp, Lucy (mother, 1863)
Clapp, Lucy (mother, 1864)
Clapp, Lydia Hunt (mother, 1861)
Clapp, Lydia Hunt (mother, 1869)
Clapp, Mrs. Annie (Bolter) (mother, 1829)
Clapp, Mrs. Catherine (Coombs) (wife, 1825)
Clapp, Mrs. Charlotte (Gunn) (mother, ex 1841)
Clapp, Mrs. Delilah (Hoffman) (mother, 1857)
Clapp, Mrs. Eleanor (Newcomb) (mother, 1832)
Clapp, Mrs. Fanny (Bartlett) (mother, 1839)
Clapp, Mrs. Hannah (Lyman) (mother, 1837)
Clapp, Mrs. Hannah (Miller) (mother, 1825)
Clapp, Mrs. Isabella (Rowland) (wife, 1849)
Clapp, Mrs. Julia A. (Meacham) (mother, ex 1876)
Clapp, Mrs. Lois (Parmelee) (wife, 1833)
Clapp, Mrs. Lucy (Lee) (mother, 1849)
Clapp, Mrs. Margaret (Maguire) (wife, 1825)
Clapp, Mrs. Mary (Dexter) (wife, 1825)
Clapp, Mrs. Mary (Silsbee) (wife, 1839)
Clapp, Mrs. Minervia (Smith) (mother, 1865)
Clapp, Mrs. Pamelia (Strong) (mother, ex 1859)
Clapp, Mrs. Roxana A. (Barnes) (mother, 1858)
Clapp, Mrs. Sarah S. (Brown) (wife, 1825)
Clapp, Mrs. Sophia (Marsh) (wife, 1825)
Clapp, Mrs. Susan F. (Preston) (wife, 1839)
Clapp, Mrs. Sybil (Ripley) (mother, ex 1854)
Clapp, Mrs. Zeruiah (Chapman) (mother, 1833)
Clapp, Peres (father, 1829)
Clapp, Ralph (father, 1839)
Clapp, Ralph (father, 1865)
Clapp, Ralph 1825
Clapp, Ralph S. 1923
Clapp, Roger (father, 1833)
Clapp, Rufus Chapman 1833
Clapp, Sally (mother, 1838)
Clapp, Salmon (father, 1832)
Clapp, Salmon ex 1841
Clapp, Silas (father, ex 1854)
Clapp, Sumner G. (father, ex 1859)
Clapp, Susan (mother, ex 1835)
Clapp, Sylvanus (teacher, 1849)
Clapp, W. K. (father, ex 1876)
Clapp, Walter Clayton 1883
Clapp, William Endicott 1900
Clapp, William Henry ex 1876
Clapp, William T. 1923
An "ex " preceding the class year means that the student did not graduate from Amherst.
Note: To date, about 45% of the entries in the Biographical Record are typed, and about two-thirds of those are indexed. As more entries are typed and indexed, this index page
will probably grow. Consequently, if you're interested in this surname, you should bookmark this page and check back again every few months.
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(If you're interested in the surname Clapp , consider checking these surnames, which also have Soundex value C410 : Calef , Clap and Colby .)
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