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Index -- Hitchcock
(to the Amherst College
Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921) )
Every student record containing the surname Hitchcock . Click on a name to see the full biography.
Bliss, Daniel Jay 1858
Bliss, Isaac 1828
Campbell, Archibald Barrington 1840
Carnell, John Richard 1897
Emerson, Benjamin Kendall 1865
Fales, Dexter 1831
Hartwell, Shattuck Osgood 1888
Hitchcock, Albert Wellman 1882 (not yet entered)
Hitchcock, Bradford Washburne 1881 (not yet entered)
Hitchcock, Charles Hanchett 1916 (not yet entered)
Hitchcock, Charles Henry 1856
Hitchcock, Daniel Dwight 1844
Hitchcock, Edward 1849
Hitchcock, Edward 1878
Hitchcock, Edward Wilcox 1899 (not yet entered)
Hitchcock, Frederic Hills 1891 (not yet entered)
Hitchcock, George Preston 1892 (not yet entered)
Hitchcock, John Sawyer 1889 (not yet entered)
Hitchcock, Loranus Eaton 1872
Hitchcock, Maurice Everett ex 1884 (not yet entered)
Hitchcock, Milan Hubbard 1854
Hitchcock, Robert Stevens 1837
Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight 1836
Hitchcock, Stillman David 1925
Hitchcock, Thomas Barnes 1896 (not yet entered)
Hitchcock, William Edwin 1879 (not yet entered)
Hitchcock, William Harold 1898 (not yet entered)
Howland, Freeman Parker 1824
Lane, Stoddard 1909
Pearson, Arthur Manning ex 1898
Storrs, Henry Martyn 1846
Thompson, John Chapin 1829
Walker, James 1844
Every Hitchcock that has been indexed so far. Click on a name to see the relevant biography.
Hitchcock, (Prof.) (mentor, 1840)
Hitchcock, Abner (father, 1854)
Hitchcock, Albert W. (son-in-law, 1865)
Hitchcock, Albert Wellman 1882
Hitchcock, Bradford W. 1881 (child, 1836)
Hitchcock, Bradford Washburne 1881
Hitchcock, Calvin (teacher, 1824)
Hitchcock, Calvin (father, 1837)
Hitchcock, Catharine (wife, 1846)
Hitchcock, Charles H. 1856 (brother, 1849)
Hitchcock, Charles Hanchett 1916
Hitchcock, Charles Henry 1856
Hitchcock, Daniel Dwight 1844
Hitchcock, Edward (teacher, 1829)
Hitchcock, Edward (father-in-law, 1846)
Hitchcock, Edward (father, 1849)
Hitchcock, Edward (father, 1856)
Hitchcock, Edward 1849
Hitchcock, Edward 1849 (father, 1878)
Hitchcock, Edward 1878
Hitchcock, Edward 1878 (child, 1849)
Hitchcock, Edward B. (child, 1878)
Hitchcock, Edward Wilcox 1899
Hitchcock, Estella Louise (wife, 1909)
Hitchcock, Frederic Hills 1891
Hitchcock, George Preston 1892
Hitchcock, H. O. (father-in-law, 1888)
Hitchcock, Harry E. (father-in-law, 1909)
Hitchcock, Harvey (father, 1872)
Hitchcock, Jacob (father, 1844)
Hitchcock, John 1889 (brother, 1878)
Hitchcock, John S. 1889 (child, 1849)
Hitchcock, John Sawyer 1889
Hitchcock, Julia M. (wife, 1844)
Hitchcock, Kate A. Wellman (wife, 1888)
Hitchcock, Loranus Eaton 1872
Hitchcock, Lucy (mother, 1858)
Hitchcock, Mary F. (mother, ex 1898)
Hitchcock, Mary K. (child, 1878)
Hitchcock, Maurice Everett ex 1884
Hitchcock, Milan Hubbard 1854
Hitchcock, Mrs. Betsey (Longfellow) (mother, 1836)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Charlotte F. (Emerson) (child, 1865)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Eliza R. (Stevens) (mother, 1837)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Elizabeth Anthony (Brayton) (wife, 1836)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Hannah (Worcester) (wife, 1844)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Ida I. (Bering) (wife, 1878)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Irene (Miller) (mother, 1854)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Jennie B. (Adams) (wife, 1837)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Mahala (Ward) (mother, 1872)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Mary L. (Judson) (wife, 1849)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Mary Lewis (Judson) (mother, 1878)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Nancy (Brown) (mother, 1844)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Orra (White) (mother, 1849)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Orra (White) (mother, 1856)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Sarah (Worcester) (wife, 1844)
Hitchcock, Mrs. Sarah Demetria (Fuertes) (wife, 1878)
Hitchcock, O'Linda (mother, 1897)
Hitchcock, Robert Stevens 1837
Hitchcock, Roswell (father, 1836)
Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight 1836
Hitchcock, Ruth (mother, 1828)
Hitchcock, Stillman David 1925
Hitchcock, Thomas Barnes 1896
Hitchcock, Urban (teacher, 1831)
Hitchcock, William Edwin 1879
Hitchcock, William Harold 1898
An "ex " preceding the class year means that the student did not graduate from Amherst.
Note: To date, about 45% of the entries in the Biographical Record are typed, and about two-thirds of those are indexed. As more entries are typed and indexed, this index page
will probably grow. Consequently, if you're interested in this surname, you should bookmark this page and check back again every few months.
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(If you're interested in the surname Hitchcock , consider checking these surnames, which also have Soundex value H322 : Hedges , Hodges , Hotchkiss and Hutcheson .)
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