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Amherst College Class of 1845
(from the Amherst College Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921))

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783. *Bennett, Joseph Lamson.  S. of Rev. Joseph and Mary (Lamson), b. Woburn, N. 8, 1823.  M. A., A. C., 1851.

Prepared Warren Acad., Woburn.  Andover T. S., 1845-48; ordained Hannibal, Mo., O. 18, 1848; p. 1st Presb. Ch. Hannibal, Mo., 1848-51; Cong. Ch. E. Cambridge, 1852-1857; Lockport, N. Y., 1857-70; Plymouth Ch. Indianapolis, Ind., 1871-73; Springfield, O., 1873-75; a. p. Suspension Bridge, N. Y., 1875-79; p. Spencerport, N. Y., 1879-82.  D. Spencerport, N. Y., May 22, 1882.

Married S. 11, 1848, Eliza Ann, da. of David Tillson, Boston.  4 ch.

784. *Brigham, Jerome Ripley.  S. of David and Elizabeth Franklin (Ripley), b. Fitchburg, Jy. 21, 1825.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Shelburne Falls Acad., Severance School, Shelburne Falls and Amherst Acad.  Studied law Madison, Wis., 1845-47; clerk Supreme Court of Wis., 1848-51; admitted to bar, 1851; practised Milwaukee, Wis., 1851-97.  U. S. appraiser of merchandise Milwaukee, Wis., 1871-1877; city attorney there, 1880-82; member bd. of regents U. of Wis., 1871-76.  D. Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 21, 1897.

Married O. 7, 1857, Mary N., da. of Edward Ilsley, Portland, Me., who d. Aug. 13, 1894.  7 ch.

785. *Bruce, Charles Emerson.  S. of Timothy and Sally (Kimball), b. Hardwick, F. 4, 1819.

Prepared Shelburne Falls Acad.  Hartford T. S., 1845-48; licensed to preach, Aug. 4, 1847, but never ordained; taught Northfield, 1851-54; Brattleboro, Vt., 1854-55; Keene, N. H., 1855-56; Ashtabula, O., 1856-61; merchant there, 1861-75; Boston, 1875-99.  Compiled and pub. directories of several cities, 1883-90.  D. Malden, Jan. 8, 1899.

Married D. 25, 1861, Eliza A., da. of Aaron Stone, Marlboro, N. H.  5 ch.  Bro. Henry [J]. (A. C. 1859).

786. *Bruuer, Emilus.  S. of Luther and Laura (Merrick), b. Wilbraham, May 6, 1823.  M. A., A. C., 1848.

Prepared Wilbraham Acad.  Taught in South; studied law New Orleans, La., 1850; practised Port Gibson, Miss.  Ed. Port Gibson Herald and Correspondent.  D. Port Gibson, Miss., Ap. 5, 1855.  Bro. Lycortus (A. C. 1836); Ajalon (A. C. ex 1839).

787. *Colton, Francis Parmelee.  S. of Newton and Naomi (Robinson), b. Longmeadow, D. 25, 1824.  M. A., A. C., 1848; M. D., Columbia, 1849.

Prepared Wilbraham Acad.  Taught family school and studied med. with Dr. Welford, Farley, Va., 2 yrs.; Columbia Med. School; junior walker, N. Y. City Hospital, 1848-49; senior walker, 1849-50; house physician, 1850; practised Springfield, 1851-52; acting house physician, N. Y. City Hospital, 1852.  D. N. Y. City, F. 23, 1852.

788. *Cornish, Edward Joseph.  S. of Joseph and Fanny (Holcomb), b. E. Granby, Conn., D. 26, 1820.  Psi Upsilon.

Prepared Conn. Literary Institution, Suffield, Conn. and Westfield Acad.  Taught Natchez, Miss.; president Collegiate Institute, Washington, Miss., 1856-59.  D. Washington, Miss., May 17, 1859.

Married D. 26, 1849, Lydia S. Giddings, Boston.

789. *De Forest, Frederick Lockwood.  S. of Lockwood and Mehitabel (Wheeler), b. N. Y. City, D. 2, 1825.

Prepared with private teachers, N. Y. City; A. C., 1842-45.  Harvard Law School, 1845-48; admitted to bar N. Y. City, 1848; practised there, 1848-49; merchant there, 1849-78.  D. Babylon, L. I., Jan. 15, 1878.

Married N. 7, 1867, Julia, da. of Gen. Desha, Mobile, Ala.  [Seems to be brother of Henry G. (A. C. 1839).]

790. *Henshaw, Marshall.  S. of Eli and Abigail (Sanford), b. Bethany, Penn., O. 3, 1820.  M. A., A. C., 1848; LL. D., U. of City of N. Y., 1863; D. D., A. C., 1872.  Psi Upsilon.

Prepared Honesdale, Penn. Acad.  Taught Latin and Greek, Williston Sem., 1845-46; Union T. S., 1846-7; tutor A. C., 1847-49; ordained, Feb., 1849; prin. Hopkins Acad., Hadley, 1849-50; Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N. H., 1850-52; Dummer Acad., Byfield, 1852-59; prof. of math. and astronomy, Rutgers, 1859-63; prin. Williston Sem., 1863-77; private school for boys, Newton, 1877-81; lecturer in physics, A. C., 1881-91; r. Amherst, 1890-1900.  Author Analysis of the Greek Verb.  D. Amherst, D. 12, 1900.

Married (1) Aug. 14, 1849, Frances Jane, da. of Jonathan Whitaker, Wendell, who d. Ap. 11, 1863; (2) Jy. 27, 1864, Mary, da. of Rev. Clement Long, Hanover, N. H.  7 ch.

791. *Knapp, James Christy.  S. of James and Hannah (Williams), b. Hopewell, N. Y., Je. 28, 1818.

Prepared Canandaigua, N. Y. Acad. and Genesee Sem., Lima, N. Y.; A. C., 1840-43, 1844-45.  Taught Clarkson (N. Y.) Acad., 1845-47; Princeton T. S., 1847-49; ordained as Presb. Evangelist, New Brunswick, N. J., O. 25, 1849; s. s. Gowanda, N. Y., 1850-51; Depere, Wis., 1851-52; Black Rock, N. Y., 1852-53; chaplain Western Military Institute, Farmdale, Ky., 1853-54; prin. Woodbridge Acad., Perth Amboy, N. J., 1854-55; Luzerne (Penn.) Presb. Institute, 1855-56; s. s. Warren, Penn., 1856.  D. Warren, Penn., Aug. 7, 1856.

Married Ap. 14, 1852, Caroline A., da. of Chester V. Adgate, Penn Yan, N. Y.  1 ch.

792. *Learned, Samuel Julius.  S. of Rev. Erastus and Sophia (Bacon), b. Canterbury, Conn., O. 23, 1823.  B. A., Yale, 1845; M. A., A. C., 1848.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared with Orin Fowler, Fall River and at Monson Acad.  Taught Heath, 1845; St. Louis, Mo., Petersburg, Va., and Fredericksburg, Va., 1846; prin. Ruddicksville Sem., Sunbury, N. C., 1846-50; lumber dealer Chicago, Ill., 1850-71; manager of estate Lake Forest, Ill., 1871-78; silver mining Georgetown, Col., 1878-81; in real estate office Chicago, 1881-86; sec. Commercial Exchange, Chicago, 1886-92.  D. Lake Forest, Ill., O. 14, 1892.

Married (1) S. 19, 1849, Mary A., da. of Thomas Gilbert, Amherst, who d. Jy. 14, 1850; (2) Jy. 26, 1855, Ann E., da. of James B. Lowry, Bristol, Ill.  Ch. Edwin J. (A. C. ex 1880); 4 da.

793. *Lee, John Stebbins.  S. of Eli and Rebecca (Stebbins), b. Vernon, Vt., S. 23, 1820.  M. A., A. C., 1848; D. D., Buchtel Coll., Akron, O., 1875; LL. D., Tufts, 1901.

Prepared Franklin (Shelburne Falls) and W. Brattleboro (Vt.) Acads.  Taught Swanzey, N. H., 1845-46; studied theology with Rev. Hosea Ballou, Medford; ordained as Universalist W. Brattleboro, Vt., Je., 1847; p. W. Brattleboro, Vt. and prin. Melrose Acad. there, 1847-49; Lebanon, N. H., 1849-51; Montpelier, Vt., 1851-52; Woodstock, Vt., 1852-59; prin. Green Mt. Liberal Institute, So. Woodstock, Vt., 1852-57; College Dept., St. Lawrence U., 1859-66; prof. of Latin and Greek, 1866-68 and Eccles. hist. and Biblical archaeology, St. Lawrence U., 1868-1902.  Wrote Nature and Art in the Old World; Sacred Cities.  D. Canton, N. Y., S. 18, 1902.

Married F. 22, 1848, Elmina, da. of Moses Bennett, Westmoreland, N. H., who d. F. 5, 1903.  3 s., 3 da.

794. *Long, Josiah Holloway.  S. of Josiah and Clara (Champney), b. Shelburne, Aug. 27, 1823.  Psi Upsilon.

Prepared with Mr. Houghton, Middlebury, N. Y.; A. C., 1842-45.  Taught in Ala., 1845-47, Natchez (Miss.) Institute, 1847-48.  Compiled 2 vols. of miscellaneous works while in college.  D. Natchez, Miss., O. 9, 1848.

795. *March, Francis Andrew.  S. of Andrew and Nancy (Parker), b. Millbury, O. 25, 1825.  M. A., A. C., 1848; LL. D., Princeton, 1870; A. C., 1871; L. H. D., Columbia, 1887; Litt. D., Princeton and Cambridge U., Eng., 1896; D. C. L., Oxford, Eng., 1896.  Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Worcester H. S.  Taught Mt. Caesar, N. H., 1845; Leicester Acad., 1845-47; tutor A. C., 1847-49; studied law Worcester, Amherst and N. Y. City, 1845-50; admitted to bar, 1850; practised N. Y. City, 1850-51; taught Fredericksburg, Va, 1852-55; prof. of English lit. and comparative philology, Lafayette Coll., 1855-1906; lecturer on constitutional public and Roman law, 1857-77.  President of Amer. Philological Assoc., 1873-74, 1895-96; Spelling Reform Assoc., 1876-1905; Modern Language Assoc., 1891-93; vice-president New Shakespeare Soc., London; hon. member Philosophical Soc., London; L'Association Fonetique de Professeurs de Langues Vivants, Paris.  Ed. Douglass Series of Greek and Latin Christian Authors; author Anglo-Saxon Reader; Grammar of Anglo-Saxon, 1870.  D. Easton, Penn., S. 9, 1911.

Married Aug. 12, 1860, Mildred Stone, da. of Walter P. Conway, Fredericksburg, Va.  9 ch.  (Portrait in possession of A. C.)

796. *Moody, Plinius.  S. of Plinius and Eliza (Pomeroy), b. So. Hadley, Ap. 23, 1822.  M. A., A. C., 1848.

Prepared Northampton H. S. and with Rev. Simeon Miller, So. Hadley.  Andover T. S., 1845-48; licensed to preach, 1848 but never ordained; s. s. Jenksville; Thorndike; r. So. Hadley.  D. Kirtland, O., Ap. 6, 1858.

797. *Morse, Jason.  S. of Jason and Catharine (Coburn), b. Southbridge, Mch. 9, 1821.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Monson Acad.  Andover T. S., 1846-49; ordained Brimfield, D. 12, 1849; p. there, 1849-61.  D. Brimfield, O. 14, 1861.

Married (1) Jan. 9, 1851, Abbie, da. of Theodore Parsons, Southampton, who d. Jy. 17, 1852; (2) S. 29, 1853, Sophia, sister of (1).  Ch. Jason (A. C. 1879); 2 da.

798. *Newhall, George Harrison.  S. of George and Mary (Wood), b. Athol, N. 15, 1825.  M. A., A. C., 1848.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Amherst Acad.  Andover T. S., 1845-48; s. s. Prescott; Yarmouth, Me., 1848-50; ordained Walpole, S. 10, 1850; p. there, 1850-53.  D. Walpole, Aug. 24, 1853.

Married S. 18, 1851, Harriett F., da. of Stacey Lindsey, Prescott.  1 da.

799. *Noyes, Joseph Thomas.  S. of Joseph and Miriam (Cheever), b. Newburyport, Mch. 4, 1818.  M. A., A. C., 1848.

Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover.  Andover T. S., 1845-48; ordained Newburyport, S. 20, 1848; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Jaffna, Ceylon, 1849-52; Madura Mission, So. India, 1852-92.  D. Madras, India, Aug. 9, 1892.

Married (1) S. 12, 1848, Elizabeth A., da. of Rufus Smith, Amherst, who d. Ap. 10, 1880; (2) May 30, 1881, Martha J., da. of William Mandeville, Rochester, N. Y.  3 s., 2 da.  William H. (A. C. 1884).

800. *Oliphant, Robert Woodruff.  S. of Rev. David and Mary (Pierson), b. Beverly, D. 28, 1824.  M. D., Harvard, 1848.

Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover.  Tremont Med. School, Boston and Harvard Med. School, 1845-48; house physician Mass. General Hospital, Boston, 1848-49; practised St. Louis, Mo., 1849-83.  D. St. Louis, Mo., O. 9, 1883.

Married (1) O. 4, 1852, Sarah Mayo, da. of David Harding, Hingham, who d. Jy. 10, 1875; (2) S. 25, 1877, Julia Fiske, da. of Erastus L. Ripley, Columbia, Mo.  1 s., 1 da.  Bro. David (A. C. 1836).

801. *Packard, Abel Kingman.  S. of Simeon and Harmony (Kingman), b. Brockton, Mch. 19, 1823.  M. A., A. C., 1848.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover.  Taught Millbury Acad., 1845-47; Andover T. S., 1847-50; ordained Yarmouth, D. 16, 1851; p. there, 1851-59; St. Anthony, Minn., 1859-60; Anoka, Minn., 1860-74; a. p. Greeley, Col., 1874-82; Highland Lake, Col., 1884-88; supt. of schools Weld Co., Col., 1882-86, 1888-90; p. Lafayette, Col., 1891-93.  d. San Diego, Cal., Aug. 16, 1903.

Married N. 13, 1851, Caroline M., da. of William Carleton, Charlestown, who d. Aug. 14, 1891.  6 ch.

802. *Perry, Hezekiah Danforth.  S. of Hezekiah and Keziah (Bliss), b. Rehoboth, Mch. 21, 1818.

Prepared Monson Acad.  Andover T. S., 1845-48; licensed, 1848 but never ordained; prin. and asst. supt. House of Refuge, Philadelphia, Penn., 1851-53; Cincinnati, O., 1853-54; taught in Ind. and Mass., 1855-61; Western agent N. Y. Juvenile Asylum, 1861-65; farmer Conway, 1865-92.  Mass. State District Attorney.  D. Conway, S. 25, 1892.

Married (1) F. 25, 1852, Elizabeth S., da. of Southworth Howland, Worcester, who d. S. 15, 1855; (2) Je. 1, 1871, M. Elizabeth, da. of Horace B. Childs, Conway.  2 da.

803. *Sanford, Baalis.  S. of Rev. John and Sophia (Loud), b. Dennis, Ap. 20, 1825.  M. A., A. C., 1848.  Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Amherst Acad.  Studied law with Charles Delano, Amherst, 1846; preceptor Bridgewater Acad.; studied law with William Latham, Edward Dickinson, Amherst, 1850 and Nathaniel Morton, Taunton; admitted to bar Taunton, S. 1851; practised there, 1851-60; N. Y. City, 1860-69; Boston, 1869-75.  District Attorney for southern district of Mass., 1859-60.  D. Boston, N. 29, 1875.

Married (1) Je. 1, 1853, Amelia Shepard, da. of James Sproat, Taunton, who d. Jan. 16, 1857; (2) Mch. 16, 1858, Elizabeth Baylies, da. of David G. W. Cobb, Taunton, who d. Je. 10, 1875.  2 s., 2 da.  Bro. John E. (A. C. 1851).

804. *Stockbridge, Henry Smith.  S. of Jason and Abigail (Montague), b. No. Hadley, Aug. 31, 1822.  Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Shelburne Falls Acad.  Studied law with Coleman Yellott, Baltimore, Md., 1846-47; admitted to bar May 1, 1848; practised Baltimore, Md., 1848-95.  Special District Attorney, War Dept., 1861-65; solicitor for Freedmen's Bureau; member Md. Legislature; Md. Constitutional Convention, 1864; judge Baltimore County Court, 1865; trustee Howard U., Washington, D. C.  Author The Archives of Maryland.  D. Baltimore, Md., Mch. 11, 1895.

Married Aug. 31, 1852, Fanny E., da. of Caleb Montague, Sunderland.  Ch. Henry (A. C. 1877).

805. *Temple, Charles.  S. of Rev. Daniel and Rachel Baker (Dix), b. Valetta, Malta, Jy. 10, 1824.

Prepared with Nicholas Petrocokino (A. C. 1829), Rev. Elias Riggs (A. C. 1829) and father; A. C., 1842-45.  Andover T. S., 1 yr; grad. Bangor T. S., 1850; home miss'y Milo and Sebec, Me., 1850; p. Unity, Me., 1850-52; ordained there, 1851; a. p. Monticello and Godfrey, Ill., 1852-54; s. s. Vermontville, Mich., 1854-61; Otsego, Mich., 1862-65; taught there, 1865; w. c. there, 1865-; taught and preached occasionally; r. Traverse City, Mich., 1892-1906.  D. Traverse City, Mich., N. 29, 1906.

Married (1) Mch. 13, 1851, Lucretia A., da. of Joshua Plummer, Bangor, Me., who d. D. 3, 1864; (2) Mch. 26, 1866, Ursula E., da. of Dr. J. B. Chapin, Battle Creek, Mich.  6 ch.  Bro. Daniel H. (A. C. 1843).

806. *Tolman, Albert.  S. of Stephen and Mary (Pierce), b. Dorchester, F. 13, 1824.  M. A., A. C., 1848.

Prepared with brother Richard (A. C. 1839).  Taught Montague and Wayland, 1845-47; Andover T. S., 1847-48; tutor A. C., 1848-51; taught Maplewood Institute, Pittsfield, 1851-55; founded Taghconic Institute, Lanesboro, 1855-68; prin. Pittsfield H. S., 1868-78.  D. Pittsfield, Aug. 17, 1891.

Married (1) S. 23, 1853, Jane A., da. of Justus Tower, Lanesboro, who d. S. 30, 1871; (2) Aug. 6, 1872, Mrs. Caroline A. Wilson, da. of Chauncey Goodrich, Pittsfield.  5 s.  Bro. Richard (A. C. 1839).

807. *Tyler, Josiah.  S. of Rev. Bennet and Esther (Stone), b. Hanover, N. H., Jy. 9, 1823.  D. D., Shaw U., N. C., 1894; A. C., 1895.

Prepared acad. E. Windsor Hill, Conn.  Hartford T. S., 1845-48; ordained E. Windsor Hill, Conn., F. 28, 1849; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M. to Zulus, Natal, So. Africa, 1849-72; furlough in U. S., 1872-74; stationed Umsunduzi, So. Africa, 1874-89; r. St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1889-95.  Wrote Forty Years Among the Zulus; ed. Ikwesi, 1862-70.  D. Asheville, N. C., D. 20, 1895.

Married F. 27, 1849, Susan W., da. of Chester Clark, Northampton, who d. N. 17, 1887.  6 ch.

808. *Underhill, Henry Beers.  S. of Abraham and Mary (Raymond), b. Troy, N. Y., S. 14, 1821.  M. A., A. C., 1848.  Psi Upsilon.

Prepared Northampton H. S.  Taught, 1845-53; studied law Natchez, Miss., 1848-49 and Stockton, Cal., 1859-60; merchant, 1853-60; admitted to bar, D. 14, 1860; practised in U. S. District and Circuit Courts for Cal., 1867; Stockton, Cal., 1860-73; district attorney, San Joaquin Co., Cal., 1861-63; county judge, San Joaquin Co., 1863-67; attorney for Central Pacific R. R. and So. Pacific R. R., 1873-87; r. Waterford, N. Y., 1887-; Neshanic, N. J., 18(?)-1904.  D. Neshanic, N. J., S. 18, 1904.

Married (1) F. 18, 1847, Harriette Y., da. of Moses Fish, Athol, who d. Je. 29, 1854; (2) F. 19, 1857; Augusta V., da. of Joseph Grove, Saline Co., Mo., who d. Je. 19, 1861; (3) O. 27, 1873, Julia A., da. of William Card, N. Y. City, who d. N. 29, 1903.  4 ch.

809. *Warren, George Washington.  S. of Ephraim and Nancy (Moore), b. Lunenburg, Jan. 6, 1819.  M. A., A. C., 1848; M. D., Vt. Med. Coll., 1847.

Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover.  Studied med. Pittsfield, and Woodstock, Vt., 1845-47; practised W. Boylston, 1847-89; r. there, 1889-1900.  D. W. Boylston, Ap. 22, 1900.

Married (1) S. 28, 1847, Lydia L., da. of Andrew Bigelow, Boylston, who d. F. 12, 1861; (2) Ap. 27, 1862, Ellen S., da. of Montraville Flagg, Boylston.  6 ch.

810. *Wheaton, Levi.  S. of Reuben and Abigail (Partridge), b. Warwick, O. 4, 1817.

Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover.  Andover T. S., 1845-48; ordained W. Gloucester, Jan. 23, 1849; p. there, 1849-57; s. s. No. Falmouth, 1857-66; Poplar Grove, Ill., 1866-71; w. c. Beloit, Wis., 1871-72.  D. Beloit, Wis., O. 8, 1872.

Married Aug. 16, 1848, Charlotte Augusta, da. of Timothy Foster, Andover.  3 s., 2 da.  Bro. Christopher C. (A. C. 1828).

811. *Woodworth, Charles Louis.  S. of Charles and Lillis (Avery), b. Somers, Conn., May 22, 1822.  D. D., Ill. Coll., 1883.

Prepared Monson Acad.  Hartford T. S., 1845-48; ordained E. Amherst, N. 7, 1849; p. Cong. Ch. there, 1849-63; chaplain, 27th Mass. Vols., 1862-64; general field agent for Mass., Amer. Miss'y Assoc., 1865; district sec. for N. E., Amer. Miss'y Assoc., 1866-88; a. p. E. Amherst, 1893-98.  Trustee Atlanta U., Ga., 1886-98.  Wrote many religious articles.  D. E. Amherst, May 23, 1898.

Married (1) N. 30, 1846, Maria W., da. of J. G. Chadsey, Wickford, R. I., who d. Aug. 24, 1853; (2) N. 28, 1854, H. Amelia, da. of Rev. Ebenezer Perkins, Royalston, who d. Ap. 7, 1891; (3) Jan. 1, 1893, Lydia P. B., da. of Jacob Auld, E. Boston.  5 ch.  Charles L. (A. C. ex 1875).

812. *Wyman, Henry Nehemiah.  B. about 1823.  Registered from Charlestown.  LL. B., Harvard, 1847.  Alpha Delta Phi.

A. C., 1842-45.  Harvard L. S., 1845-47; practised law San Francisco, Cal. and Sutter Creek, Cal.; in mining, San Francisco, Cal., 1878.  D.


*Bailey, James.  S. of James, b. Holden, Jy. 20, 1820.  A. C., 1841-44.  Studied med.; prin. Mansfield Acad.; Attleboro Acad.  D. Attleboro, May 6, 1856.
*Booth, Alfred.  B. Longmeadow, O. 10, 1824.  A. C., 1841.  Practised med. Norwich, Conn.; Springfield; journalist Springfield and Boston.
*Chandler, Samuel Newell.  S. of Josiah C., b. Springfield, S. 3, 1815.  A. C., 1841-42.  D. Concord, N. H., Aug. 7, 1872.
*Cheney, David Bachelder.  S. of Joel, b. Southbridge, Je. 8, 1820.  M. A., Dennison U., 1850; D. D., U. of Chicago, 1864.  A. C., 1841-43.  Ordained Mansfield, Conn., 1843; p. Baptist Ch. there, 1843-45; Norwich, Conn., 1845-47; Columbus, O., 1847; Philadelphia, Penn.; San Francisco, Cal.; Boston; Chicago, Ill., 1847-48.  Trustee Dennison U.; regent U. at Lewisburg, Penn.; trustee Cal. Coll.; U. of Chicago; president of bd. and executive committee Union Baptist T. S., Morgan Park, Ill.  Ed. The Evangel, San Francisco, Cal.; author The Baptists, their history, faith and polity.
*Darling, Thomas Smith.  S. of William, b. Reading, Penn., 1824.  Prepared Amherst Acad.; A. C., 1841.  Practised law Reading and Philadelphia, Penn.  D. Philadelphia, 1862.  [Possibly brother of Henry (A. C. 1842) and Edward P. (A. C. ex 1851).]
*Graves, Edwin.  B. Hatfield, Jan. 4, 1824.  A. C., 1841-42.   D. in Army, May 21, 1864.
*Hannum, Almon Stiles.  S. of Stiles, b. Belchertown, May 6, 1824.  A. C., 1841-43.  Taught in Miss.  D. Raymond, Miss., S. 12, 1850.
*Haynes, Daniel Curtiss.  S. of Daniel P., b. Worcester, Jan. 23, 1824.  A. C., 1842-43.  Banker St. Catherines, Ont.  D. Ap. 10, 1875.
*Kellogg, Stephen Wright.  S. of Jacob P. and Lucy (Wright), b. Shelburne, Ap. 5, 1822.  Prepared home; A. C., 1841-42; grad. Yale, 1846.  Admitted to New Haven Co. bar, 1848; practised Waterbury, Conn., 1848-; clerk Conn. Senate, 1851; member Conn. Senate, 1853; Conn. House of Representatives, 1856; judge New Haven Co. Court; 1854; judge of probate Waterbury District, 1854-60; Col., 2nd Regt., Conn. National Guard, 1863-66; Brig. Gen., Conn. National Guard, 1866-69; member, 41st, 42nd and 43rd Congress, 1869-75.  D. 1904.
*Lewis, Henry Barton.  S. of Daniel, b. Chester, F. 15, 1820.  A. C., 1841.  Practised law Westfield.
*Ludden, Alonzo Pomeroy.  B. about 1819.  Registered from Hadley.  Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley; A. C., 1841-42.  Left college to teach and it is believed d. a year or two later.
*McCoy, James Munroe.  S. of John, b. Antrim, N. H., Je. 15, 1817.  Prepared Fairfield, N. Y. and Kimball Union (N. H.) Acads.; A. C., 1841-42.  Taught Lowell Grammar School, 1842-59; est. and taught Commercial Coll., Lowell, 1859-79.  Author System of Penmanship; Single Entry Book-Keeping.  D. Lowell, F. 16, 1879.
*Montague, Moses Lyman.  S. of Moses, b. So. Hadley, N. 25, 1822.  A. C., 1841-44; grad. Williams, 1846.  Taught Fairhaven; merchant Beaufort, S. C.  D. Allendale, S. C., Aug. 28, 1868.  Bro. George L. (A. C. ex 1855).
*Munroe, James.  B. Oakham, Jan. 25, 1818.  A. C., 1841; grad. Yale, 1845.  Taught on the Cape, 3 yrs.; taught and preached in Cal. 1849-.  D. Mch. 10, 1861.
*Parker, Stillman Edward.  S. of Aaron, b. Reading, N. 2, 1819.  A. C., 1841-42.  Shoe manufacturer.
*Parsell, John Hardenburg.  S. of Richard, b. Owasco, N. Y., N. 25, 1819.  Prepared Lima, N. Y. Acad.; A. C., 1841-43.  Taught Nashville, Tenn.; studied law but never practised.  "Went to Cal. and was never heard from after the first year."
*Pitkin, Charles Frederick.  S. of Solomon and Nancy (Ives), b. Aug. 23, 1824.  Registered from Amherst.  A. C., 1841-42.  D. Great Barrington, Jy. 10, 1846.  [Seems to be brother of Solomon D. (A. C. 1843).]
*Russell, Leon Fisher.  S. of Josiah, b. Oxford, Mch. 25, 1824.  A. C., 1841-42.  D. Oxford, F. 11, 1842, while a student A. C.
*Shepard, John Robert.  Registered from N. Y. City.  A. C., 1842-43.  Probably r. in Va.
*Trask, Charles Hooper.  S. of Richard, b. Manchester, S. 4, 1824.  A. C., 1841-43; grad. Yale, 1846.  Russia merchant N. Y. City.  D. 1905.
*Whitbeck, William A.  S. of Andrew.  Registered from Coeymans, N. Y.  A. C., 1841; grad. Union, 1846.  D. Je. 10, 1872.

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