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Index -- Walker
(to the Amherst College
Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921) )
Every student record containing the surname Walker . Click on a name to see the full biography.
Beer, Henry ex 1895
Case, Harry Whitehead 1921
Collins, William Oliver 1833
Curtiss, Samuel Ives 1867
Haile, William Henry ex 1856
Hall, George Cyril ex 1871
Hall, John Quincy 1859
Howe, Sidney Walker 1859
Kamm, Philip Schuyler ex 1916
Knox, William Shadrach 1865
Mellen, Albert Henry 1906
Mellen, Harrison Walker ex 1909
Rockwell, Frank Williams 1868
Rockwell, Robert Campbell 1871
Sears, Frederick Edmund ex 1895
Simpson, John Woodruff 1871
Thompson, Charles Francis ex 1891
Walker, Aaron 1841
Walker, Albert Hiram 1891 (not yet entered)
Walker, Albert Morse 1899 (not yet entered)
Walker, Carl Mortimer ex 1907
Walker, Charles Emmett ex 1871
Walker, Charles Swan 1885 (not yet entered)
Walker, Charles Warner 1899 (not yet entered)
Walker, Charles William Frederick ex 1910 (not yet entered)
Walker, Cyrus ex 1860
Walker, Francis Amasa 1860
Walker, Frederick Bryant 1891
Walker, George Frederic 1849
Walker, Harold 1898 (not yet entered)
Walker, Herbert M. 1924
Walker, Howard C. 1923
Walker, James 1844
Walker, James Parker ex 1853
Walker, John 1858
Walker, John Baldwin 1883 (not yet entered)
Walker, John Grahame ex 1921 (not yet entered)
Walker, John Jairus 1889 (not yet entered)
Walker, Joseph Gilbert ex 1836
Walker, Leonard ex 1850
Walker, Lewis Brigham 1911 (not yet entered)
Walker, Matthew 1857
Walker, Merritt Harvey 1870
Walker, Phineas C. ex 1836
Walker, Richard H. 1923
Walker, Robert Irving ex 1893 (not yet entered)
Walker, Roberts 1896 (not yet entered)
Walker, Stuart 1901 (not yet entered)
Walker, William 1838
Walker, William Emrich 1898 (not yet entered)
Walker, William Franklin 1886 (not yet entered)
Walker, William O'Brien 1878 (not yet entered)
Walker, Williston 1883
Every Walker that has been indexed so far. Click on a name to see the relevant biography.
Walker, (Mr.) (mentioned, 1921)
Walker, Aaron (father, ex 1836)
Walker, Aaron (father, 1838)
Walker, Aaron (father, 1841)
Walker, Aaron 1841
Walker, Albert Hiram 1891
Walker, Albert Morse 1899
Walker, Alexander (father, 1844)
Walker, Amasa (father, 1860)
Walker, Amelia (child, 1883)
Walker, Asa (father, ex 1836)
Walker, Carl Mortimer ex 1907
Walker, Charles Emmett ex 1871
Walker, Charles Swan 1885
Walker, Charles Warner 1899
Walker, Charles William Frederick ex 1910
Walker, Cyrus ex 1860
Walker, Elizabeth (child, 1883)
Walker, Fanny Hoyt (mother, ex 1916)
Walker, Francis Amasa 1860
Walker, Frederick Bryant 1891
Walker, George (child, 1849)
Walker, George Frederic 1849
Walker, George Leon (father, 1883)
Walker, Harold 1898
Walker, Harriet (mother, 1859)
Walker, Harriet (mother, ex 1871)
Walker, Harvey (father-in-law, 1867)
Walker, Harvey (father, 1870)
Walker, Herbert M. 1924
Walker, Howard C. 1923
Walker, James (father, ex 1853)
Walker, James 1844
Walker, James B. (father, 1891)
Walker, James Parker ex 1853
Walker, Jane B. (mother, 1871)
Walker, John (father, 1858)
Walker, John 1858
Walker, John Baldwin 1883
Walker, John Grahame ex 1921
Walker, John Jairus 1889
Walker, John Mathias (father, ex 1907)
Walker, Joseph Gilbert ex 1836
Walker, Laura W. (wife, 1867)
Walker, Leonard ex 1850
Walker, Lewis Brigham 1911
Walker, Louise (child, 1849)
Walker, Lucy (mother, ex 1891)
Walker, Lucy Forbes (mother, 1868)
Walker, Lucy Forbes (mother, 1871)
Walker, Matthew (father, 1857)
Walker, Matthew 1857
Walker, Merritt Harvey 1870
Walker, Mrs. Alice (Mather) (wife, 1883)
Walker, Mrs. Amey (Yeaw) (mother, ex 1860)
Walker, Mrs. Anne (McKercher) (mother, 1844)
Walker, Mrs. Catharine (Hardcastle) (wife, 1838)
Walker, Mrs. Catherine (Campbell) (wife, 1844)
Walker, Mrs. Emeline A. (Mills) (mother, ex 1871)
Walker, Mrs. Esther Amelia (Bullard) (wife, 1849)
Walker, Mrs. Exene E. (Stoughton) (wife, 1860)
Walker, Mrs. Fanny (Tyng) (mother, 1891)
Walker, Mrs. Hannah (Ambrose) (mother, 1860)
Walker, Mrs. Hannah G. (Hamilton) (mother, 1858)
Walker, Mrs. Harriet (Oliver) (wife, 1841)
Walker, Mrs. Hattie J. (Litchfield) (mother, ex 1907)
Walker, Mrs. Judith (Sanborn) (mother, 1838)
Walker, Mrs. Julia A. (White) (mother, 1870)
Walker, Mrs. Julia M. (Hitchcock) (wife, 1844)
Walker, Mrs. Louisa (Turner) (mother, 1849)
Walker, Mrs. Lucina M. (Sayles) (wife, 1841)
Walker, Mrs. Maria (Williston) (mother, 1883)
Walker, Mrs. Mary (Wrigley) (mother, 1857)
Walker, Mrs. Mary Ann Kemp (Atwood) (wife, 1849)
Walker, Mrs. Prudence (Richardson) (wife, 1838)
Walker, Mrs. Rebecca (------) (mother, ex 1836)
Walker, Mrs. Submit (Clark) (mother, 1841)
Walker, Mrs. Zeviah Levins (Shumway) (wife, 1838)
Walker, Nathan (father, ex 1871)
Walker, Nora (mother, ex 1909)
Walker, Nora M. (mother, 1906)
Walker, Phineas C. ex 1836
Walker, Rebecca (mother, 1865)
Walker, Richard H. 1923
Walker, Robert Irving ex 1893
Walker, Roberts 1896
Walker, Sabrina Shaw (mother, ex 1856)
Walker, Samuel (father, ex 1850)
Walker, Sarah J. (mother, ex 1895)
Walker, Sophia (mother, ex 1895)
Walker, Stuart 1901
Walker, Stuart 1901 (child, 1860)
Walker, Susan (mother, 1859)
Walker, Timothy (teacher, 1833)
Walker, Timothy (father, 1849)
Walker, Willard (father, ex 1860)
Walker, William 1838
Walker, William Emrich 1898
Walker, William Franklin 1886
Walker, William O'Brien 1878
Walker, Williston 1883
An "ex " preceding the class year means that the student did not graduate from Amherst.
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Richard J. Yanco