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1032. *Abbott, Abial Ralph. S. of James P. and Sophronia (Kingsley), b. Cobleskill,
N. Y., Ap. 5, 1832. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Prepared Ellington (Conn.) Acad.; Wesleyan, 1849-52; A. C., 1852-53. Studied law Binghamton, N. Y., 1853-54; Harvard Law School, 6 mos.; admitted to bar, 1855; practised Chicago, Ill., 1856; Priv., Corp., Sergt., Orderly-Sergt., 1st Lieut., Capt., 1st Ill. Light Artillery, 1861-64; r. Washington, D. C., several yrs., working for government; practised law Chicago, Ill., 1869-91. D. Chicago, Ill., Jan. 9, 1891. Married Je. 28, 1871, Alice, da. of Henry Asbury, Quincy, Ill. 2 da. |
1033. *Adams, Thomas Dwight. S. of Hubbard and Mary (Storrs), b. Canterbury, Conn., F. 10,
1827. M. A., A. C., 1856. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Worcester Acad. Prin. H. S. Hopkinton, 1853-54; Framingham, 1854-62; Newton, 1863-68; studied law in vacations with George S. Boutwell and J. G. Abbott, Boston; admitted to bar, 1868; practised N. Y. City, 1868-77; supt. of schools and prin. H. S. Westerly, R. I., 18(?)-82; prin. Classical Institute Essex, Vt., 1882-83; supt. of schools Plymouth, 1883-84; taught English and classical school, 1885-86; Hillhouse H. S. New Haven, Conn., 1887-91; with Bill Publishing Co., 1892; taught Girls' Sem. Oakland, Cal., 1893-99; studied abroad, 1 yr.; taught modern languages, classical school for boys Los Angeles, Cal., 19(?)-07. D. Los Angeles, Cal., May, 1907. Married N. 25, 1856, Malvina M., da. of Jacob Gove, Newton. 4 ch. |
1034. *Allison, Robert Coates. S. of Matthew and Sarah (Bane), b. Lamar Township, Penn., F.
2, 1823. M. A., A. C., 1856. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Mifflinburg (Penn.) Acad.; Delaware Coll., 1849-50; A. C., 1850-53. Union T. S., 1853-54; county supt. of schools Clinton Co., Penn.; prin. Union graded schools Lock Haven, Penn.; Mifflinburg (Penn.) Acad., 2 yrs.; licensed to preach, 1858; ordained as Presb., Je. 30, 1860; studied and preached, 1858-59; prof. of English literature and moral and mental Science, Penn. Agricultural Coll., 1859-60; s. s. Tionesta, Penn., 1860-63; Lafayette, N. Y., 1864-66; w. c. Greenboro, Mo., 1866-69; p. Port Penn, Del., 1869-71; s. s. Scipio, N. Y., 1871-76; a. p. Otisco, N. Y., 1876-79; Scipio, N. Y., 1879-82; Hubbardton, Vt., 1882-86. D. Hubbardton, Vt., May 20, 1886. Married Jan. 12, 1860, Ellen C., da. of J. Milton Smith, Goshen. 7 ch. |
1035. *Andrews, William Hill. S. of Daniel and Jane (Williamson), b. Meadville, Penn., Ap.
3, 1833. M. A., A. C., 1856. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Alleghany Coll., 1847-49; A. C., 1849-53. Studied law with Groesbeck & Thompson, Cincinnati, O.; admitted to bar there, May 17, 1856; bookkeeper there, 1856-64; partner in wholesale grocery firm there, 1864-66. D. Cincinnati, O., May 14, 1866. Married Je. 5, 1860, Maria, da. of Rev. Thomas J. Biggs, Cincinnati, O. 2 ch. Bro. Joseph (A. C. 1856). |
1036. *Baker, Edward Payson. S. of Levi and Mary (Converse), b. Phillipston, N. 3,
1830. Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Prepared Worcester and Westminster Acads. Grad. Bangor T. S., 1857; ordained Dennysville, Me., O., 1858; p. there, 3 yrs.; a. p. Freedom, Me., 1862; E. Machias, Me., 1863-65; p. Winthrop, Me., 1865-72; San Francisco, Cal., 1872-79; English Cong. Ch. Hilo, Hawaii, H. I., 1880-94; r. Ben Lomond, Cal., 1895-96. D. Ben Lomond, Cal., Je. 20, 1896. Married Aug. 8, 1866, Mrs. L. Maria Upton, da. of Simon Noble, Norway, Me. |
1037. *Baker, Nathaniel Putnam. S. of Nathaniel P. and Nancy (Blake), b. Conway, Je. 2, 1830.
A. C., 1848-53; absent on account of illness, 1850-51. Prin. Litchfield (Me.) Acad., few mos.; Bangor T. S., 1854-55. D. Jy. 10, 1856. |
1038. *Benjamin, Reuben Moore. S. of Darius and Martha (Rogers), b. Chatham Centre,
N. Y., Je. 29, 1833. M. A., A. C., 1856; LL. D., Ill. Wesleyan U., 1880. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Kinderhook (N. Y.) Acad.; A. C., 1850-53. Prin. Hopkins Acad. Hadley, 1853; tutor A. C., 1855-56; Harvard Law School; studied law with Gridley & Wickizer, Bloomington, Ill.; admitted to bar there, 1857; practised there. Member Ill. Constitutional Convention, 1869-70; county judge McLean Co., Ill., 1873-86; prof. of law and real property and dean of Law Dept., Ill. Wesleyan U., 1874-1903. Author Student's Guide of Elementary Law; The Prevention of Trusts and Monopolies. D. Bloomington, Ill., Aug. 4, 1917. Married S. 15, 1856, Laura E., da. of David G. Woodin, Chatham Four Corners, N. Y., who d. Jan. 20, 1916. |
1039. *Blanchard, Nathaniel Bailey. S. of Daniel and Ruth (Hunt), b. E. Abington, Jy.
16, 1827. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Bangor T. S., 1853-55; ordained as evangelist Edgartown, Jy. 15, 1856; p. there, 1856-57; 1st Cong. Ch. Plymouth, 1857-60; No. Bridgewater (Brockton), 1861-62. D. Concord, N. H., Aug. 7, 1862. Married Aug. 11, 1856, Beulah P., da. of Jared Fisher, Edgartown. 2 ch. |
1040. *Boltwood, Henry Leonidas. S. of William and Electa (Stetson), b. Amherst, Jan. 17,
1831. M. A., A. C., 1856. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Amherst Acad. Prin. Limerick (Me.) Acad., 1853-54; Palmer H. S., 1854-55; Pembroke (N. H.) Acad., 1855-56; Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N. H., 1857-61; Lawrence H. S., 1861-64; ordained New Orleans, La., 1864 as Chaplain of 67th Regt. U. S. C. T.; supt. of schools Griggsville, Ill., 2 yrs.; prin. H. S. Princeton, Ill., 11 yrs.; Ottawa, Ill., 5 yrs.; Evanston, Ill., 1883-1906. Author several text books. D. Evanston, Ill., Jan. 23, 1906. Married Jy. 31, 1855, Helen E., da. of Eugene Field, Charlemont. Ch. Charles E. (A. C. 1881). |
1041. *Breed, Bowman Bigelow. S. of Isaiah and Sally Preston (Moore), b. Lynn, F. 29,
1832. M. A., A. C., 1856; M. D., Harvard, 1857. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Mass. Med. Coll.; spent 2 yrs. at hospitals of Dublin, Edinburgh and Paris; practised Lynn, 1859-61; Surgeon 8th Regt. Mass. Vols., 1861; in recruiting service, 1861-62; acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. V., 1862; Surgeon on Vol. Med. Staff; Medical Purveyor 8th Army Corps; medical director Yorktown, Va. and at hospitals in St. Louis (Mo.) and Nashville, Tenn., 1862-65; practised Lynn, 1865-66, 1868-72; surgeon U. S. Military Asylum, Togus, Me., 1866-68; ed. Lynn Reporter, 1872-73. Member State Legislature, 1871-73. D. Lynn, D. 16, 1873. Married O. 20, 1859, Hannah P., da. of Nathaniel Pope, Danvers. 3 ch. |
1042. *Buckland, James. S. of Joseph and Rachel (Daniel), b. Sussex, Eng., Aug. 13,
1831. M. A., A. C., 1856; LL. B., Harvard, 1855. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Whipple Acad., Legrange, Mo. Studied Harvard Law School and St. Louis, Mo.; admitted to bar, St. Louis, Mo., S. 28, 1855; practised there, 1855-56; in mercantile business there, 1856-61, 1864-70; Memphis, Tenn., 1862-63; sec. and director Conn. Land Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1870-74 and trustee, 1875-88; studied theology with Rev. Dr. Albro, Cambridge and Rev. J. H. Brooks, St. Louis, Mo.; ordained as Baptist, N. 27, 1876; p. E. St. Louis, Ill., 1876-88. D. Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 22, 1913. Married (1) D. 1, 1857, Georgiana F., da. of Francis Cushman, Rumford, Me.; (2) Aug. 28, 1878, Christina, da. of Alexander McLagan, Scotland, who d. Ap. 6, 1888. Ch. Anna C.; Alice E.; James; Arthur. |
1043. *Carpenter, Harvey Sessions. S. of Nelson and Eliza (Sessions), b. Warren, Ap. 4,
1830. M. A., A. C., 1856; M. D., Berkshire Med. Coll., 1855. Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Warren Acad. Berkshire Med. Coll.; practised Warren, 1855-59; prin. Willington (Conn.) H. S., 1859-62; Tolland (Conn.) H. S., 1862-63; Surgeon in army, 1863; taught Warren. D. Worcester, F. 2, 1875. Married O. 30, 1856, Mary L., da. of Aaron Bliss, Warren. 3 ch. |
1044. *Clark, George Whitefield. S. of John B. and Rebecca Ann (Ball), b. So. Orange,
N. J., F. 15, 1831. M. A., A. C., 1863; D. D., Rochester U., 1872. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared So. Orange (N. J.) schools. Grad. Rochester T. S., 1855; ordained as Baptist, New Market, N. J., 1855; p. there, 1855-59; Elizabeth, N. J., 1859-68 and taught classics Young Ladies' Institute there, 1864-65; p. Ballston, N. Y., 1868-73; Somerville, N. J., 1873-77; w. c. there, 1877-80; financial agent and miss'y of American Baptist Pub. Soc. for N. J., 1880-1911. Author numerous religious works. D. Hightstown, N. J., N. 10, 1911. Married S. 6, 1855, Susan C., da. of Rev. Samuel Fish, Halifax, Vt., who d. F. 7, 1911. 4 ch. |
1045. *Coolidge, Amos Hill. S. of Aaron and Catharine (Hill), b. Sherborn, Aug. 17,
1827. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Holliston and So. Braintree Acads. Andover T. S., 1853-56; ordained Leicester, Ap. 21, 1857; a. p. there, 1857-71; p. there, 1871-94; r. Worcester, 1894-1907. D. Worcester, F. 16, 1907. Married D. 30, 1856, Harriet M., da. of Jonathan Cooley, Palmer, who d. Mch. 16, 1905. 4 ch. John N. (A. C. 1889). |
![]() Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Taught Latin and Greek, Williston Sem., 1853-55; tutor A. C., 1855-56; Andover T. S., 1856-58; completed theological studies privately; licensed to preach, N. 8, 1859; instructor in Latin and German, A. C., 1858; prof. of Latin and instructor in German, 1858-64; prof. of Latin, 1864-1908; prof. emeritus, 1908-11. Dean of Faculty, 1880-94; lecturer on Latin literature Smith Coll., 1876, 1877, 1880; stated preacher A. C. Ch. Member Mass. Legislature, 1879. Ed. many Latin text books; A. C. Triennial Catalogues, 1863-75; A. C. Obituary Records, 1863-71; Roll of Members of A. C. serving in army and navy during war of Rebellion; asst. ed. Alumni Biographical Record, Vol. 1. Member Amer. Philosophical and many other societies. D. Amherst, Mch. 25, 1911. Married Aug. 13, 1861, Mary H., da. of Rev. Aaron Warner (prof. A. C., 1844-53), who d. Mch. 9, 1903. 5 ch. Mary; Annie; Jean; Robert W. (A. C. 1889). (Portrait in possession of A. C.) |
1047. *Dean, Samuel Chase. S. of Josiah R. and Betsey W. (Chase), b. Oakham, Mch. 28,
1823. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Williston Sem. Andover T. S., 1853-56; ordained, Aug. 13, 1856; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Ahmednuggur, India, 1856-61; Satara, India, 1861-69; s. s. Nacoochee, Ga., 1869-72; miss'y A. H. M. S., Steele City, Neb., 1872-80; Wymore, Neb., 1880-81; Plymouth, Neb., 1882-85; So. Bend, Neb., 1885-90. D. So. Bend, Neb., S. 9, 1890. Married Aug. 9, 1856, Elizabeth Augusta, da. of Rev. Amos Abbott, M. D., Ahmednuggur, India. Ch. 7 s., 1 da. Edwin B. (A. C. 1889). |
1048. *Evans, Enoch Kraig. S. of James and Eleanor (Quigley), b. Shawangunk, N. Y., May 27,
1821. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Union T. S., 1853-54; Princeton T. S., 1854; taught, 1854-67; Jerseyville, Ill., 1867-77; Bentonville, Ark., 1877-78; Neosho, Mo.; licensed to preach there, 1878; p. Lebanon, Mo., 1878-79. D. Jerseyville, Ill., D. 18, 1879. Married May 3, 1854, Charlotte Emeline, da. of William T. Dickinson, Woodbourne, N. Y. 1 da. |
1049. *Fifield, Lebbeus Bailey. S. of Noah and Nancy (Veazie), b. Eastport, Me., S. 7,
1826. M. A., A. C., 1864.
Prepared Phillips, Exeter, N. H. and Kimball Union (N. H.) Acads.; A. C., 1849-51; B. A., 1871. Studied theology with Rev. J. Guernsey, Dubuque, Ia., 1854-55; ordained, 1857; s. s. and p. Manchester, Ia., 1856-60; p. Cedar Falls, Ia., 1860-70; s. s. Lincoln, Neb., 1870-72; p. Kearney, Neb., 1872-82; librarian, Library of Historical and Political Science, Johns Hopkins U. and special student there, 1883-87; r. Minneapolis, Minn., 1887-1906. Chaplain Neb. Legislature, 1871-72; Neb. Constitutional Convention, 1871; regent State U. of Neb. 1876-. Ed. Daily and Weekly Tribune, Dubuque, Ia., 1851-55; Literary and Educational Notes, Kearney, Neb., 1878-82. D. Minneapolis, Minn., S. 7, 1906. Married N. 18, 1859, Emily J., da. of George Walworth, Canaan, N. H. 5 ch. |
1050. *Fish, Joseph Leroy Atwell. S. of Seth and Elizabeth (Ball), b. No. Amherst, S. 6,
1828. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Shelburne Falls Acad. Newton T. S., 1854-56; ordained, Jy. 2, 1856; p. Webster, 1856-63; Vineyard Haven, 1863-65; Holliston, 1865-68; Holyoke, 1868-71; supt. of schools there, 1871-72; home miss'y Duluth, Minn., 1872-75; p. No. Hebron and Granville, N. Y., 1875-78; w. c. Atchinson, Kans., 1878-80; taught Natchez (Miss.) Sem. under Amer. Baptist H. M. Soc., 1880; president Florida Institute, Live Oak, Fla., 1880-90. D. Live Oak, Fla., Mch. 26, 1890. Married (1) N. 17, 1857, Ann J., da. of Rev. John Atwood, New Boston, N. H., who d. Mch. 15, 1874; (2) Aug. 17, 1875, Mrs. Ada B. Allen, Duluth, Minn. 3 ch. |
1051. *Flagg, William Dodd. S. of Stephen and Lucretia (Dodd), b. Boylston, Mch. 6, 1829.
Prepared Mt. Pleasant Institute, Amherst. Prin. Holyoke H. S., 1853-54; Bangor T. S., 1854-57; ordained as evangelist Barton, Vt., Jan. 10, 1858. D. Boylston, May 12, 1859. |
1052. *Greene, John Morton. S. of Linus and Esther (Hawley), b. Hadley, Mch. 12,
1830. M. A., A. C., 1856; D. D., A. C., 1881. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Williston Sem. Bangor T. S., 1 yr.; Andover T. S., short time; ordained Hatfield, O. 20, 1857; p. there, 1857-67; So. Hadley, 1868-70; Lowell, 1870-1900. Tutor A. C., 1855-57. Originator of idea of Smith Coll. which was founded by one of his parishioners (Sophia Smith); trustee Smith, 1875-1919; Mt. Holyoke, 1866-75 and sec. of that bd., 1869-74; French American Coll. Springfield, president of bd., 1885-89; member bd. of overseers of Charitable Fund A. C., 1860-1903. Auditorium at Smith named John M. Greene Hall in his honor. D. Boston, Ap. 28, 1919. Married S. 30, 1857, Louisa, da. of Daniel Dickinson, Amherst, who d. Mch. 29, 1881. 6 ch. William S. (A. C. 1882). [Information about John Morton Greene is available on the Smith College website.] |
1053. *Griswold, Theophilus Lyman. S. of Lyman and Urania (Barrett), b. Greenfield, N. 14,
1828. M. A., E. Tenn. U., 1856; M. D., Physo-Med. Coll., 1864. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Goodale Acad., Bernardston. Tutor Knoxville U., Tenn., 1853-54; prof. of mathematics there, 1854-57; prin. Union Sem. Danville, Ill., 1858-63; studied med. Physo-Med. Coll. Cincinnati, O., 1863-64; practised Elmira, N. Y., 1864-66; supt. of schools Forestville, N. Y., 1866-71; Oswego, N. Y., 1871-73; prin. State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Penn., 1873-77; r. Watkins, N. Y., 1877-84. Ed. Danville (Ill.) Republican, 1861-62. D. Shelburne Falls, Mch. 5, 1884. Married Aug. 18, 1859, Belle, da. of Fox Holden, Elmira, N. Y., who d. May 5, 1882. Ch. Carl; Delos; Hiram; Lyman W. (A. C. 1892). |
1054. *Hamilton, John Alexander. S. of John and Sarah (Burton), b. Chester, D. 8,
1829. D. D., A. C., 1885. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Williston Sem. Andover T. S., 1855-58; s. s. 1st Ch., Keene, N. H., 1858-61; ordained there, Jan. 29, 1861; p. there, 1861-65; w. c. Springfield, Ill., 1865-67; s. s. Olivet Ch., Springfield, 1867; Edwards Ch., Davenport, Ia., 1867-72; p. 1st Cong. Ch., Norwalk, Conn., 1874-82; r. Washington, D. C., 1882-83; r. Cambridge. Sec. Cong. Education Soc., Boston, 1884-99. Chaplain, 6th N. H. Vols., 1862-63. D. Cambridge, Je. 22, 1922. Married O. 20, 1858, Eliza Hun, da. of Erastus Wright, Springfield, Ill., who d. Aug. 9, 1910. Ch. Jennie L. Bro. Henry H. (A. C. 1868). |
1055. *Haskell, Matthew Wood. S. of Mark and Charlotte Clark (Wood), b. Hardwick, Jy. 7,
Prepared Monson Acad. and Cornelius Institute, N. Y. City. Union T. S., 1853-54, 1855-56; home miss'y N. Y. City, 1854-55; soliciting agent Amer. Tract Soc. in Mo., 1856; licensed to preach by Hampshire East Assoc., Mch. 13, 1856. D. Amherst, N. 25, 1856. |
1056. *Hodge, George Edwin. S. of Perkins A. and Rebecca (Pinkerton), b. Derry, N. H., Ap.
27, 1832. Psi Upsilon.
Prepared Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N. H. In business with Blanchard, Converse & Co., Boston, 1853-73; with M. A. Happock & Co., wholesale grocers, N. Y. City; dental manufacturer there, 18(?)-1901; r. Wellfleet, 1901-03. D. Newton, Jy. 12, 1904. Married (1) F. 6, 1861, Mary, da. of John Folsom, Derry, N. H., who d. N. 12, 1869; (2) O. 9, 1872, Emma C., da. of Moses A. Happock, Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., who d. Jan. 23, 1874; (3) 1881, E. Augusta, da. of Charles L. Ganebin, Utica, N. Y., who d. Je. 11, 1888. 3 ch. |
1057. *Jones, Stephen Edward. S. of Stephen E. and Mary Ann (Barkley), b. near Harrodsburg, Ky.,
Ap. 23, 1833. LL. B., Transylvania U., 1855.
Prepared Bacon Coll. Prep. Dept., Harrodsburg, Ky.; Bacon Coll., 1848-49; Centre Coll., Ky., 1849-50; A. C., 1850-53. Transylvania U. Law School, Ky., 1853-55; admitted to bar, 1855; practised Keokuk, Ia., 2 yrs.; Louisville, Ky., 1858-61 and after the war; 1st Lieut. and Aide-de-Camp on staff of Maj. Gens. Nelson, Thomas and Boyle, 1861-63; Capt. and acting Provost Marshal Gen. of district of Ky. with service on staff duty, 1863-65; president Ky. Wagon Works; in fire insurance business, 1894-1906. D. Louisville, Ky., Jy. 28, 1914. Married (1) N. 12, 1856, Mattie, da. of William R. McKee, Lexington, Ky., who d. Nov. 13, 1873; (2) Je. 27, 1882, Frances P., da. of Dr. Robert Breckenridge, Louisville, Ky. Ch. Alice L.; Hugh McK. (A. C. ex 1883); Annie B.; Stephen E.; Hunt; Lafou; Robert B.; Richard C. |
1058. *Leib, William John. S. of Samuel D. and Eliza Jane (Good), b. Orwigsburg, Penn., F. 20,
1832. M. A., A. C., 1856. Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Prepared Prep. Dept. Penn. Coll., Gettysburg, Penn.; Penn. Coll., 1848-49; A. C., 1850-53. Studied law Pottsville, Penn., 1853-55; admitted to Schuylkill Co., Penn. bar, D. 8, 1855; practised Pottsville, Penn., 1855-59; clerk in U. S. Patent Office Washington, D. C., 1860-61; in office of Auditor of the Treasury and of the P. O. Dept., 1861-66; farmer Lime Kiln, Frederick Co., Md., 1866-80; r. Washington, D. C., 1880-82; clerk in War Dept., 1882-94. Representative from Frederick Co. to Legislature, 1878-79. D. Washington, D. C., Je. 23, 1897. |
1059. *Litchfield, Daniel Clapp. S. of Nathaniel and Deborah (Clapp), b. Scituate
Harbor, Jy. 5, 1822. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Pierce Acad., Middleboro and Baptist Acad., Worcester. Newton T. S., 1853-56; ordained Bowdoinham, Me., 1856; p. there, 1856-57; Oldtown, Me., 1857-63; Andover, 1863-68; Bricksburg, N. J., 1868-71; financial sec. So. Jersey Institute, Bridgeton, N. J., 1871-72; district sec. Amer. Baptist Pub. Soc., N. Y., 1872-74; p. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1871-75; Warwick, N. Y., 1875-82; in real estate business N. Y. City, few yrs.; r. Warwick, N. Y. D. Warwick, N. Y., May 29, 1907. Married N. 24, 1859, Mary E., da. of J. C. White, Bangor, Me. 4 ch. |
1060. *Marshall, Joshua Newell. S. of Simeon M. and Jennette L. (Berry), b. Dracut, May
22, 1830. Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Prepared Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N. H. Studied law Lowell, 1 yr. before entering college and with A. P. Bonney, 1853-55; admitted to bar, 1855; practised Hopkinton, 1855-56; Lowell, 1856-95. Member Mass. Legislature, 1863-64; Mass. Senate, 1867-69; delegate to Republican National Convention, Philadelphia, Penn., 1872; member bd. of visitors in Andover T. S., 1885-95. D. Lowell, Mch. 2, 1895. Married Jan. 21, 1858, Georgiana B., da. of Elisha B. Fiske, Upton. 3 ch. William S. (A. C. 1891). |
1061. *Morse, Charles Fitch. S. of Joseph and Abigail (Thomas), b. Salem, Vt., Jy. 28,
1825. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared St. Johnsbury (Vt.) Acad. Andover T. S., 1853-56; ordained as foreign miss'y Reading, Aug. 13, 1856; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Constantinople, Turkey, 1857-58; Adrianople, 1858-62; Sophia, 1862-67; Eski Zagra, 1867-70; p. Phillipston, 1871-72; Atkinson, N. H., 1872-75; w. c. Thetford, Vt., 1875-78; a. p. Waterford, Vt., 1878-81; p. McIndoes Falls, Vt., preaching also in Monroe, N. H., 1881-84; r. St. Johnsbury, Vt. as agent for People's Cyclopedia for northern N. E., 18 yrs. Compiled the first Bulgarian-English lexicon and prepared a Bulgarian grammar; trans. numerous tracts into Bulgarian. D. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Mch. 15, 1913. Married Aug. 10, 1856, Eliza D., da. of Aaron E. Winter, W. Boylston. 12 ch. Charles H. (A. C. 1880); Joseph F. (A. C. 1884). |
1062. *Nelson, Edwin. S. of Elijah and Lois (Nelson), b. Upton, F. 23, 1828. Phi
Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Prepared Leicester Acad. Taught Southampton, L. I., 1853-54; Lowell, 1854-57; with Straw Goods Manufactory, Upton, 10 yrs.; bookseller Amherst, 1869-1900. D. Amherst, Je. 11, 1901. Married S. 29, 1862, Annie E., da. of L. Otis Makepeace, Holliston. 2 adopted ch. Lura (m. Edward F. Gage, A. C. 1888). |
1063. *Parsons, Ralph Lyman. S. of Simeon Lewis and Catharine (Beamer), b. Prattsburg,
N. Y., Jy. 30, 1828. M. A., A. C., 1856; M. D., N. Y. Med. Coll., 1857. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Franklin Acad., Prattsburg, N. Y.; A. C., 1850-53. Grad. N. Y. Med. Coll., 1857; studied with Drs. H. H. & F. Childs, Pittsfield and N. Y. City; physician N. Y. City Asylum, 1857-60; North Western Dispensary N. Y. City, 1860-62; acting Asst. Surgeon U. S. A., 1862-63; visiting physician Demilt Dispensary, 1863-65; private practise at same time; medical supt. and resident physician N. Y. City Lunatic Asylum, 1865-77; medical supt. Kings Co. Lunatic Asylum, 1877-78; est. private home for care and treatment of nervous diseases, N. Y. City, 1879; removed same to Ossining, N. Y., 1880; in charge there, 1880-1914. Author numerous papers dealing with care and treatment of the insane and on medico-legal subjects. D. Ossining, N. Y., F. 26, 1914. Married Ap. 7, 1864, Helen L., da. of Thomas G. Wait, N. Y. City, who d. Ap. 6, 1895. Ch. Grace; Ralph; Marion; Laura. |
1064. *Pepper, Elbridge. S. of John and Eunice (Hutchinson), b. Ware, Ap. 20,
1827. M. A., A. C., 1856. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Worcester Acad. Newton T. S., 1857-60; ordained Effingham, N. H., D. 5, 1861; p. there, 1861-63; Farmington, Me., 1863-67; Eastport, Me., 1867-71; Bradford, N. H., 1871-82; So. Norridgewock, Me., 1882-90; postmaster there, 1890-93; r. there, 1893-1904; Madison, Me., 1904-11. D. Madison, Me., N. 13, 1911. Married May 10, 1864, Hannah Maria, da. of George W. Lincoln, Albion, Me. 1 s. Bro. George D. B. (A. C. 1857). |
1065. *Pierce, Henry Reuben. S. of Warren and Sally (McManus), b. Coventry, Vt., Jan. 2,
1828. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Williston Sem. Prin. Saxonville H. S., 1853-54; Hopkinton H. S., 1854-55; studied law with Charles R. Train, Framingham, 6 mos.; prin. Uxbridge H. S., 1856-57; Woonsocket (R. I) H. S., 1857-61; Lieut. 5th Regt. R. I. Vols., 1861-62. Ed. R. I. School Master. D. battle of Newbern, N. C., Mch. 14, 1862. Married Aug. 12, 1856, Ann Frances, da. of Joseph A. Tillinghast, Hopkinton. 2 ch. |
1066. *Pierce, William Martin. S. of David and Miriam (Cook), b. Hadley, D. 30,
1827. M. A., A. C., 1856. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley. Taught Warrington, N. C., 1853-54; prof. of mathematics, Male and Female Institute, Portsmouth, Va., 1854-57; studied law with C. B. Wells, Geneva, Ill., 1857-58; admitted to bar, 1859; prin. acad. Ironton, Mo., 1858-61; instructor City U. St. Louis, Mo., 1861-69; notary public, surveyor and land agent St. James, Phelps Co., Mo., 1870-71. D. Rolla, Mo., Jan. 7, 1871. Married D. 25, 1860, Mary Fanny, da. of Samuel Shryock, Hopkinsville, Ky. 1 ch. |
1067. *Pratt, Edward Henry. S. of Nathan and Sarah (Harlow), b. Shrewsbury, N. 4,
1826. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Monson Acad. Hartford T. S., 1853-54; Andover T. S., 1854-55; s. s. E. Woodstock, Conn., 1855-67; ordained as evangelist there, Mch. 16, 1858; sec. Conn. Temperance Union there, 1867-78. D. E. Woodstock, Conn., N. 13, 1878. Married F. 28, 1856, Martha Ann, da. of Josiah F. Holden, Grafton. 3 ch. |
1068. *Richardson, Gilbert Brainerd. S. of Gilbert and Hannah (Davis), b. Woburn, Jy.
21, 1827. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Warren Acad., Woburn. Bangor T. S., 1853-56; ordained Douglas, Je. 30, 1857; s. s. and p. there, 1856-60; p. Edgecomb, Me., 1860-63; Robbinston, Me., 1863-66; Sheepscote Bridge, Me., 1866-71; Cumberland, Me., 1871-73; a. p. E. Alstead, N. H., 1874-81; p. Hardwick, 1881-83. D. Hardwick, F. 20, 1883. Married Aug. 4, 1856, Emily W., da. of Wing Spooner, Levant, Me. 3 ch. Frederick (A. C. 1882). Bro. Martin L. (A. C. 1856); Alvah M. (A. C. 1862). |
1069. *Sanborne, George Edward. S. of Peter and Martha (Wakefield), b. Reading, Ap. 16,
1827. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Williston Sem. and Monson Acad. Andover T. S., 1853-56; ordained Georgia, Vt., Jan. 1, 1857; p. there, 1857-61; s. s. Portsmouth, N. H., 1861-62; p. Mt. Vernon, N. H., 1862-65; Northboro, 1865-70; supt. of Orphan Asylum, Hartford, Conn., 1870-75, also s. s. Tolland, Conn., 2 yrs., Hartford, Conn., 2 yrs. and Enfield, Conn., 3 mos.; steward of Retreat for Insane, Hartford, Conn., 1875-95. D. Hartford, Conn., Jan. 7, 1900. Married Je. 10, 1858, Annie E., da. of John Knowlton, Portsmouth, N. H. Bro. Pliny F. (A. C. 1840). |
1070. *Smith, Elijah Bailey. S. of Sylvanus S. and Elizabeth (Clark), b. Lyme, Conn., D. 13,
Prepared Lyme, Conn.; A. C., 1848-50, 1851-53. Andover T. S., 1853-55; Princeton T. S., 1855-56; studied law, 1856-58; ordained as Presb., Je. 10, 1858; p. Corning, N. Y., 1858-59; Lewisville, Va., 1859-61; s. s. South Cong. Ch. Durham, Conn., 1861-62; Middle Haddam, Conn., 1862-63; w. c. Middletown, Conn., 1863-72; priest evangelist of Catholic Apostolic Ch. Detroit, Mich., Chicago, Ill., Milwaukee, Wis. and Charlottetown, P. E. I., 1872-88; N. Y. City, 1888-89. Trans. theological works from German into English and English into German. D. N. Y. City, S. 9, 1889. Married Jan. 13, 1864, Mrs. Emily B. Stedman, da. of Jonathan Barnes, Middletown, Conn. |
1071. *Spencer, Julius. S. of Harlow and Theodosia (Cook), b. St. Louis, Mo., Mch. 21,
1831. M. A., A. C., 1856. Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Upsilon.
Prepared St. Louis (Mo.) H. S.; A. C., 1850-53. Taught, 1853-55; Princeton T. S., 1855-58; s. s. Atchison, Kans., 1859-60; Caledonia, Mo., 1860-63; ordained as evangelist by Presbytery of Potosi, Mo., Ap. 19, 1863; w. c. St. Louis, Mo., 1863-65; s. s. Irondale, Mo. and prin. acad. there, 1865-73; supt. of schools there, 1873-75; a. p. Prairie Home, Ill., 1875-77; w. c. St. Louis, Mo., 1877-82; s. s. Grant, Penn., 1882-86; French Creek, W. Va., 1886-88; r. Grove City, Penn., 1888-92; p. Parma, O., 1892-96; r. E. Cleveland, O. preaching occasionally, 1896-98; Pittsburgh, Penn., 1898-1903. D. Pittsburgh, Penn., Jy. 1, 1903. Married May 7, 1859, Carrie T., da. of John Nelson, Princeton, N. J. 2 ch. |
1072. *Storrs, Richard Salter. S. of Eleazer Williams and Lucy (Colton), b. Amherst, S. 29,
1830. M. A., A. C., 1856. Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Delta Phi.
Prepared Williston Sem. Taught Deaf and Dumb Asylum Hartford, Conn., 1853-64; 1865-84; taught National Deaf Mute Coll., Washington, D. C., 1864-65. D. Longmeadow, Aug. 31, 1884. |
1073. *Tenney, Sanborn. S. of Samuel and Clarissa (Royce), b. Stoddard, N. H., Jan. 13,
1827. M. A., A. C., 1856. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Marlow Acad., N. H. and with Leonard Humphrey, Amherst; A. C., 1850-53. Taught natural science N. E. Normal Institute Lancaster, 1853-55; lectured on natural history before Mass. State Teachers' Institute, 1855-56, studying natural history meanwhile with Prof. Agassiz, Cambridge; prof. of natural history Vassar, 1865-68; Williams, 1868-77. Author Geology for Teachers; Classes and Private Students; Natural History of Animals; Manual of Zoology; Elements of Zoology. D. Buchanan, Mich., Jy. 9, 1877. Married Jy. 30, 1855, Abbie Amy, da. of Rev. Jacob Gore, Milford, N. H. 2 ch. |
1074. *Wenzell, Abner Haven. S. of John and Mehitable (Haven), b. Framingham, S. 7,
1833. M. A., A. C., 1869. Delta Upsilon.
Prepared Marlow Acad., N. H. Associate prin. Mt. Hollis Sem. Holliston, 1853-54; prin. acad. Milwaukee, Wis., 1854-56; E. Bloomfield (N. Y.) Acad., 1856-58; studed law with C. B. M. Smith, Pittsburgh, Penn. and practised, 1858-63; taught Edgartown, 1863-65; prin. Marlboro H. S., 1865-70; practised law, 1870-71. D. Medfield, Ap. 20, 1871. Married Mch. 22, 1865, Rosine M., da. of Aaron Smith, Medfield. 1 ch. |
*Bailey, Ezra Thurber. S. of John W., b. about 1820. Registered from Plattsburg, N. Y. A. C., 1849-52. Enlisted 9th N. Y. Vols., Je. 1, 1861; Captain's clerk on board U. S. Frigate, Colorado, sailed for Fort Pickens, Fla. D. Aug. 4, 1861. |
*Bass, William Henry. B. Randolph, Jan. 29, 1832. Psi Upsilon. A. C., 1849-50. D. Charlestown, D. 5, 1877. |
*Bedford, James Sutton. S. of Dr. Andrew, b. about 1830. Registered from Abington, Penn. A. C., 1850. |
*Dada, William Burt. S. of Noah, b. Otisco, N. Y., O. 8, 1827. A. C., 1849-50; grad. Hamilton, 1853. P. Skaneateles, N. Y.; Jackson, Mich.; Minneapolis, Little Falls, Clear Water and Lake City, Minn.; E. Palmyra, N. Y. |
*Daniels, Henry Ellsworth. S. of Ransloe, b. Worthington, Jy. 29, 1830. Psi Upsilon. A. C., 1849-51; grad. Williams, 1853. Practised law Windsor Locks, Conn.; private sec. to Admiral Dahlgren commanding So. Pacific Squadron. D. Washington, D. C., N. 16, 1866. |
*Dorman, Roderic. B. Belchertown, F. 10, 1831. A. C., 1849. Merchant Nashville, Tenn. |
*Dreux, Charles Didier. S. of Didier, b. about 1832. A. C., 1849-50. Col. Regt. from New Orleans, La. Killed at battle of Bull Run, Jy. 5, 1861. |
*Farnsworth, William Crawford. S. of William G., b. Charlestown, 1831. Psi Upsilon. A. C., 1849-50. Practised law N. Y. City, 7 yrs.; Boston, 12 yrs. D. 1872. |
*Goodrich, George Dickinson. S. of Dr. Horace, b. Ware, Ap. 29, 1834. Alpha Delta Phi. A. C., 1849-50; grad. Williams, 1857. Andover T. S., 1865; ordained S. 12, 1865; home miss'y Denver, Col., 1865-67; resident licentiate Andover T. S., 1868-69. D. Hartford, Conn., Jy. 26, 1870. |
*Hills, James Stebbins. B. about 1828. Registered from Palmer. Delta Kappa Epsilon. A. C., 1849-51. Broker. |
*Hinton, Richard Lewis. S. of Lewis R. and Esther M. (Gordon), b. Pasquatank Co., N. C., Ap. 4, 1830. Prepared Riddicksviile, N. C. Sem.; A. C., 1849. R. New Forest City, Ark., 1849-; studied med. Memphis, Tenn.; practised Friendship, Tenn., 18(?)-61; Washington, Ark.; Prescott, Ark. D. Prescott, Ark., Je. 4, 1916. |
*Kellogg, Amasa Stetson. B. No. Amherst, D. 3, 1830. A. C., 1849-50; grad. Williams, 1853. Studied law Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; farmer. Bro. Rufus B. (A. C. 1858). |
*Little, Henry Augustus. B. Boston, Jy. 20, 1829. A. C., 1849-51; grad. Brown, 1855. Taught elocution, N. Y. City. |
*Manning, George Smith. S. of James and Charity B. (Wilder), b. Bethany, Penn., F. 27, 1829. A. C., 1849-51; grad. Princeton, 1854. Practised law, Clinton, Ia. |
*Plumer, Frank. S. of Henry, b. Goffstown, N. H., Mch. 2, 1827. A. C., 1849; grad. Colby. Practised law Davenport, Ia. D. S. 11, 1866. |
*Simons, John Milton. B. Longmeadow, May 18, 1831. A. C., 1849; Yale, 1850. D. F., 1850. |
*Smith, Charles. S. of Samuel and Almira (Green), b. Amherst, D. 16, 1828. A. C., 1849-50, 1851-52. Farmer Amherst. |
*Thatcher, Erastus. B. about 1825. Registered from Manchester, Vt. A. C., 1849. |
*Thompson, Charles Perkins. S. of Frederic M., b. Braintree, Jy. 30, 1827. M. A. (hon.), A. C., 1877. A. C., 1849; grad. Dartmouth. Practised law Gloucester, 1857-. Member of Congress, 1875-77. D. 1894. |
*Walker, James Parker. S. of James, b. Manchester, N. H., F. 7, 1828. A. C., 1849. Grad. Boston Med. Coll., 1856; practised Manchester, N. H. |
*Williams, Fordyce. S. of Israel and Lavina (Joy), b. Ashfield, Jy. 6, 1828. Prepared Monson Acad. and Williston Sem. A. C., 1849-50. Taught Belchertown; grad. Rochester U., N. Y., 1853; prin. acad. Sheboygan, Wis. D. Bloomfield, Conn., D. 25, 1855. |
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