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Index -- Pratt
(to the Amherst College
Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921) )
Every student record containing the surname Pratt . Click on a name to see the full biography.
Babbott, Frank Lusk 1878
Babbott, Frank Lusk 1913
Burnette, Francis Ellsworth 1867
Clark, Stephen Watkins 1837
Ferguson, George Reid 1849
Flagg, Horatio 1825
Gregory, Oscar Hubert 1828
Harris, Elijah Paddock 1855
Harris, John Milton 1839
Hodgman, Edwin Ruthven ex 1843
Luce, Hallock 1914
Maxwell, Henry Edwards ex 1878
Merriam, Charles Wolcott 1898
Mossman, Walter Bemis 1878
Nims, Marquis Harlan ex 1898
Noble, William Nelson 1870
Pratt, Albert Humphrey ex 1884 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Alvord 1904 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Calvin Barton 1828
Pratt, Charles Henry 1883 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Charles Millard 1879
Pratt, Charles Ransom 1869
Pratt, Charles Sumner ex 1879 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Chester Mayo 1900 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Dwight Mallory 1876
Pratt, Edmund Lewis ex 1925
Pratt, Edward Harries ex 1925
Pratt, Edward Henry 1853
Pratt, Elmer Atwin 1907 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Everett Sawin 1897 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Francis Greenleaf 1840
Pratt, Frank Josiah 1886 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Frederic Bayley 1887 (not yet entered)
Pratt, George Cooley ex 1836
Pratt, George Dupont 1893 (not yet entered)
Pratt, George Harlow ex 1864
Pratt, Harden De Valson 1878 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Harold Irving 1900 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Henry Albert ex 1910
Pratt, Henry Foster ex 1866
Pratt, Herbert Lee 1895
Pratt, Hiram Alden 1848
Pratt, Horace 1840
Pratt, Jacob Loring 1862
Pratt, John Teele 1896 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Joseph Porter ex 1859
Pratt, Julius Randall ex 1920 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Lester Channing ex 1898
Pratt, Levi 1826
Pratt, Morris ex 1911
Pratt, Ransom Dickinson ex 1863
Pratt, Richardson 1915
Pratt, Sherman ex 1925
Pratt, Sterling Woodford 1910 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Stillman 1831
Pratt, Theodore 1909 (not yet entered)
Pratt, Theodore Constantine ex 1857
Pratt, Waldo Elliot ex 1918 (not yet entered)
Pratt, William Beech ex 1895
Pratt, William Griswold ex 1874 (not yet entered)
Pratt, William Jay 1903
Pratt, William Orrin 1877 (not yet entered)
Stockbridge, Henry 1877
Wakefield, Horace Poole 1832
Warner, Lewis Edward ex 1898
Every Pratt that has been indexed so far. Click on a name to see the relevant biography.
Pratt, (Mr.) (mentioned, 1878)
Pratt, Abigail (wife, 1832)
Pratt, Albert Humphrey ex 1884
Pratt, Alvord 1904
Pratt, Benjamin (father, 1831)
Pratt, Benoni (father-in-law, 1825)
Pratt, Benoni (father, 1826)
Pratt, Bessie A. (wife, 1837)
Pratt, Betsey (mother, ex 1843)
Pratt, Calvin (father, 1828)
Pratt, Calvin Barton 1828
Pratt, Caroline (mother, ex 1878)
Pratt, Charles (father-in-law, 1878)
Pratt, Charles (father, 1879)
Pratt, Charles (father, 1895)
Pratt, Charles Henry 1883
Pratt, Charles Millard 1879
Pratt, Charles Millard 1879 (father, ex 1911)
Pratt, Charles Millard 1879 (father, 1915)
Pratt, Charles Ransom 1869
Pratt, Charles Sumner ex 1879
Pratt, Chas. M. 1879 (brother, 1895)
Pratt, Chauncey (father-in-law, 1828)
Pratt, Chester Mayo 1900
Pratt, Dwight H. (child, 1876)
Pratt, Dwight Mallory 1876
Pratt, Edith G. (child, 1895)
Pratt, Edmund Lewis ex 1925
Pratt, Edward H. 1925 (child, ex 1895)
Pratt, Edward Harries ex 1925
Pratt, Edward Henry 1853
Pratt, Ellen M. (mother, ex 1898)
Pratt, Elmer Atwin 1907
Pratt, Enoch (mentioned, 1877)
Pratt, Enoch (father, ex 1859)
Pratt, Ephraim (father, 1848)
Pratt, Everett Sawin 1897
Pratt, Ezra (father, ex 1857)
Pratt, Ezra Dwight (father, 1876)
Pratt, Florence G. (child, 1895)
Pratt, Francis Greenleaf 1840
Pratt, Frank Josiah 1886
Pratt, Frederic B. 1887 (brother, 1879)
Pratt, Frederic B. 1887 (brother, 1895)
Pratt, Frederic Bayley 1887
Pratt, Frederick R. (child, 1895)
Pratt, Geo. D. 1893 (brother, 1895)
Pratt, George A. (child, 1826)
Pratt, George Cooley ex 1836
Pratt, George D. 1893 (brother, 1879)
Pratt, George Dupont 1893
Pratt, George Harlow ex 1864
Pratt, Greenleaf (father, 1840)
Pratt, Harden De Valson 1878
Pratt, Harold 1900 (brother, 1879)
Pratt, Harold 1900 (brother, 1895)
Pratt, Harold Irving 1900
Pratt, Harriet B. (child, 1895)
Pratt, Harriet E. (wife, 1828)
Pratt, Henry Albert ex 1910
Pratt, Henry Foster ex 1866
Pratt, Herbert L. (child, 1895)
Pratt, Herbert L. 1895 (brother, 1879)
Pratt, Herbert Lee 1895
Pratt, Hiram Alden 1848
Pratt, Horace 1840
Pratt, Horace A. (father, ex 1910)
Pratt, Jacob Loring 1862
Pratt, Jared (father-in-law, 1837)
Pratt, John 1896 (brother, 1879)
Pratt, John 1896 (brother, 1895)
Pratt, John Teele 1896
Pratt, Jonathan (father, 1840)
Pratt, Joseph Porter ex 1859
Pratt, Julius Randall ex 1920
Pratt, Katherine E. (child, 1879)
Pratt, Katherine W. (child, 1876)
Pratt, Lester Channing ex 1898
Pratt, Levi 1826
Pratt, Loring (father, 1862)
Pratt, Louise (mother, 1867)
Pratt, Lusanna P. (mother, ex 1898)
Pratt, Lydia R. (mother, 1913)
Pratt, Lydia Richardson (wife, 1878)
Pratt, M. G. (father-in-law, 1849)
Pratt, Mabel H. (child, 1876)
Pratt, Margaret R. (child, 1879)
Pratt, Marion R. (child, 1876)
Pratt, Mary Alice (wife, 1914)
Pratt, Mary Jane (mother, 1870)
Pratt, Mary M. (child, 1915)
Pratt, Minerva (wife, 1825)
Pratt, Morris ex 1911
Pratt, Morris ex 1911 (child, 1879)
Pratt, Morris ex 1911 (brother, 1915)
Pratt, Mrs. Abigail (Partridge) (wife, 1826)
Pratt, Mrs. Anna (Leach) (mother, 1826)
Pratt, Mrs. Anna Aurelia (Rood) (mother, 1876)
Pratt, Mrs. Annette (Harris) (child, 1855)
Pratt, Mrs. Charlotte (Eddy) (wife, 1840)
Pratt, Mrs. Clarissa (Keith) (mother, 1828)
Pratt, Mrs. Eleanor M. (Dickinson) (wife, 1831)
Pratt, Mrs. Eleanor Morton (Dickinson) (mother, ex 1863)
Pratt, Mrs. Eliza (Porter) (mother, ex 1859)
Pratt, Mrs. Emmeline A. (Reed) (mother, ex 1898)
Pratt, Mrs. Florence (Gibb) (wife, 1895)
Pratt, Mrs. Hannah (Brigham) (wife, 1831)
Pratt, Mrs. Huldah (Pierce) (mother, 1848)
Pratt, Mrs. Josephine (Liebert) (mother, ex 1910)
Pratt, Mrs. Katherine (Beach) (mother, ex 1895)
Pratt, Mrs. Laura (Vining) (mother, 1862)
Pratt, Mrs. Laura Cecelia (Parsons) (wife, 1915)
Pratt, Mrs. Lucy (Edson) (mother, 1840)
Pratt, Mrs. Lydia A. (Richardson) (mother, 1879)
Pratt, Mrs. Malah (Frost) (mother, ex 1836)
Pratt, Mrs. Marietta (Kingman) (wife, 1848)
Pratt, Mrs. Martha Ann (Holden) (wife, 1853)
Pratt, Mrs. Martha Augusta (Rood) (wife, 1876)
Pratt, Mrs. Mary (Howe) (wife, 1848)
Pratt, Mrs. Mary (Richardson) (wife, 1831)
Pratt, Mrs. Mary (Russell) (mother, 1903)
Pratt, Mrs. Mary (Smith) (mother, 1831)
Pratt, Mrs. Mary H. (Richardson) (mother, 1895)
Pratt, Mrs. Mary Seymour (Morris) (wife, 1879)
Pratt, Mrs. Mary Seymour (Morris) (mother, ex 1911)
Pratt, Mrs. Mary Seymour (Morris) (mother, 1915)
Pratt, Mrs. Mary T. (Chamberlain) (wife, 1840)
Pratt, Mrs. Mary T. (Perkins) (wife, 1828)
Pratt, Mrs. Sarah (Alvord) (mother, 1869)
Pratt, Mrs. Sarah (Beckford) (mother, 1840)
Pratt, Mrs. Sarah (Harlow) (mother, 1853)
Pratt, Nathan (father, 1853)
Pratt, Nathan P. (father, ex 1864)
Pratt, Paul (mentioned, 1898)
Pratt, Ransom (father, 1869)
Pratt, Ransom D. ex 1863 (child, 1831)
Pratt, Ransom Dickinson ex 1863
Pratt, Richardson 1915
Pratt, Richardson 1915 (child, 1879)
Pratt, Richardson 1915 (brother, ex 1911)
Pratt, Ruth (mother, 1839)
Pratt, Sherman ex 1925
Pratt, Sterling Woodford 1910
Pratt, Stillman 1831
Pratt, Stillman 1831 (father, ex 1863)
Pratt, Susan A. (wife, 1849)
Pratt, Sylvanus (father, ex 1836)
Pratt, Thaddeus B. (father-in-law, 1832)
Pratt, Theodore 1909
Pratt, Theodore 1909 (child, 1879)
Pratt, Theodore 1909 (brother, ex 1911)
Pratt, Theodore 1909 (brother, 1915)
Pratt, Theodore Constantine ex 1857
Pratt, Theodore Constantine ex 1857 (father, ex 1898)
Pratt, Timothy Smith (father, ex 1895)
Pratt, Waldo Elliot ex 1918
Pratt, William Beech ex 1895
Pratt, William Griswold ex 1874
Pratt, William Jay (father, 1903)
Pratt, William Jay 1903
Pratt, William Orrin 1877
An "ex " preceding the class year means that the student did not graduate from Amherst.
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(If you're interested in the surname Pratt , consider checking these surnames, which also have Soundex value P630 : Pardee , Pardoe , Priddy , Pride , Prout , Prouty and Purdy .)
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