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188. *Appleton, Samuel Gilman. S. of Gen. James and Sarah (Fuller), b. Gloucester, N. 5,
1808. M. A., Hobart Coll., N. Y., 1839.
Prepared Marblehead Acad. Andover T. S., 1829-30; General T. S. of Episcopal Ch., N. Y. City; ordained D. 10, 1835; p. St. Andrew's Ch., Hanover, 1835-38; Manlius, N. Y., 1838-40; Avon, N. Y., 1840-44; miss'y Onandaga Co., N. Y., 1844-47; p. Richfield, N. Y., 1847-50; Delhi, N. Y., 1850-54; Ansonia, N. Y., 1854-56; asst. p. Waterbury, Conn., 1856-58; p. Morrisania, N. Y., 1858-68; Bayonne, N. J., 1868-71; chapel of Ch. of the Ascension, N. Y. City, 1871-73. D. Morrisania, N. Y., N. 29, 1873. Married S. 30, 1839, Sarah A., da. of Sylvester Gardner, Manlius, N. Y. 2 s. |
189. *Arms, William. S. of Phineas and Lydia (Root), b. Wilmington, Vt., May 18,
1802. M. A., A. C., 1833; M. D., Dartmouth, 1839.
Prepared Fairfield (N. Y.) Acad. Andover T. S., 1830-33; ordained Boston, Jy. 27, 1833; miss'y in Patagonia, 1833-34; Borneo, Java and Singapore, 1835-38; studied Dartmouth Med. School, 1839; practised Westminster, Vt., 1839-40; in Wis., 1840-46; in Ill., 1846-78; r. Duquoin, Ill., 1878-89. D. Duquoin, Ill., Je. 21, 1889. Married (1) Ap. 6, 1835, Mary, da. of David Maxwell, Philadelphia, Penn., who d. D. 19, 1835; (2) Jan. 8, 1839, Mary Ann, da. of Peter Aiken, Putney, Vt. 6 ch. |
190. *Baker, Abijah Richardson. S. of Capt. David and Jemima (Richardson), b. Franklin, Aug. 30,
1805. M. A., A. C., 1833; D. D., Austin Coll., Tex., 1870.
Prepared Bradford Acad. and Day's Acad., Wrentham. Taught Medway H. S., 1830-31; Dorchester Acad., 1831-32; Andover T. S., 1832-35; Abbott Resident there, 1835-37; taught Phillips Acad., Andover, 1836-37; ordained Medford, Ap. 25, 1838; p. there, 1838-48; agent Mass. S. S. Soc., 1849; p. Central Cong. Ch., Lynn, 1850-56; a. p. W. Needham, 1857-63; E. St. Ch., So. Boston, 1864-66; w. c. Dorchester district, Boston, 1866-76. Author School History of the U. S.; Exposition of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism; ed. 6 vols. The Mother's Assistant; 6 vols. The Happy Home; The Child's Commentator on the Holy Scriptures. D. Dorchester, Ap. 30, 1876. Married O. 1, 1835, Harriett Newell, da. of Dr. Leonard Woods, Andover. 6 s. |
191. *Chapman, Alvan Wentworth. S. of Paul and Ruth (Pomeroy), b. Southampton, S. 28,
1809. M. D., Louisville, Ky., Med. Coll., 1846; LL. D., U. of N. C., 1886.
Prepared with Rev. Vinson Gould, Southampton and Prof. Bela B. Edwards (A. C. 1824), Andover. Studied medicine Savannah and Washington, Ga., and Quincy, Fla., 1830-36; practised Quincy and Jackson Co., Fla., 1836-46; Apalachicola, Fla., 1846-80; planter Gadsden Co., Fla., 1840-43. Collector of Internal Revenue, Apalachicola, Fla., 1865; collector of Customs there, 1866-69. Author Flora of the Southern U. S. D. Apalachicola, Fla., Ap. 6, 1899. Married N., 1839, Mrs. Mary Ann Hancock, da. of Benjamin Simmons, New Berne, N. C. 1 ch. [Seems to be brother of Mahlon P. (A. C. 1832).] |
192. *Corss, Charles Chapin. S. of Asher and Lucy (Grennell), b. Greenfield, May 23,
1803. M. A., A. C., 1833.
Prepared Hopkins Acad., Hadley. Preceptor Deerfield Acad., 1830-31; taught W. Springfield, 1831-32; Princeton T. S., 1832-34; Kingston, Penn., 1834-36; ordained as Presb. evangelist, Smithfield, Penn., Aug. 27, 1836; p. Presb. Ch., Athens, Penn., 1838-47; Smithfield, Penn., 1847-69; a. p. E. Smithfield, Penn., 1869-96. Author A Cake Not Turned; History of the Old Presbytery of Susquehanna; ed. an abridgement of Halyburton's Great Concern of Salvation. D. E. Smithfield, Penn., May 20, 1896. Married (1) S. 1, 1836, Ann, da. of Ziba Hoyt, Kingston, Penn., who d. Aug. 7, 1851; (2) Je. 6, 1866, Lucelia, da. of Augustus Phelps, Smithfield, Penn., who d. Ap. 7, 1896. 3 s., 2 da. |
193. *Eastman, George. S. of William and Fanny (Read), b. Granby, O. 18,
1800. M. A., A. C., 1833.
Prepared with brother William, Granby. Andover T. S., 1830-33; ordained Newburyport, S. 9, 1833; home miss'y Troy and Mt. Clemens, Mich., 1833-36; p. Farmington, Mich., 1836-43. D. Wayne, Mich., Aug. 12, 1845. Married S. 13, 1833, Hannah, da. of John Hunt, Andover. 4 ch. Bro Henry E. (A. C. 1830). |
194. *Eastman, Henry Edward. S. of William and Fanny (Read), b. Granby, F. 23,
1807. M. A., A. C., 1834.
Prepared Amherst Acad. Andover T. S., 1830-31, 1833-35; ordained Brooklyn, N. H., D. 9, 1835; p. there, 1835-38; Tolland, 1838-41; Morristown, N. Y., 1841-46; s. s. Farmington, Mich., 1846-49; Somerset, Mich., 1849-53. D. Somerset, Mich., O. 15, 1853. Married Je. 1, 1836, Minerva S., da. of Elijah Nash, Conway. 4 ch. Bro. George (A. C. 1830). |
195. *Fobes, Ephraim. S. of Caleb and Molly (Fobes), b. Bridgewater, May 12, 1805.
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Andover T. S., 1830-33; ordained Edgecomb, Me., O. 20, 1834; p. there, 1834-36; Weld, Me., 1837-43; Patten and Island Falls, Me., 1843-69; s. s. Crystal Plantation, Me., 1869-70. D. Crystal Plantation, Patten, Me., Jan. 11, 1870. Married (1) Ap. 7, 1835, Mrs. Azuba G. Gove, da. of Josiah Gould, Edgecomb, Me., who d. Mch. 20, 1842; (2) Mch. 7, 1844, Abigail, da. of William Ward, Wilton, Me. |
196. *Furber, Thomas Lancaster. S. of John D., b. Boston, 1812. Prepared Boston Latin School. D. Boston, 1831. |
197. *Hackett, Horatio Balch. S. of Richard and Martha (Balch), b. Salisbury, D. 27,
1808. M. A., A. C., 1833; D. D., U. of Vt., 1845; Harvard, 1861; LL. D., A. C., 1862.
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Andover T. S., 1830-31; 1832-34; tutor A. C., 1831-32; prof. of languages, Mt. Hope Coll., Baltimore, Md., 1834-35; adjunct prof. of ancient languages, Brown, 1835-38; prof. of Hebrew there, 1838-39; prof. of Bib. lit. and interpretation, Newton T. S., 1839-68; ordained as Baptist, Newton, D. 8, 1839; studied Berlin and Halle, 1842; studied and travelled in Greece and the East, 1851-52, 1858-59; prof. of Bib. lit. and N. T. Exegensis, Rochester T. S., 1870-75. Ed. Plutarch's De Sera Numinis Vindicta; tr. Winer's Chaldee Grammar; author Hebrew Exercises; Illustrations of Scripture; Commentary on the Acts; Epistle to Philemon, with notes; Memorials of Christian Men in the War; tr. Van Oosterzee's Commentary on Philemon, and Braune's Commentary on Philippians, for Lange's Commentary; author and ed. of many other books, sermons, etc. Member Amer. Bd. Revisers of the Bible; Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sciences. D. Rochester, N. Y., N. 2, 1875. Married S. 22, 1834, Mary Wadsworth, da. of Rev. William Balch, Salisbury. 4 ch. [Seems to be brother of Richard (A. C. ex 1838).] |
198. *Hall, Job. S. of Apollos and Betsey (Williams), b. Pomfret, Conn., May 11, 1802.
Andover T. S., 1830-33; ordained Ashford, Conn., Jan. 15, 1834; p. there, 1834-37; in employ of Amer. Education Soc., 1837-40; w. c. Orwell, Vt., 1840-72. D. Orwell, Vt., F. 15, 1872. Married Jan. 17, 1841, Sarah A., da. of Silas Buell, Orwell, Vt. 2 ch. |
199. *Hayes, David Abbott. S. of David and Mary (Abbott), b. Newark, N. J., May 29, 1810.
Prepared with Ezra Fairchild (A. C. 1822). Studied law Newark, N. J. with Chief Justice Hornblower and Gov. William Pennington, 1830-33; admitted to bar, Newark, N. J., S., 1833; practised there, 1833-75. Member N. J. Assembly, 1859. D. Newark, N. J., N. 11, 1875. Married F. 11, 1851, Caroline D., da. of Ivins Davis, Burlington Co., N. J. 4 ch. |
200. *Hills, Israel. S. of Jared and Florinda (Gibson), b. Glastonbury, Conn., O. 12,
1801. M. A., A. C., 1833.
Prepared Amherst Acad. Andover T. S., 1830-33; s. s. Saxonville, 1834; s. s. Frankfort and Swanville, Me., 1834-35; s. s. Jackson and Brooks, Me., 1835-36; ordained Lowell, Me., May 31, 1837; p. there, 1837-45; a. p. Dixmont, Me., 1846-54; r. Bolton, Conn., 1854-74. D. Bolton, Conn., D. 6, 1874. Married (1) Je. 22, 1837, Lucinda, da. of Thomas Morton, Jackson, Me., who d. Aug. 6, 1846; (2) Je. 7, 1848, Marianne, da. of John Gould, Camden, Me. 2 s., 5 da. |
201. *Holmes, George Lewis. S. of Peleg and Eunice (Woods), b. Plympton, S. 3,
1806. M. A., U. of Ga., 1833.
Prepared Middleboro. Taught in Ga., 1830-31; planter Memphis, Tenn., 1831-67. Represented Memphis and Shelby Co. in Tenn. Legislature. D. Memphis, Tenn., F. 27, 1867. Married N. 19, 1831, Mrs. Elizabeth Warner, da. of Samuel Rembert, Elbert Co., Ga., who d. Ap. 26, 1864. 3 ch. |
202. *Homes, Henry Augustus. S. of Henry and Dorcas (Freeman), b. Boston, Mch. 10,
1812. M. A., A. C., 1834; LL. D., Columbia, 1873.
Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Andover T. S., 1830-32; Yale T. S., 1832-34; studied oriental subjects Paris, France, 1834-35; ordained Paris, France, Je., 1835; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M. Constantinople, 1836-51; in diplomatic service of U. S., Constantinople, 1851-53; librarian N. Y. State Library, 1854-87. Tr. from German The Little Hempis; author Observations of the Design and Import of Medals; Our Knowledge of California and the North-West 100 years since; The Palatine Emigration to England in 1709; The Water-Supply of Constantinople; The Future Development of the New York State Library; The Correct Arms of the State of New York. D. Albany, N. Y., N. 3, 1887. Married Ap. 15, 1841, Anna Whiting, da. of John Heath, Brookline. 1 s., 1 da. [Bro. Francis (A. C. 1848).] |
203. *Lord, Daniel Minor. S. of Benjamin and Dorcas (Minor), b. Lyme, Conn., Ap. 9, 1800.
Prepared Monson Acad.; A. C., 1827-30. Princeton T. S., 1830-33; ordained as Presb. evangelist, Shelter Island, N. Y., Ap. 16, 1834; preached there, 1834-35; p. Mariners Ch., Boston, and agent of Amer. Seamen's Friend Soc., 1835-48; p. Shelter Island, N. Y., 1848-61. Chaplain Mass. Senate, 1 yr. D. Shelter Island, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1861. Married (1) Je. 20, 1835, Julia M., da. of Timothy Brown, Monson, who d. O. 26, 1836; (2) F. 7, 1838, Eliza Ann, da. of Isaac Hardy, Chatham. 9 ch. Herbert G. (A. C. 1871); William R. (A. C. 1875). |
204. *Merrick, James Lyman. S. of Gideon and Beulah (Stebbins), b. Monson, D. 11,
1803. M. A., A. C., 1833.
Prepared Monson Acad. Princeton T. S., 1830-31; Columbia T. S., S. C., 1831-33; ordained as Presb. evangelist, Charleston, S. C., Ap. 15, 1834; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Tabreez, Persia, 1835; Shiraz, 1836; Tabreez, 1837-41; Oroomiah, 1841-45; w. c., 1845-49; p. So. Amherst, 1849-64; instructor in oriental literature A. C., 1852-57; r. So. Amherst, 1864-66. Tr. from the Persian The Life and Religion of Mohammed; tr. several works into Persian. D. So. Amherst, Je. 18, 1866. Married Mch. 11, 1839, Eunice, da. of Nathaniel Taylor, Portsmouth, England. |
205. *Millett, Stephen Caldwell. S. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Caldwell), b. Salem, May 20,
1810. M. A., Hobart, 1840.
Prepared Salem H. S. Andover T. S., 1830-32; studied with Bishop Griswold of Mass., 1832-33; ordained deacon, Prot. Episcopal Ch., Mch. 8, 1833, and priest, Je. 26, 1834; rector Clappville, 1833-34; Saco, Me., 1834-39; Pompey and Jamesville, N. Y., 1839-40; Stafford, N. Y., 1840-45; St. Paul's Ch., Beloit, Wis., 1845-53; r. Oak Grove Farm, near Beloit, Wis., 1853-67. D. Oak Grove Farm, Wis., May 28, 1867. Married May 6, 1833, Sarah Fuller, da. of Gen. James Appleton, Marblehead. 7 s., 2 da. |
206. *Nelson, Ephraim Robbins. S. of Rev. Stephen and Emelia (Robbins), b. Sing Sing,
N. Y., Ap. 21, 1810.
Prepared Amherst Acad. Prin. Classical School of Columbian Coll., Washington, D. C., 1831. D. Washington, Aug. 31, 1831. Bro. William F. (A. C. 1829). |
207. *Niles, Mark Haskell. S. of Jesse and Phebe (Haskell), b. Deer Isle, Me., Aug. 18, 1806.
Prepared with Rev. Leonard Withington, Newbury; A. C., 1827-30. Princeton T. S., 1831-32; ordained as Presb., So. Hanover, Ind., 1832; p. there, 1832-34; prof. of ancient languages, Hanover Coll., Ind., 1832-36; taught Round Hill, Northampton, 1 yr.; preached Marblehead, 1844; agent Seamen's Friend Soc., Byfield, 1845; preached Lowell, 1846; Belfast, Me., 1847. D. Belfast, Me., Aug. 17, 1847. Married Ap. 25, 1833, Estella Dwight, da. of Levi Shepherd, Northampton. 5 ch. |
208. *Parsons, James. S. of Rev. David and Harriet (Williams), b. Amherst, N. 11, 1804.
Prepared Amherst Acad. Studied law in Liberty Co., Ga., 1830-31; taught in Liberty Co. and Forsyth, Ga., 1831-32. D. Staten Island, N. Y., S. 3, 1833. Married Ap. 5, 1832, Mary Eliza, da. of Samuel Lewis, Forsyth, Ga. 2 s. [Seems to be brother of William (A. C. ex 1825).] |
209. *Powers, Philander Oliver. S. of Oliver and Azubah (Carruth), b. Phillipston, Aug. 19,
1805. M. A., A. C., 1834.
Prepared Amherst Acad. Andover T. S., 1830-32, 1833-34; ordained Phillipston, O. 29, 1834; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Broosa, Turkey, 1835-45; Trebizond, Turkey, 1845-62; s. s. Oneida Lake, N. Y., 1862-64; So. Windsor, Conn., 1864-66; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Antioch, 1866-72. Tr. hymns into, and composed some in, Armeno-Turkish. D. Kessab, near Antioch, O. 2, 1872. Married (1) O. 7, 1834, Harriet, da. of Col. Ignatius Goulding, Phillipston, who d. F. 15, 1842; (2) N. 9, 1842, Sarah Lester, da. of Frederick Perry, Stockbridge, who d. Jan. 2, 1862; (3) Jy. 22, 1863, Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Crane, da. of Mr. Cowles, Otisco, N. Y. Ch. Frederic P. (A. C. ex 1871); 1 da. |
210. *Rawson, Thomas Read. S. of Gardner and Susan (Wilkinson), b. Townshend, Vt., Jy. 10,
1803. M. A., A. C., 1839.
Prepared Chester, Vt. and Amherst Acads. Prin. Cummington Acad., 1830-31; Auburn T. S., 1831-34; ordained Peru, Jy. 10, 1834; p. there, 1834-36; s. s. Malta, N. Y., 1841-42; home miss'y Albany, N. Y., 1836-76. Supt. City Tract Soc., 5 yrs.; Bethel chaplain and chaplain at the penitentiary; Chaplain, General U. S. Hospital, Albany, N. Y., 1864-65. Author Dominie and Patrick; or, the Bible vs. the Papacy. D. Albany, N. Y., May 20, 1876. Married (1) Aug. 18, 1834, Louise Warner, da. of Mitchell Dawes, Cummington, who d. S. 3, 1849; (2) O. 20, 1856, Sarah Ann, da. of Samuel Thomas, Vernon, N. Y. 6 ch. |
211. *Schneider, Benjamin. S. of Henry and Mary (Noyce), b. New Hanover, Penn., Jan. 18,
1807. M. A., A. C., 1833; D. D., Franklin and Marshall Coll., 1850.
Prepared Norristown, Penn. and Reading (Penn.) Acads.; Hamilton, 1826-28; A. C., 1828-30. Andover T. S., 1830-33; ordained Nottingham, Md., O. 2, 1833; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Broosa, Turkey, 1834-49; Aintab, Syria, 1849-68; Broosa, Turkey, 1868-72; on sick-leave, 1872-74; taught T. S., Marsovan, Turkey, 1874-75; w. c. New Britain, Conn. and Boston, 1875-77. Author of books, tracts, etc., in English, Armeno-Turkish and Arabic, also tr. many works into those languages. D. Boston, S. 14, 1877. Married (1) S. 15, 1833, Eliza Cheney, da. of Josiah Abbott, Framingham, who d. S. 14, 1856; (2) Susan Maria, sister of (1). 3 s., 2 da. |
212. *Stickney, Moses Parsons. S. of Moses and Sarah (Pike), b. Byfield, Jy. 12,
1807. M. A., A. C., 1850.
Prepared Dummer and Framingham Acads.; Harvard, 1825-27; A. C., 1828-30. Bangor T. S., 1833-35; Yale T. S., 1835-36; ordained Eastport, Me., Ap., 1837; p. Cong. Ch. there, 1837-40; ordained deacon, Prot. Episcopal Ch., 1841, and priest, 1842; rector St. Michael's Ch., Marblehead, 1842-47; St. Peter's Ch., Cambridgeport, 1847-51; Burlington Coll. Ch. Burlington, N. J., 1851-52; asst. minister Ch. of the Advent, Boston, 1853-71; rector Christ's Ch., Bethel, Vt. and St. Paul's Ch., Royalton, Vt., 1871-88; r. there, 1888-94. D. Royaltown, Vt., Aug. 19, 1894. Married O. 24, 1842, Jane Frances, da. of William Curry, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. 2 s., 3 da. |
213. *Taylor, Abner. S. of Samuel and Sarah (Butler), b. Buckland, Aug. 5, 1808.
Prepared with Rev. B. F. Clarke, Buckland. Taught Coventry, Conn., 1830-31; Dunkirk, N. Y., 1831-32. D. Buckland, S. 11, 1832. |
![]() Prepared Harford (Penn.) Acad.; entered Hamilton, 1827; entered A. C., 1829. Taught Amherst Acad., 1830-31; Andover T. S., 1831-32, 1834-35; tutor A. C., 1832-34; studied theology with Dr. Skinner, N. Y., 1835-36; ordained No. Amherst, O. 16, 1859; tutor A. C., 1836; prof. of Latin and Greek languages, A. C., 1836-47, Prof. of Greek, 1847-93; prof. emeritus, 1893-97. Ed. many Latin and Greek texts; author History of Amherst College during its First Half Century, 1873; History of Amherst College during the Administration of its First Five Presidents, 1895; Prayer for Colleges; Memoir of Rev. Henry Lobdell (A. C. 1849); and numerous articles in periodicals and cyclopedias. Trustee Mt. Holyoke Sem.; Williston Sem.; Maplewood Sem., Pittsfield and Smith Coll. D. Amherst, N. 19, 1897. Married S. 4, 1839, Amelia Ogden, da. of Mason Whiting, Binghamton, N. Y. Ch. Mason W. (A. C. 1862); William W. (A. C. 1864); Henry M. (A. C. 1865); John M. (A. C. 1873). Bro. Wellington H. (A. C. 1831); Edward G. (A. C. 1841). (Portrait in possession of A. C.) |
215. *Van Dyck, Lawrence Henry. S. of Dr. Henry L. and Catherine (Van Alen), b. Kinderhook,
N. Y., O. 5, 1807.
Prepared Kinderhook (N. Y.) Acad.; A. C., 1827-30. Auburn T. S., 1830-33; ordained Cayuga, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1833; agent Amer. Tract Soc. in Ky., 1833-34; s. s. Green Creek, Ky., 1834-35; p. Presb. Ch., Cairo, N. Y., 1835-38; Spencertown, N. Y., 1838-42; w. c., 1842-43; s. s. Reformed Dutch Ch., Gilboa, N. Y., 1843-44, and p. 1844-52; Guilderland, N. Y., 1852-56; Blooming Grove, N. Y., 1856-61; Stone Arabia, N. Y., 1861-67; w. c., 1867-70; p. Reformed Dutch Ch., Unionville, N. Y., 1870-; rector Hertzog Hall, New Brunswick, N. J., 1876-80; w. c., 1880-93. D. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1893. Married (1) Aug. 27, 1833, Christina, da. of Barent Hoes, Kinderhook, N. Y., who d. Jan. 2, 1851; (2) Mary D., da. of Hezekiah A. Holdridge, Great Barrington. 7 ch. |
216. *Wade, John. S. of John and Mary Dorcas (Page), b. Woburn, S. 28,
1810. LL. B., Harvard, 1834.
Harvard L. S., 1830-32; studied law with Bradford Sumner, Boston, 1832-33; admitted to bar Boston, 1833; practised with Bradford Sumner, Boston, 1833-35; Lowell, 1835-41; Baltimore, Md., 1841-51. D. Baltimore, Md., O. 20, 1851. Married Aug., 1838, Anna Elizabeth, da. of George F. Warfield, Baltimore, Md. |
217. *Warriner, Francis. S. of Solomon and Eleanor (Keep), b. Springfield, N. 20,
1804. M. A., A. C., 1834.
Prepared Homer, N. Y. Prof. of mathematics and navigation on board U. S. Frigate Potomac, 1831-34; Yale T. S., 1835-36; Union T. S., 1836-39, resident licentiate there, 1839-40; ordained Chester, O. 26, 1841, p. there, 1841-47; s. s. Waterford, Vt., 1848-54; p. there, 1854-60; s. s. Chester, 1860-65; w. c. there, 1865-66. Author The Cruise of the Potomac. D. Chester, Ap. 22, 1866. Married N. 24, 1842, Sarah A., da. of John Hamilton, Chester. Ch. Helen H.; Sophia M. |
218. *Wilkinson, Reed. S. of Oliver and Olive (Rawson), b. Townshend, Vt., D. 8,
1804. M. A., A. C., 1834.
Prepared Chester, Vt. Taught New Braintree, 1830-31; Andover T. S., 1831-32, 1834-36; instructor Wheeling (Vt.) Institute, 1832-34; taught Belmont Co., O., 1834; prin. State U., Vincennes, Ind., 1836-38; St. Louis (Mo.) H. S., 1838-42; ordained Cincinnati, O., N. 10, 1842; home miss'y in western Mo., 1842-43; s. s. Reading and Sharon, O., 1843-46; p. Pomeroy, O., 1846-56, and taught 1852-54; a. p. Cong. Ch., Fairfield, Ia., 1856-63; clerk Paymaster-General's Dept., Washington, D. C., 1863-64; supt. Ia. Coll. for the Blind, Vinton, Ia., 1864-67; a. p. Toledo, Ia., 1867-70; w. c. Fairfield, Ia., 1870-79; supt. public schools Jefferson Co., Ia., 2 yrs. D. So. Londonderry, Vt., Aug. 24, 1879. Married O. 13, 1836, Lucinda S., da. of Samuel Butler, Buckland. 1 s. |
219. *Willis, Bradford Dennis. S. of Thomas and Hannah (Dean), b. Easton, Je. 8, 1802.
Studied theology with Rev. Samuel Nott, Stoughton; taught in Ill. a short time. D. Wareham, D. 22, 1832. |
*Blake, John Pierce. B. Warwick, Jy. 2, 1803. Prepared Kimball Union Acad., Meriden, N. H.; A. C., 1826-29. Teacher; county surveyor or deputy surveyor, 34 yrs. Probate Judge, Putnam Co., Ill., 1833-37. |
*Carpenter, Justin. B. Guilford, Vt., Aug. 15, 1800. A. C., 1826-28; grad. Union, 1830. Taught 1 yr.; ed. a paper in Brockport, N. Y., 1 yr.; publisher N. Y. City; studied law and practised in N. Y. D. S. 1, 1844. |
*Carpenter, Mark. B. Guilford, Vt., S. 23, 1802. Amherst Acad., 2 yrs.; A. C., 1826-29; grad. Union, 1830. Newton T. S., 1830-33; ordained F. 12, 1834; p. Baptist Ch., Milford, N. H., 1834-40; Keene, N. H., 1841-46; New London, N. H., 1846-50; Holyoke, 1850-59; Brattleboro, Vt., 6 yrs.; W. Dummerston, Vt., 2 yrs.; So. Windham, Vt., 7 yrs.; s. W. Dummerston, Vt. |
*Carruth, James Harrison. B. Phillipston, F. 10, 1807. M. A., A. C., 1826-28; grad. Yale, 1832. Auburn T. S., 1837; Yale T. S., 1838; p. about 4 yrs. in N. Y. and Kans.; taught about 13 yrs. in N. Y. and 5 in Kans.; prof. of natural sciences, Baker U., Kans., 3 yrs.; State botanist, Kans., 1880. Author Flora of Kansas. |
*Clark, Samuel White. B. Newington, Conn., 1810. A. C., 1826-29; grad. Yale, 1831. Newton T. S., 1835. |
*Clary, John. B. Conway, Mch. 30, 1802. M. A. (hon.), A. C., 1847. A. C., 1826-29. Teacher and farmer. D. Conway, Je. 19, 1879. Ch. Francis A. (A. C. 1864). |
*Coolidge, Hill H. B. Leominster, Aug. 6, 1805. A. C., 1826-29. |
*Ely, Elias Pratt. B. Lyme, Conn., D. 31, 1808. A. C., 1826-28; grad. Trinity, 1831. Princeton T. S., 1831-33. D. Lyme, Conn., S. 5, 1834. |
*Emery, Joseph S. Registered from Loudon, N. H. Prepared Kimball Union Acad., Meriden, N. H.; A. C., 1826-28. Studied theology; ordained Presb. Ch. |
*Farnsworth, George. S. of Abel and Mary (Goodell), b. Groton, S. 23, 1810. A. C., 1826-27; farmer Groton. |
*Fuller, Edward Lorenzo. S. of John and Rhoda, b. Sempronius, N. Y., May 22, 1810. A. C., 1828-29; grad. Union, 1830. Practised law, Ann Arbor, Mich. Member of Legislature. D. San Francisco, Cal., May 5, 1851. |
*Goward, Isaac. Registered from Cornish, N. H. A. C., 1827. Taught music. |
*Hart, John Clark. B. Cornwall, Conn., D. 10, 1804. A. C., 1826-28; grad. Yale, 1831. P. Springfield, N. J.; Hudson, Ravenna and Kent, O. Ed. Ohio Observer. D. Ravenna, O., S. 16, 1871. |
*Hough, Alfred. Registered from Martinsburg, N. Y. A. C., 1827-28; grad. Yale, 1830. Yale T. S., 1831-33; Andover T. S., 1833; ordained, May 20, 1835; p. Presb. Ch., Vernon Centre, N. Y., 1835. D. Philadelphia, Penn., May 28, 1839, aged 37. |
*Maxwell, Charles. B. Heath, Jan. 9, 1803. A. C., 1825, 1827-30. D. Amherst, Ap. 14, 1830. |
*Moore, Erasmus Darwin. B. Winsted, Conn., S. 30, 1802. A. C., 1826-27; Yale, 1828-29. Grad Yale T. S., 1832; p. Natick, 1833-38; Kingston, 1838-40; Barre, 1840-42. Boston Custom House officer, 1861-. Ed. Boston Recorder, 1846-49; Congregationalist, 1849-51; Old Colony and Mass. Bay Records; author Life Scenes from Mission Fields. |
*Peck, Ezekiel Yerrington. B. E. Haddam, Conn., D. 23, 1808. A. C., 1826-29. Farmer and mechanical engineer, Akron, O. |
*Ralli, Pandias. Registered from Scio, Greece. A. C., 1826-27; grad. Yale, 1830. Merchant, London, Constantinople, Bombay and Calcutta. |
*Richards, David. B. Roxbury, Ap. 27, 1810. A. C., 1827. Apothecary, Boston. D. Ap. 28, 1861. |
*Root, Timothy. Registered from Guildford, Vt. A. C., 1826-27. |
*Searl, Gideon. Registered from Southampton. A. C., 1827-1830; grad. Union, 1830. Miss'y to Liberia for a short time. |
*Shumway, Columbus. B. Belchertown. A. C., 1826-28. Studied theology. D. about 1840. |
*Smith, John Rockwell. S. of Rev. Eli and Amy (Emerson), b. Hollis, N. H., F. 12, 1807. Prepared Hollis, N. H., and Hadley Acad.; A. C., 1826-27; grad. Transylvania U., Lexington, Ky. Practised medicine, Lexington, Ky. |
*Standish, Josiah O. B. Middleboro, 1806. Prepared Amherst; A. C., 1826-27. Dentist, Boston. D. Boston, about 1870. |
*Stuart, James Clark. S. of Prof. Moses, b. Andover, May 1, 1812. A. C., 1826-28; grad. Yale, 1834. Studied medicine Berkshire Med. School, Pittsfield; practised med. Woodstock, Vt., Canastota, N. Y. and Syracuse, N. Y. until 1861; surgeon 17th N. Y. Vols., 1861-65. D. Syracuse, N. Y., Mch. 24, 1870. |
*Thayer, Abijah Richardson. S. of Capt. Asa and Abigail, b. Medway, Jan. 3, 1811. A. C., 1826-30. D. Medway, O. 24, 1830. |
*Underwood, Almon. S. of Nehemiah and Polly (Shaw), b. Monson, May 15, 1809. A. C., 1827-29; grad. Union, 1830. Ordained N. Y., 1837; p. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1837-44; Newark, N. J., 1844-1850; evangelist Newark, N. J., 1850-59; Irvington, N. J., 1859-87. Author several tracts and sermons. D. Irvington, N. J., Je. 10, 1887. |
*Wisner, Barnet. Registered from Boston. A. C., 1826-27; grad. Harvard Med. School, 1831. Practised med. Penn Yan, N. Y. D. in a few yrs. |
*Wurtz, William. Registered from Montville, N. J. A. C., 1826-27. Studied law with brother John; practised law Carbondale, Penn. D. Carbondale, Penn., Jy. 18, 1858. |
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