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Amherst College Class of 1844
(from the Amherst College Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921))

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753. *Alden, Edmund Kimball.  S. of Dr. Ebenezer and Anne (Kimball), b. Randolph, Ap. 11, 1825.  D. D., A. C., 1866.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Randolph Acad.  Taught Williston Sem., 1844-45; Andover T. S., 1845-48; Abbot resident there, 1848-49; ordained Yarmouth, Me., Jan. 2, 1850; p. Cong. Ch. there, 1850-54; Lenox, 1854-59; Phillips Ch.  So. Boston, 1859-76; sec. Home Dept. A. B. C. F. M., 1876-93.  Trustee Phillips Acad., Andover; Andover T. S., 1868-82; A. C., 1873-96.  Author many sermons and addresses.  D. Boston, Ap. 30, 1896.

Married Ap. 25, 1850, Maria, da. of Gershom Hyde, Bath, Me.  Bro. Ebenezer (A. C. 1839).

754. *Atkinson, Charles Moody.  S. of Moses L. and Charlotte (Dutch), b. Newburyport, Je. 17, 1819.  M. A., A. C., 1847; D. D., Kings Coll., Tenn., 1875.

Prepared with Rev. John C. March, Newburyport; A. C., 1839, 1840-44.  Prin. Greenfield Acad., 1844-45; Union T. S., 1845-48; ordained Grenada, Miss., F., 1849; a. p. there, 1848-49; Carrollton, Miss., 1849-52; general agent and corresponding sec. Synod of Miss., 1852-53; a. p. Madison Ch. Canton, Miss., 1853-68; Vaiden, Miss., 1868-71; evangelist Canton, Miss., 1871-74; a. p. Durant, Miss., 1874-78; evangelist New Orleans, La. and a. p. Thibodeaux, Morgan City and Centreville, La., 1878-1906.  Moderator The United Synod, Huntsville, Ala., 1860; Synod of Miss., 1867.  D. Centreville, La., N. 4, 1906.

Married (1) Jan. 28, 1856, Victoria C., da. of William Bennett, Canton, Miss., who d. F. 13, 1872; (2) D. 22, 1873, Sallie H., da. of Albert M. Sessions, Lexington, Miss.  7 ch.

755. *Bangs, Edward Dwight.  S. of Zenas and Abigail (Crosby), b. Hawley, N. 13, 1816.  M. A., A. C., 1847.

Prepared with Rev. Sanford Lawton, Longmeadow and at Lima, N. Y.; A. C., 1841-44.  Est. Springfield English and Classical Institute, 1845 and prin., 1845-55; taught Princeton, Ill., 1861-73; Knox Female Sem., Galesburg, Ill., 1873-90.  D. Galesburg, Ill., Mch. 7, 1890.

Married N. 28, 1844, Amelia F., da. of Ocran Dickinson, Springfield.  2 ch.

756. *Barnard, William.  S. of William and Alice (Emerson), b. Auburn, Je. 8, 1821.

Prepared Amherst Acad.  Taught in private families in Ill. and Ind.; farmer Washington Heights, Ill., 1851-90; Le Roy, Ind., 1890-1900.  D. Urbana, Ill., D. 25, 1900.

Married F. 5, 1852, Miranda, da. of William Wilcox, Englewood, Ill., who d. Je. 3, 1882.  1 s., 3 da.  Bro. Daniel E. (A. C. 1846).

757. *Belknap, John Stacy.  S. of Chester and Sophia (Freeman), b. Sturbridge, Ap. 20, 1817.  Psi Upsilon.

Bangor T. S., 1844-45; Hartford T. S., 1845-46.  D. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 16, 1852.

758. *Bliss, Isaac Grout.  S. of Harvey and Abigail (Grout), b. Springfield, Jy. 5, 1822.  D. D., A. C., 1871.

Prepared Amherst Acad.  Andover T. S., 1844-45, 1846-47; Yale T. S., 1845-46; ordained W. Springfield, May 4, 1847; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Erzroum, Turkey, 1847-52; w. c., 1852-55; s. s. Southbridge, 1855-56; Boylston, 1856-57; agent Amer. Bible Soc. for the Levant, Constantinople, 1857-89.  D. Assiout, Egypt, F. 16, 1889.

Married May 9, 1847, Eunice, da. of Aaron Day, W. Springfield.  7 ch.  Edwin M. (A. C. 1871); Charles L. (A. C. 1888).  Bro. Edwin E. (A. C. 1837).

759. *Butler, Watson Shiverick.  S. of John and Thankful (Shiverick), b. Falmouth, Mch. 3, 1820.

Prepared Lawrence Acad., Falmouth; entered A. C., 1839 but did not graduate with his class on account of sickness; B. A., 1880.  Prin. Edgartown Acad.; Dukes Co. Acad., Martha's Vineyard, 1844-49; in business and taught Butte City, Poland, Auburn, Benson's Ferry, Washington and Woodland, all in Cal., 1849-65; prin. Lawrence Acad., Falmouth, 1866-67; teacher and book agent.  D. Chatham, May 28, 1887.

Married S. 10, 1846, Mary B., da. of Jared Fisher, Edgartown.  1 da.

760. *Chamberlain, David Chadwick.  S. of David and Abigail (Chadwick), b. Jaffrey, N. H., Mch. 1, 1817.

Prepared Melville Acad., Jaffrey, N. H. and Hancock (N. H.) Acad.  Taught Melville Acad., Jaffrey, N. H., 1844-55; Winchendon, 1855-66; Fitzwilliam and Pelham, N. H.; Ashburnham and Irving; manufacturer So. Ashburnham; farmer E. Jaffrey, N. H., 18(?)-97.  Member N. H. Legislature, 1855-57.  D. E. Jaffrey, N. H., O. 24, 1897.

Married (1) May 9, 1848, Ermina, da. of Benjamin Cutter, Jaffrey, N. H., who d. S. 28, 1851; (2) N. 23, 1852, Helen M., da. of Nathaniel Cutter, Jaffrey, N. H.  5 ch.

761. *Curtis, George Cogswell.  S. of Rev. Joseph W. and Eliza (Green), b. Hadley, 1822.

Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley.  Taught Frankfort, Ky. and began study of law.  D. Bowling Green, Ky., O. 24, 1846.

762. *Dickinson, Richard Salter Storrs.  S. of Rev. Baxter (A. C. hon. 1838) and Martha (Bush), b. Longmeadow, Ap. 3, 1823.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Auburn (N. Y.) Acad.  Taught Genesee (N. Y.) Acad., 1844-45; Auburn T. S., 1845-47; Union T. S., 1847-48; ordained Mch. 28, 1849; p. Houston St. Presb. Ch., N. Y. City, 1849-53; asst. p. 1st Presb. Ch. Philadelphia, Penn., 1853-55; at invitation of Amer. and Foreign Christian Union went to Europe to open Amer. chapel in Paris, 1856.  D. Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 28, 1856.

Married S. 18, 1855, Margaret S., da. of Joseph B. McIlvaine, Philadelphia, Penn.  Bro. William C. (A. C. 1848).

763. *Dudley, John Langdon.  S. of John and Betsey (Tirrill), b. Andover, N. H., Jan. 12, 1812.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared with Rev. Thatcher Thayer (A. C. 1831); Andover T. S., 1 yr.; A. C., 1842-44.  Studied theology with Rev. Thatcher Thayer, Newport, R. I.; ordained, Je. 11, 1847; p. South Cong. Ch., Middletown, Conn., 1849-68; Plymouth Ch. Milwaukee, Wis., 1868-75; Chicago, Ill. and Denver, Col., 1875-77; s. s. Parker Memorial Soc., Boston, 1877-80; r. Lake Mills, Wis.  Author Tides and Tendencies.  D. Boston, N. 21, 1894.

Married (1) Je. 6, 1861, Eliza M., da. of Rev. Lyman Coleman, Philadelphia, Penn., who d. Je. 3, 1871; (2) O. 23, 1872, Marion V., da. of James W. Churchill, Lake Mills, Wis.

764. *Edson, Henry Kingman.  S. of Noah and Huldah (Kingman), b. Hadley, O. 5, 1822.  M. A., A. C., 1847.  Psi Upsilon.

Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley.  Prin. of same, 1844-49; Union T. S.; Andover T. S.; Hartford T. S.; licensed to preach, Ap., 1852; p. Westhampton; prin. Denmark (Ia.) Acad., 1852-79; prof. of pedagogy, Ia. Coll., 1879-92; r. Grinnell, Ia., 1892-1906.  Author School Discipline; Relation of Academies to Colleges; Classical Study:  Means of Securing it in the West.  D. Grinnell, Ia., Mch. 13, 1906.

Married (1) Aug. 30, 1852, Mrs. Celestia A. Maynard, da. of Joseph Kirk, N. Y. Mills, N. Y., who d. Jan. 16, 1889; (2) Mch. 20, 1890, Lizzie, da. of William Scanneran, Saco, Me.  1 s.

765. *Ellsworth, Erastus Wolcott.  S. of Erastus and Elizabeth (Wolcott), b. So. Windsor, Conn., N. 27, 1822.  Psi Upsilon.

Prepared E. Windsor Hill (Conn.) H. S.  Studied law but never admitted to bar; inventor.  Author poems.  D. E. Windsor Hill, Conn., Jan. 5, 1902.

766. *Emerson, John Edwards.  S. of Charles L. and Rhoda Penelope (Edwards), b. Newburyport, S. 27, 1823.  M. A., A. C., 1847.  Psi Upsilon.

Prepared Newburyport H. S.  Taught Conway, 1844-46; Princeton T. S., 1846-49; ordained Newburyport, Jan. 1, 1850; p. Whitefield Ch. there, 1850-51.  D. Newburyport, Mch. 23, 1851.

767. *Green, Lewis.  S. of Benjamin and Mary Sabin (May), b. Hartford, Vt., N. 20, 1818.  M. A., A. C., 1847; Trinity, Conn., 1850.  Psi Upsilon.

Prepared Lowell H. S. and Pembroke (N. H.) Acad.  Andover T. S., 1844-45; Va. T. S., 1845-46; tutor A. C., 1846-47; ordained deacon, Prot. Episcopal Ch., Mch. 1, 1848; priest, O. 12, 1849; rector Trinity Ch., Van Deusenville, 1848-61; Harwinton, Conn., 1861-62; St. John's Ch. Ashfield, 1864-83; r. Greenfield, 1883-87.  D. Greenfield, Je. 16, 1887.

Married N. 4, 1851, Clara C., da. of Wait Bartlett, Granby.  2 s., 1 da.

768. *Grow, Galusha Aaron.  S. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Robbins), b. Ashford, Conn., Aug. 31, 1822.  LL. D., A. C., 1884.  Psi Upsilon.

Prepared Franklin Acad., Glenwood, Penn.  Studied law Norwich, Conn. and Montrose, Penn.; admitted to bar, N., 1847; practised Towanda, Penn., 1847-48; Montrose, Penn., 1848-52; Glenwood, Penn.; member of Congress from Susquehanna district, 1850-63; speaker, 1861-63; delegate to National Republican Conventions, 1864, 1868; r. Houston, Tex., 1871; president International & Great Northern R. R. of Tex., 1871-75; practised law in Penn., 1875-94; member-of-Congress-at-large from Penn., 1894-1903; chairman committee on education in 56th Congress; r. Glenwood, Penn., 1903-07.  Wrote many magazine articles.  Biography by James T. DuBois.  D. Glenwood, Penn., Mch. 31, 1907.  (Portrait in possession of A. C.)

[A web page about Galusha Grow can be found here.]

769. *Hitchcock, Daniel Dwight.  S. of Jacob and Nancy (Brown), b. Dwight Mission, Cherokee Nation, 1823.  M. D., Bowdoin, 1851.

Taught Park Hill mission station and Sweet Town, Cherokee Nation; studied med. New Haven, Conn. and Bowdoin; practised among Cherokee Nation until Civil War; Surgeon, 1st Indian Regt., 1861-65; returned to work among Cherokees.  D. Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation, Jy. 17, 1867.

Married (1) F. 15, 1853, Sarah, da. of Dr. Samuel A. Worcester, Park Hill, Cherokee Nation, who d. Je. 30, 1857; (2) D. 22, 1864, Hannah, sister of (1).  2 da.

770. *Huntting, Samuel.  S. of Rev. Jonathan and Julia (Sayre), b. Southampton, L. I., N. 11, 1822.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Southampton (L. I.) Acad.  Studied theology with Rev. Hugh N. Wilson, Southampton, L. I., 1844-46; Princeton T. S., 1846-47; ordained by Presbytery of L. I., N. 1, 1848; p. E. Hampton, L. I., 1848-49.  D. E. Hampton, L. I., S. 10, 1849.

Married N. 13, 1848, Emma J., da. of Daniel Halsey, Southampton, L. I.  Ch. Samuel.  Bro. William (A. C. 1835).

771. *Lothrop, Henry Tisdale.  S. of Barnabas and Clarissa (Holbrook), b. Randolph, Mch. 6, 1823.

Prepared Randolph Acad.  Andover T. S., 1844-45; studied theology with Rev. John Woodbridge, Hadley and at Hartford T. S., 1845-47; ordained Palmyra, Wis., S. 11, 1850; home miss'y there, 1850-63; farmer there, 1863-94.  D. Whitewater, Wis., F. 26, 1896.

Married May 13, 1851, Jane, da. of Uriah Benedict, Ledyard, N. Y.  2 s., 2 da.

772. *Lyman, Timothy.  S. of Timothy and Experience (Bardwell), b. Chester, Aug. 28, 1819.

Prepared Burr Sem., Manchester, Vt.  Andover T. S., 1845-47; ordained Burlington, Ia., N. 23, 1850; p. Presb. Ch. Fort Madison, Ia., 1850-51; Cong. Ch. Griggsville, Ill., 1851-52; s. s. Lansing, Ia., 1853-56; No. Pepin, Wis., 1856-58; Plainfield, Ill., 1859-62; La Salle, Ill., 1862; Beardstown, Ill., 1863-64; with Amer. Miss'y Assoc., Beaufort, N. C. and Savannah, Ga., 1864-65; p. Killingworth, Conn., 1866-69; w. c. Northampton, 1869; a. p. W. Granville, 1870-71; Southwick, 1871-73; w. c. Westfield and Springfield, 1873-74; a. p. Ludlow Mills, 1874-77; farmer Rutland, 1879-83; a. p. South West Harbor, Me., 1883.  D. South West Harbor, Me., Mch. 18, 1883.

Married (1) Je. 15, 1854, Valleria Van Reed, da. of Dr. William Rinehart, Fort Madison, Ia., who d. O. 11, 1857; (2) Jy. 9, 1860, Helen, da. of A. E. Durand, Aurora, Ill., who d. S. 16, 1877; (3) Aug. 27, 1879, Mary, da. of Mowry Sabin, Winchester, N. H.  4 ch.

773. *Maynard, Eliphal.  S. of Levi and Anna (Day), b. Potsdam, N. Y., Ap. 17, 1820.  M. A., A. C., 1847.

Prepared St. Lawrence Acad., Potsdam, N. Y.; taught in O., several yrs. before entering college.  Taught, 1844-46; Hartford T. S., 1846-48; ordained New Britain, Conn., S. 28, 1848; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Salonica, Turkey, 1849.  D. Salonica, Turkey, S. 14, 1849.

Married Aug. 27, 1848, Celestia A., da. of Joseph Kirk, Parishville, N. Y.  [Seems to be brother of Reuel D. (A. C. ex 1843) and Fayette (A. C. 1852).]

[After Eliphal's death, Celestia seems to have married Henry K. Edson (A. C. 1844).]

774. *Meriam, Daniel Nelson.  S. of Reuben and Eliza Jacobs (Taintor), b. Leicester, F. 6, 1824.

Prepared Leicester Acad.  Studied med.  D. Leicester, Aug. 30, 1850.

775. *Osgood, Edward Shirburne.  S. of Rev. Samuel and Mary (Shirburne), b. Springfield, Jy. 25, 1823.

Prepared Fryeburg (Me.) Acad. and with Rev. Sanford Lawton, Springfield.  Union T. S., 1844-45; literary work, N. Y. City; P. O. clerk and bank cashier, San Francisco, Cal., 1849-58; in business there and Boston, 1858-72; r. in Germany, 1872-76; with Union Relief Assoc. Springfield, 1876-79; life insurance agent Cambridge, 1879-92.  D. Pepperell, Jan. 30, 1898.

Married Je. 7, 1860, Hannah P., da. of Rev. W. W. Newell, N. Y. City.  5 ch.

776. *Russell, Edward Augustus.  S. of Edward A. and Elizabeth Brown (Hall), b. Middletown, Conn., Mch. 13, 1824.

Prepared with Simeon Hart, Farmington, Conn.; Wesleyan, 1840-42; A. C., 1842-44.  R. Middletown, Conn.; manufacturer of woolen goods, Plainfield, Conn.  D. Middletown, Conn., Jan. 30, 1857.

777. *Starkweather, James Oliver.  S. of James C. and Almira (Underwood), b. Pawtucket, R. I., Jy. 29, 1823.

Prepared Pawtucket (R. I.) and Phillips (Andover) Acads.  Cotton manufacturer Pawtucket, R. I.; cashier Slater National Bank there, 1865; fire and marine insurance agent there.  D. Pawtucket, R. I., Aug. 5, 1887.

Married (1) F. 15, 1847, Abby M., da. of Joseph McIntyre, Pawtucket, R. I., who d. F. 26, 1859; (2) O. 24, 1861, Amy, da. of George Matthewson, Dover, N. H.  Ch. Joseph U.; James C.; George M.; Amy H.

778. *Stone, Henry Dwight.  S. of Chester and Nancy (Vinton), b. Southbridge, Jy. 31, 1820.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Manual Labor School, Worcester.  Studied law with Bacon & Barton, Worcester; admitted to bar there, Ap., 1846; practised there, 1846-64; New Orleans, La., 1864-69; admitted to practise before Supreme Court of U. S. 1867.  D. N. Y. City, O. 27, 1869.

779. *Torrance, William.  S. of John and Chlorinda (Bartlett), b. Enfield, D. 1, 1815.

Prepared with private tutors.  R. Baldwinsville, N. Y., 1845-46; taught Ann Arbor, Mich., 1846-48; Enfield, 1848-49; prin. acad. and H. S., Keene, N. H., 1849-55.  D. Keene, N. H., F. 3, 1855.  Bro. Dwight J. (A. C. ex 1851).

780. *Tyler, William Ebenezer.  S. of Rev. William and Betsey (Balcolm), b. So. Weymouth, Ap. 20, 1822.   M. A., A. C., 1847.

Prepared Hopkins (Hadley) and Amherst Acads.  Taught New Salem Acad., 1844; Jasper, N. Y., 1845; Union T. S., 1845-47; asst. ed. Northampton Courier, 1847-48; Yale T. S., 1848-49; prof. Deaf and Dumb Institute, Columbus, O., 1853-60; real estate broker Boston, 1867-79; ed. Amer. Manufacturer and Exporter, Boston, 1879-83.  D. Newton, O. 26, 1904.

Married Jy. 10, 1856, Lurana, da. of Moses Wilmarth, Attleboro, who d. N. 9, 1886.  3 ch.

781. *Walker, James.  S. of Alexander and Anne (McKercher), b. Deerfield, N. Y., Ap. 14, 1820.

Prepared Fairfield and Geneva (N. Y.) Acads.; A. C., 1841-44.  Taught Union Acad., Rutherford Co., Tenn., 1844-47; Union T. S., 1847-50; s. s. Waynesville and Granville, Ill., 1850-53; ordained Mt. Carroll, Ill., Ap. 20, 1853; s. s. Garden Plain, Clyde and Unionville, Ill., 1853-58; Eckford and Tekonsha, Mich., 1858-69; Pewamo, Mich., 1869-74; Greenwood and Hesperia, Mich., 1874-81; r. Detroit, Mich., 1881-99.  Served with Christian Commission, Vicksburg, Miss., 6 mos. during Civil War.  D. Detroit, Mich., Ap. 8, 1899.

Married (1) Aug. 15, 1850, Catherine Campbell, Ocean Port, N. J., who d. Je. 19, 1859; (2) O. 29, 1861, Julia M. Hitchcock, No. Bergen, N. Y., who d. 1874.  2 s., 1 da.

782. *Williams, Lester.  S. of Lester and Cynthia (Becker), b. W. Springfield, Jy. 24, 1823.  M. A., A. C., 1849.

Prepared with Rev. Sanford Lawton, Springfield.  Studied law with E. D. Beach, Springfield; admitted to bar, O., 1846; practised Knoxville, Tenn., 1846-48; Baptist preacher in Tenn., 1848-50; partial course in theology; ordained Russell, Aug., 1854; p. there, 1854-57; W. Townsend, 6 yrs. and taught, 1 yr.; Holden, 6 yrs.; Oswego, N. Y., 4 yrs.; Fredonia, N. Y., 1873-80; chaplain Hampden Co., jail, W. Springfield, 1880-85.  Supt. Colored Refugee Home, Camp Nelson, Ky., 1865; chaplain Miss. Constitutional Convention, 1868.  D. W. Springfield, O. 24, 1885.

Married (1) S. 26, 1848, Frances L., da. of William Clough, Chicopee, who d. S. 7, 1861; (2) O. 9, 1862, Ann E., da. of Waterman Warren, Holden.  4 ch.  [Waterman L. (A. C. 1891).]


*Austin, Franklin Dexter.  S. of John and Lodemia, b. Becket, O. 3, 1819.  A. C., 1840-41; grad. Union, 1845.  Auburn T. S., 1851; p. Tolland, 1852; E. Jaffrey, N. H., 1857; So. Royalston, 1863; Presque Isle, Me., 1867; Dunstable, 1873-79; a. p. Hudson, N. H., 1879-.
*Ball, Benjamin Lincoln.  S. of Dr. Stephen, b. Northboro, 1820.  M. A. (hon), A. C., 1856; M. D., Harvard, 1844.  A. C., 1840-41.  D. 1860.  [Seems to be brother of Nahum (A. C. ex 1846).]
*Boies, William Ely.  S. of Rev. Artemas, b. Charleston, S. C., Jan. 27, 1823.  M. A., Yale, 1850.  A. C., 1840-42; grad. Yale, 1844.  Lane T. S., 1848; s. s. in Mass. and Conn.; r. Longmeadow; Knoxville, Tenn., 1891-.  D. Knoxville, Tenn., Jy. 15, 1919.
*Briggs, Charles Moreau.  S. of James W., b. 1821.  Registered from Cummington.  A. C., 1840-41; grad. Union, 1844.  Practised law Williamsburg, N. Y.
*Bumstead, Sereno Edwards Dwight.  S. of Josiah and Mary Greenough (Andrews), b. Boston, Mch. 10, 1823.  M. D., Harvard, 1844.  Prepared Chauncy Hall School, Boston; A. C., 1841-42.  Harvard Med. School; physician and surgeon military hospital, Jeremie, Hayti, 1846; manufacturer of slippers, Malden.  D. 1904.
*Chase, George Augustus.  S. of John A. and Nancy I. McClure (Ranlet), b. Exeter, N. H., Je. 4, 1822.  M. A., Ind. State U.; LL. D., Wesleyan U., Ala.  Prepared Amherst Acad.; A. C., 1840-41.  President Brookville Coll., Asbury Female Institute and De Pauw Coll., Ind., 16 yrs.; p. Methodist Episcopal Ch.; prin. Louisville, Ky. Female H. S., 1862-.  Ed. The School and Fireside; South Western Journal of Education.
*Crockett, Samuel Lane.  S. of George Washington and Ruth Waldron (Kimball), b. Boston, Jan. 9, 1822.  Prepared Boston Latin School; A. C., 1840.  Artist at home and abroad, painting as health would permit.  D. Boston, Je. 9, 1855.  Bro. George K. (A. C. 1840).
*De Forest, James Goodrich.  S. of Lockwood, b. about 1823.  Registered from Bridgeport, Conn.  A. C., 1840-41.
*Denham, George.  S. of Lucas, b. about 1817.  Registered from Plymouth.  A. C., 1840.  P. Cong. Ch. Barre, Beverly etc.; Prot. Episcopal Ch. E. Boston.  D. E. Boston, F. 21, 1880.
*Felton, Joseph Osborn.  S. of Amory and Mary (Osborn), b. Salem, Jan. 1, 1822.  A. C., 1838-39, 1841-43.  Studied law with Judge Torrey, Worcester; practised Wilmington, O., 1849-52; ed. Dayton, O. Gazette, 1852-55; practised Chicago, Ill., 1855-64; legal reporter Chicago Tribune.  D. Chicago, Ill., Mch. 1, 1864.
*Freeland, Thomas Rodney.  S. of Thomas.  Registered from Claiborne Co., Miss.  A. C., 1841-43.  D. while a student A. C., 1843.
*Hubbard, William Henry.  B. Philadelphia, Penn., Jy. 28, 1820.  A. C., 1840-41; grad. Brown, 1845.  Practised law in Minn.; taught in South.  D. Jan. 10, 1877.  Ch. William H. (A. C. 1871); Charles F. (A. C. 1876); Edward W. (A. C. 1885).
*Linnell, Jonathan Edwards.  B. Orleans, Je. 9, 1822.  M. D., Dartmouth, 1844.  Alpha Delta Phi.  A. C., 1840-42.  Dartmouth Med. Coll.; practised Worcester; Norwich, Conn.  D. Norwich, Conn., S. 26, 1899.  Ch. Herbert M. (A. C. ex 1881).
*Lovett, George Sidney.  B. about 1822.  Registered from Philadelphia, Penn.  A. C., 1840.
*Lovett, Thomas Robert.  B. about 1821.  Registered from Philadelphia, Penn.  A. C., 1840.
*Moffett, George Boone.  S. of James McDowell and Hannah Winters (Miller), b. Augusta Co., Va., O. 20, 1820.  M. D., U. of Penn., 1844.  Prepared with Rev. James Morrison, New Providence, Va.; A. C., 1839-40.  Studied med. U. of Penn.; practised med. Pocahontas Co., W. Va., 1844-62; Surgeon, Army of No. Virginia under Gen. Lee, 1862-65; practised Parkersburg, W. Va., 1865-.
*Neff, Charles.  S. of John R., b. about 1825.  Registered from Philadelphia, Penn.  A. C., 1840.  Practised med.
*Pierson, George.  S. of Henry and Mary (Shaw), b. Hamptonburgh, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1824.  Prepared Amherst Acad.; A. C., 1840-41.  Farmer Hamptonburgh, N. Y.; justice of peace Campbell Hall, N. Y., 1869-.
*Quigley, Timothy Hannum.  S. of James, b. about 1819.  Registered from Worthington.  A. C., 1840.  P. Batavia, N. Y.
*Ripley, Franklin.  S. of Franklin and Charlotte (Barrett), b. Greenfield, Jan. 10, 1824.  M. A. (hon.), A. C., 1848.  Prepared Williston Sem.; A. C., 1840-41.  Studied law with Alvord & Davis, Greenfield; practised Milwaukee, Wis.  D. Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 1, 1857.
*Robinson, Charles.  S. of Jonathan and Huldah (Woodward), b. Hardwick, Jy. 21, 1818.  M. D., Berkshire Med. Coll., 1843.  Prepared Hopkins (Hadley) and Amherst Acads.; A. C., 1840.  Berkshire Med. Coll.; practiced Belchertown, Springfield and Fitchburg.  Member Cal. Legislature, 1850-51; Governor Kans., 1861-63; member Kans. Legislature, 1872; Kans. Senate, 1875-81; Regent Kans. State U., 13 yrs.
*Smith, Brainerd.  S. of Quartus, b. Sunderland, May 28, 1818.  A. C., 1840.  Farmer Sunderland; Rosemond and Normal, Ill.  D. Normal, Ill., Aug. 18. 1877.
*Spellman, Lucius Gibbons.  S. of Samuel, b. about 1819.  Registered from Granville.  A. C., 1840-41.  D. while a student A. C., 1841.
*Terry, William.  S. of Daniel and Mary Pease (Parsons), b. Enfield, Conn., Je. 8, 1822.  M. D., Penn. Med. Coll., 1846.  Prepared select school, Enfield, Conn.; A. C., 1840-41.  Grad. Penn. Med. Coll.; practised Sutton, 1846-60; Ansonia, Conn., 1860-.
*Thompson, William Horton.  S. of William and Catharine (Ingalls), b. Stafford, Conn., Jy. 7, 1818.  Prepared Monson Acad.; A. C., 1840-42.  Grad. Columbia (S. C.) T. S., 1849; p. Savannah, Ga.; Chattanooga, Tenn.; Bolivar and Lexington, Miss.
*Vining, George Whitefield.  S. of George, b. about 1822.  Registered from Plainfield.  A. C., 1840-41.  Taught music Buffalo, N. Y.  D. Denver, Col., Ap. 28, 1879.
*Warner, Henry Martyn.  S. of Seth and Marmie (Kellogg), b. Sunderland, Mch. 17, 1821.  Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley; A. C., 1840-42; taught in Ky., 1842-45; grad. Danville (Ky.) Coll., 1846.  Taught while studying for ministry.  D. Henderson, Ky., S. 4, 1850.
*Williams, Pelleman.  B. about 1816.  Registered from W. Springfield.  A. C., 1840; Dartmouth, 1841.
*Wing, Austin.  S. of Zeri and Triphena (Ingham), b. Hinsdale, S. 30, 1818.  Prepared Worthington Acad.; A. C., 1840-41.  Practiced med. N. Y. City; Marine Hospital, San Francisco, Cal.  Member Cal. Legislature, 2 terms.  D. Central America, May 10, 1856.

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