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Amherst College Class of 1841
(from the Amherst College Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921))

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672. *Allen, Samuel Howe.  S. of Chester and Anna (Rice), b. Belchertown, F. 20, 1819.  M. A., A. C., 1844.

Prepared Monson Acad.  Union T. S., 1842-44; s. s. Windsor Locks, Conn., 1845-46; ordained there, Ap. 22, 1846; p. there, 1846-62; w. c. there, 1862-80; Hartford, Conn., 1880-99.  Sec. and general manager Conn. River Navigation and Water Power Co., 1869-80.  D. Hartford, Conn., Jy. 19, 1899.

Married F. 16, 1847, Julia A., da. of Dr. W. S. Pierson, Windsor, Conn.  6 ch.

673. *Ayres, Rowland.  S. of Edwin and Rachel (Kent), b. Granby, May 1, 1817.  M. A., A. C., 1845; D. D., A. C., 1878.

Prepared Amherst and Monson Acads. and with Rev. James Knight, Granby.  Taught acad. Southampton, L. I., 1841-42, 1843-44; Andover T. S., 1842-43; tutor A. C., 1845-46; Princeton T. S., 1846-47; ordained Hadley, Jan. 12, 1848; p. 1st Ch. there, 1848-83.  Overseer Charity Fund A. C., 1855-91; member Mass. Legislature, 1852.  D. Hadley, Jan. 31, 1891.

Married Je. 12, 1849, Jane E., da. of Chester Webster, Farmington, Conn.  6 ch.  Edward (A. C. 1878).

674. *Blaikie, Andrew.  S. of George Dundas and Mary Monroe (Brown), b. Philadelphia, Penn., F. 8, 1821.

Prepared with John T. Halsey, Elizabeth City, N. J.  R. Chicago, Ill., 1841-; in iron business, 10 yrs.; real estate and securities.  D. Chicago, Ill., Ap., 1909.

Married Jy. 16, 1845, Mary J., da. of Andrew Elmer, Western, N. Y.  3 ch.

675. *Bond, Ephraim Ward.  S. of Thomas and Jemima H. (Bush), b. W. Brookfield, May 15, 1821.  M. A., A. C., 1844.  LL. B., Harvard, 1845.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Monson Acad.  Graduate work Yale, 1 yr.; Harvard Law School; practised Springfield.  Vice-president and president Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1867-86; president Springfield Five Cents Savings Bank; member Mass. Legislature, 1852, instrumental in obtaining city charter for Springfield; an incorporator of city library, gave liberally to it and president of bd.  Overseer Charity Fund A. C., 1864-78; donor Bond Commencement Prize, 1875.  D. Springfield, D. 5, 1891.

Married N. 3, 1869, Fanny, da. of Augustus G. Hazard, Enfield, Conn.  [Seems to be brother of William B. (A. C. 1835).]

676. *Brooks, Sidney.  S. of Obed and Sally (Weekes), b. Harwich, Ap. 5, 1813.

Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover.  Taught Chatham Acad., 3 yrs.; est. Pine Grove Sem., Harwich, mercantile, nautical and classical school, and prin., 20 yrs.; Mass. Nautical School, reformatory institution, on ship "George M. Barnard," 1866-72; Deputy U. S. Shipping Commissioner, 1872-; bookkeeper Boston, 18(?)-87.  D. Boston, Mch. 25, 1887.

Married May 18, 1859, Mrs. Susan S. Whittaker, da. of George Chase, Cornish, N. H.

677. *Coburn, Edwin.  S. of Pascal P. and Lydia (Jones), b. Dracut, F. 2, 1819.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover.  Studied law with George F. Farley, Groton; admitted to bar there, Mch. 14, 1844; practised there, 1844-48; Indianapolis, Ind., 1848-57; Chicago, Ill., 1857-62.  Sergeant-Major, 23rd Regt. Ill. Vols., afterwards 1st Lieut. and Major, 1862-65.  Joined Fenians and was sent to Ireland on business for them; arrested and imprisoned.  D. in Ireland, about 1867.

678. *Cook, George.  S. of Simeon and Rachel (Holman), b. Swansey, N. H., Aug. 31, 1817.

Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover.  Hartford T. S., 1841-43; Andover T. S., 1843-44; studied med. but never practised; prof. of mathematics Dallas Institute, Selma, Ala., 1845-49; in lumber business there, 1850-56; r. Keene, N. H., 1857-89.  Endowed The George Cook Scholarship of $1,000 in A. C., 1870.  D. Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch. 1, 1889.

679. *Day, Isaac Clifford.  S. of Henry and Olive (Dorrance), b. Killingly, Conn., May 25, 1815.

Prepared Plainfield (Conn.) Acad.  Grad. Hartford T. S., 1845; ordained So. Killingly, Conn., May 18, 1845, p. there, 1845-48; Preston, Conn., 1 yr.; s. s. various places in Conn., several yrs.; r. Southwick and W. Killingly, Conn.; in business Providence, R. I., 18(?)-75.  D. Providence, R. I., S. 4, 1906.

Married N. 18, 1846, Mary C., da. of Elijah Griggs, Abington, Conn., who d. Aug. 25, 1874.  3 ch.

680. *Dickinson, Noadiah Smith.  S. of Nathaniel C. and Submit (Smith), b. Amherst, Mch. 22, 1815.  M. A., A. C., 1844.

Prepared Amherst Acad.  Andover T. S., 1842-45; taught Townsend, 1845-46; p. Heath and other places, 1846-47; ordained Wendell, May 27, 1847; p. there, 1847-52; Chatham, 1852-58; Foxboro, 1858-69; a. p. So. Egremont, 1872-76.  D. Jacksonville, Fla., Mch. 28, 1876.

Married S. 4, 1845, Asenath, da. of Phineas Goodrich, Leominster.  2 ch.

681. *Eastman, Sanford.  S. of John L. and Sally R. (Halsey), b. Lodi, N. Y., S. 29, 1821.  M. D., U. of Buffalo, 1851.

Prepared Ovid (N. Y.) Acad.  Farmer and teacher, several yrs.; studied med. with father and Dr. J. P. White, Buffalo, N. Y. and at U. of Buffalo, 1848-51; practised Buffalo, N. Y., 1851-71; Riverside, Cal. and engaged in fruit culture, 1871-74.  Prof. of anatomy U. of Buffalo, 1858-67 and of anatomy and clinical surgery, 1867-70; surgeon Hospital of Sisters of Charity and Buffalo General Hospital; health officer Buffalo, 1861-67; member N. Y. Bd. of State Charities, 1871.  D. Riverside, Cal., Jan. 8, 1874.

Married (1) Je. 25, 1844, Elizabeth, da. of Rev. H. Taylor, Trumansburg, N. Y., who d. Mch. 18, 1848; (2) May 25, 1853, Sarah A., da. of Anthony D. Schuyler, Ovid, N. Y., who d. Mch. 23, 1864; (3) N. 3, 1867, Anna Louise Schuyler, Buffalo, N. Y.  5 ch.

682. *Eaton, Joseph Myron Rensselaer.  S. of Thomas and Betsey (Steward), b. Fitchburg, O. 15, 1814.  M. A., A. C., 1871.

Prepared Leicester Acad.; A. C., 1836-41.  Andover T. S., 1841-44; s. s. Clinton, 1844-45; ordained there, Jan. 9, 1845; p. there, 1845-47; Shirley, 1847-50; Henniker, N. H., 1851-68; a. p. Medfield, 1869-76; w. c. Fitchburg, 1877-91; r. Redlands, Cal., 1891-1904.  D. Redlands, Cal., Ap. 30, 1904.

Married D. 23, 1844, Harriette, da. of Timothy F. Downe, Fitchburg, who d. Jy. 24, 1891.  2 ch.  Thomas E. N. (A. C. 1868).

683. *Ely, Richard.  S. of Elisha and Eliza Maria (Ely), b. Chenango Point (Binghamton), N. Y., D. 29, 1819.  M. A., A. C., 1844.

Prepared Ellington (Conn.) H. S.; A. C., 1836-41; absent 1 yr.  Studied law Binghamton, N. Y.; admitted to bar, 1844; practised Binghamton, N. Y., Watertown, N. Y.; U. S. Mail agent, 4 yrs.; forwarding and commission business, 18(?)-67; insurance business, 18(?)-87.  D. Binghamton, N. Y., Ap. 18, 1892.

Married S. 12, 1849, Sarah, da. of Abraham Roseboom, Cherry Valley, N. Y.  6 ch.  Robert E. (A. C. 1885).

684. *Gay, Joshua Sanders.  S. of Rev. Ebenezer and Laura (Sanders), b. Stoughton, F. 7, 1819.  M. A., A. C., 1844.

Prepared with father and at Bridgewater Acad.; A. C., 1838-41.  Grad. Andover T. S., 1845; s. s. St. Stephen, N. B., 1845-46; Biddeford, Me., 1846-47; ordained Andover, Me., Jan. 27, 1848; p. there, 1847-51; Pittston, Me., 1851-53; a. p. Stoddard, N. H., 1854-57; s. s. Chichester, N. H., 1857-63; Byfield, 1866-69; w. c. there, 1869-70; s. s. Brookfield, Vt., 1871-72; p. Auburn, N. H., 1872-74; a. p. Centre Harbor, N. H., 1874-77; Hanson, 1878-82; Falmouth, 1882-85; So. Wellfleet, 1885-91; Biddeford, Me., 1891-96.  D. Biddeford, Me., Mch. 22, 1896.

Married May 15, 1848, Sarah E., da. of Rishworth Jordan, Biddeford, Me.  6 ch.

685. *Goddard, Charles Grosvenor.  S. of Ashbel and Elizabeth Sophia (Grosvenor), b. Petersham, F. 26, 1817.  M. A., A. C., 1844.

Prepared Monson Acad.  Grad. Hartford T. S., 1849; ordained W. Hartland, Conn., Je. 13, 1850; p. there, 1850-53; prin. acad. E. Windsor Hill, Conn., 1854-56; p. W. Hartland, Conn., 1856-72.  D. W. Hartland, Conn., Aug. 29, 1872.

Married S. 9, 1850, Anna N., da. of Isaac P. Gates, Edwardsburgh, Ont.  3 ch.

686. *Harwood, Abel.  S. of Jonas and Lucretia (Winslow), b. No. Brookfield, N. 23, 1814.

Prepared Amherst and Wilbraham Acads.; A. C., 1836-38, 1839-41.  Taught Shelby Co., Ky., 1841-42; young ladies' school Lexington, Ky., 1842-43; in shoe business there, 1843-53; Bloomington, Ill., 1853-59; r. there, 1859-66; Mahomet, Ill., 1866-69; Champaign, Ill., 1870-91.  Member Ill. Constitutional Convention, 1869-70.  D. Champaign, Ill., D. 28, 1891.

Married (1) Aug. 4, 1841, Mary Day, da. of Tyler Batcheller, No. Brookfield, who d. D. 8, 1856; (2) Je. 22, 1858, Isabella Dicky, da. of Wilson P. Boyd, Bloomington, Ill.  11 ch.

687. *Howland, Harrison Otis.  S. of Southworth and Esther (Allen), b. W. Brookfield, Jan. 25, 1813.

Prepared Leicester Acad.  Union T. S., 1841-44; resident licentiate there, 1844-45; ordained by Columbia Presbytery, D. 23, 1846; p. Ashland, N. Y., 1846-50; s. s. and p. Cong. Ch. Warner, N. H., 1852-57; p. Chester, N. H., 1857-63; Girard, Penn., 1863-67; s. s. Ellington, N. Y., 1867-70; w. c. Kinderhook, N. Y., 1871-72.  D. Kinderhook, N. Y., F. 13, 1872.

Married N. 23, 1845, Hannah O., da. of William Bailey, Amesbury.  4 ch.  Bro. William W. (A. C. 1841).

688. *Howland, William Ware.  S. of Southworth and Polly (Ware), b. W. Brookfield, F. 25, 1817.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared W. Brookfield and Leicester Acads.  Union T. S., 1842-45; ordained So. Hadley, O. 14, 1845; miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Ceylon.  Author tracts in Tamil.  D. Jaffna, Ceylon, Aug. 26, 1892.

Married O. 14, 1845, Susan, da. of Jonas Reed, Heath.  8 ch.  Samuel W. and William S. (A. C. 1870); Edward (A. C. ex 1874); John (A. C. 1876); Henry M. (A. C. 1882); David B. (A. C. 1883).  Bro. Harrison O. (A. C. 1841).

689. *Hutchinson, Prosper Kimball.  S. of Ralph and Eliza (Kimball), b. Plainfield, Conn., Aug. 29, 1817.  M. D., Med. Coll. New Haven, Conn., 1847.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Studied med. with Dr. Coggshall, Plainfield and at Med. Coll. New Haven, Conn.; practised Rice City (Coventry), R. I., 1847-72.  Surgeon, 12th Regt. R. I. Vols., 1862-63.  Member R. I. Legislature, 1865-66.  D. Rice City, R. I., N. 1, 1872.

Married N. 20, 1850, Jane A., da. of Jeremiah McGregor, Coventry, R. I.

690. *Kimball, Daniel.  S. of Jonathan Choate and Mary (Lord), b. Salem, N. 20, 1818.

Prepared Salem H. S.  Studied law Salem; admitted to bar, May, 1845; practised Salem, 1845-54.  D. Salem, D. 10, 1854.

Married Jy., 1850, Mrs. Ann F. French.  1 ch.

691. *Lyman, Jabez Baldwin.  S. of Ahira and Lydia (Baldwin), b. Easthampton, Ap. 18, 1820.  M. A., A. C., 1848; M. D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1857.  Psi Upsilon.

Prepared Southampton and Hadley Acads.  Taught in Ga. and S. C., 4 yrs.; prof. of mathematics Oglethorpe U., 1 yr. and a half; Andover T. S., 1 yr.; tutor of French and German A. C., 1848-49; studied med. Paris, Vienna and Philadelphia, Penn.; practised Chicago, Ill., 1857-58; Rockford, Ill., 1858-81; examining surgeon for pensions there, 1863-81; r. Salem, 1881-93.  D. Salem, Je. 29, 1893.

Married S. 5, 1860, Lucy, da. of Ephraim De Pue, Galesburg, Ill.  8 ch.

692. *McKinney, Sabin.  S. of Jacob and Eliza (Sabin), b. Binghamton, N. Y., Mch. 7, 1816.

Prepared with Rev. P. Lockwood, Binghamton, N. Y.; Oberlin, 1836; A. C., 1838-41.  Union T. S., 1841-42; Auburn T. S., 1842-44; ordained by Presbytery of Tioga, Ap. 16, 1845; s. s. Bath, N. Y., 1844-45; Greenwich, N. Y., 1845-47; p. Fredonia, N. Y., 1847-51; s. s. Franklin, Penn., 1852-54; agent Amer. and Foreign Christian Union, E. Bloomfield, N. Y., 1854-55; p. Bergen, N. Y., 1855-57; in business Binghamton, N. Y., 1857-96.  D. Binghamton, N. Y., Jy. 10, 1896.

Married Jan. 27, 1847, Elizabeth Sheldon, da. of Dr. Hiram Corliss, Greenwich, N. Y.  13 ch.

693. *Newlin, Ellis James.  S. of Joseph and Ann James (Dunlap), b. Wilmington, Del., S. 17, 1820.  M. A., A. C., 1844; D. D., Lafayette Coll., 1870.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared with Mr. Belknap, Wilmington, Del.  Studied theology with Rev. Dr. Gilbert, Delaware Coll., Newark, Del.; p. 2nd Presb. Ch. Lynchburg, Va., 1849-52; s. s. Richmond, Va., 1853; p. Alexandria, Va., 1854-56; president Delaware Coll., 1857-58; p. Bloomfield, N. J., 1859-63; w. c. Hoboken, N. J., 1864; p. Hazelton, Penn., 1866-70; s. s. Newark, N. J., 1871; agent there, 1872; w. c. Bloomfield, N. J., 1873-74; Newark, N. J., 1876; Wilmington, Del., 1878-84; Perth Amboy, N. J., 1884-85.  D. Perth Amboy, N. J., D. 13, 1885.

Married D. 24, 1850, Catherine, da. of William Brisbane, Lewistown, Penn.  7 ch.

694. *Parker, Samuel Junius.  S. of Rev. Samuel and Jerusha (Lord), b. Danby, N. Y., May 19, 1819.  M. A., A. C., 1844; M. D., N. Y. Med. Coll., 1860.

Prepared Homer and Ithaca (N. Y.) Acads; Yale, 1837-39; A. C., 1839-41.  Union T. S., 1841-44; licensed by 4th Presbytery of N. Y., 1844; s. s. Ramapo, N. Y., 1845-46; Geneva, N. Y., 1846-47; Clyde, N. Y., 1847-48; Volney, N. Y., 1848-51; taught and studied med. Ithaca, N. Y., 1852-54; practised Nunda, N. Y., 1 yr.; physician and seamen's chaplain Mobile, Ala., 1855-57; practised Ithaca, N. Y., 1857-98.  Served with Christian Commission in Va., 1864.  D. Ithaca, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1898.

Married Jy. 1, 1844, Rachel L., da. of Rev. Levi Field, Brooklyn, N. Y., who d. May 16, 1898.  3 ch.  [Seems to be brother of Henry W. (A. C. 1843).]

695. *Phelps, Theophilus Parsons.  S. of Charles P. and Charlotte (Parsons), b. Hadley, Aug. 26, 1821.

Prepared Deerfield and Hopkins, Hadley Acads.  Invalid nearly entire life; r. Hadley, 18(?)-89; Amherst, 1889-99.  The vital witness in the famous will case of Oliver Smith, founder of the Smith Charities.  Author The Five Books of Moses.  D. Amherst, May 4, 1899.

696. *Russell, Thomas Sanderson.  S. of Levi and Cynthia (Carver), b. Mendon, N. Y., S. 23, 1821.

Prepared Mendon (N. Y.) Acad.  Studied law.  D. Mendon, N. Y., F. 23, 1844.

697. *Smith, Charles.  S. of Charles and Orithea (Morton), b. Hatfield, Aug. 10, 1818.

Prepared Amherst Acad.  Taught Richmond, Va., 1841-42; Andover T. S., 1842-43, 1844-45; Yale T. S., 1843-44; ordained Warren, O. 10, 1847; p. there, 1847-52; s. s. South Ch. Andover, 1852-53; p. Shawmut Ch. Boston, 1853-58; s. s. Oak Place Ch. there, 1860-61; p. South Ch. Andover, 1861-76; w. c. there, 1876-87.  Member State Legislature, 1882-85, 1887.  D. Andover, O. 29, 1887.

Married D. 6, 1849, Caroline L., da. of Joseph E. Sprague, Salem.  3 ch.  Charles S. (A. C. 1874).

698. *Starkweather, Frederick Merrick.  S. of Haynes K. and L. Almira (Merrick), b. Northampton, S. 5, 1820.  M. A., A. C., 1845.

Prepared Northampton H. S.  Union T. S., 1842-45; s. s. Springfield, N. J., 1846; Chester, 1847; w. c. Northampton, 1848-49; taught Baltimore, Md., 1850.  D. Northampton, Mch. 13, 1851.

699. *Tenney, Francis Vergnies.  S. of Samuel and Deborah (Pearson), b. Newburyport, Ap. 19, 1819.  M. A., A. C., 1844.

Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover.  Andover T. S., 1841-44; ordained So. Braintree, Aug. 7, 1845, p. there, 1845-48; w. c. Boston, 1848-50; p. Byfield, 1850-57; w. c. Byfield and Malden, 1857-58; p. Manchester, 1858-69; Saugus, 1869-78; a. p. Phillipston, 1878-80; w. c. Sing Sing, N. Y., 1880-81; Chelsea, 1882.  D. Ipswich, Ap. 19, 1885.

Married (1) O. 8, 1846, Jane Robinson, da. of Solomon Hutchings, Amherst, who d. N. 24, 1851; (2) N. 17, 1852, Almira Dodge, da. of Joshua Webb, Newcastle, Me., who d. Jan. 26, 1854; (3) D. 4, 1854, Joanna, da. of Isaac Stanwood, Ipswich.  4 ch.  Albert F. (A. C. 1869).

700. *Tyler, Edward Griswold.  S. of Joab and Nabby (Seymour), b. Harford, Penn., Jy. 23, 1816.  M. A., A. C., 1844.

Prepared Harford, Penn. and Amherst Acads.; A. C., 1834-36, 1839-41.  Associate prin. Pittsfield Young Ladies' Institute, 1841-45; prin. Pittsfield Gymnasium, 1845-48; prin. and proprietor Ontario Female Sem., Canandaigua, N. Y., 1848-61; in real estate and banking; vice-president and president 1st National Bank, Canandaigua, N. Y., 1864-.  D. Canandaigua, N. Y., Ap. 21, 1891.

Married O. 1, 1844, Mary M., da. of Morgan Carpenter, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.  3 ch.  Bro. William S. (A. C. 1830); Wellington H. (A. C. 1831).

701. *Walker, Aaron.  S. of Aaron and Submit (Clark), b. Belchertown, Aug. 20, 1815.  M. A., A. C., 1844; M. D., Homeopathic Med. Coll., N. Y., 1868.

Prepared Burr Sem., Manchester, Vt. and Monson Acad.  Prin. Burlington (Vt.) Acad., 1841; taught private school Ware, 1841-42; 8th Grammar School, Lowell, 1842-45; Winthrop School, Boston, 1845-47; studied med. with Dr. E. Buck & Son there, 1846-47; taught Colburn Grammar School, Lowell, 1849-64; served with Christian Commmission, New Orleans, La., 1864; general agent for establishing government colored schools, La., 1864-66; Harvard Med. School, 1866-67; Homeopathic Med. Coll., N. Y., 1867-68; practised Manchester, N. H., 1869-70; Denver, Col., 1870-85; r. Edgewood, R. I., 1885-99.  D. Edgewood, R. I., Jan. 22, 1899.

Married (1) Jy. 3, 1844, Harriet, da. of Samuel C. Oliver, Lowell, who d. Ap. 17, 1878; (2) D. 27, 1881, Mrs. Lucina M. Smith, da. of Welcome Sayles, Burrillville, R. I.  1 ch.

702. *Whipple, William Ward.  S. of John and Eunice (Holbrook), b. Boylston, Aug. 25, 1813.  M. A., A. C., 1849.  Alpha Delta Phi.

Prepared Leicester Acad.; A. C., 1836-39, 1840-41.  Taught Amherst Acad., 1841-42; Andover T. S., 1842-43; Bangor T. S., 1843-45; ordained Monticello, Mo., N. 8, 1846; home miss'y Presb. Ch. La Grange, Mo., 1845-61; p. Cong. Ch. Griggsville, Ill., 1861-66; s. s. Presb. Ch. Clayton, Ill., 1866-75; Janesville, Ia., 1875-80; w. c. Camp Point, Ill., 1880-85; Yonkers, N. Y., 1887-89.  D. Yonkers, N. Y., S. 26, 1889.

Married (1) O. 1, 1845, Emmeline, da. of John Godfrey, Bangor, Me., who d. Jan. 25, 1884; (2) May 11, 1887, Mrs. Mary S. Wiltsie, da. of Rev. L. A. Spofford, Jaffrey, N. H.  3 ch.

703. *Yerington, Alexander.  S. of Russell and Lois (Ross), b. Griswold, Conn., D. 24, 1817.

Prepared with Rev. S. D. Jewett.  Hartford T. S., 1841-44; p. various places and taught private pupils; r. Preston, Conn.  D. Preston, Conn., May 28, 1868.


*Bangs, Allen.  S. of Allen, b. Jy. 26, 1819.  Registered from Springfield.  A. C., 1837-38; grad. Yale, 1842.  Practised law Springfield.  D. N. 24, 1853.
*Barrett, Henry Augustus.  B. about 1818.  Registered from Concord.  M. A. (hon.), A. C., 1844.  A. C., 1837-38.  Grad. Harvard Med. Coll., 1845.  D. 1889.
*Belknap, Alfred.  S. of Alfred, b. about 1815.  Registered from Hartford, Conn.  A. C., 1837-38.
*Bennett, David Schuyler Bogart.  B. about 1819.  Registered from N. Y. City.  A. C., 1837.
*Benton, Azariah Lathrop.  S. of Azariah, b. about 1816.  Registered from Tolland, Conn.  A. C., 1837-38.  Miss'y of A. B. C. F. M., Syria.
*Bullard, Malachi.  S. of Malachi, b. Medway, N. 4, 1817.  A. C., 1837-38; grad. Dartmouth, 1841.  Ordained Winchendon, N. 19, 1846.  D. Winchendon, May 10, 1849.
*Clapp, Salmon.  S. of Eliphaz and Charlotte (Gunn), b. Montague, S. 24, 1817.  A. C., 1837-40; grad. Dartmouth, 1841.  Taught in South, 2 yrs.; studied med. with Dr. James Dean, Greenfield, 2 yrs.; practised Colbert, Miss.  Drowned in Tombigbee River, Miss., Jy. 10, 1852.
*Clark, Alvin Wright.  S. of Benoni, b. about 1819.  Registered from Westhampton.  A. C., 1837-39.  D. 1839.
*Clark, Asa Bement.  B. Conway, Je. 8, 1817.  A. C., 1837.  Taught in Va., 8 yrs.; druggist.
*Clement, Charles.  B. Newburyport, N. 14, 1815.  A. C., 1837-38.  Journalist Kenosha and Racine, Wis.; ed. Kenosha Telegraph, Racine Advocate, daily and weekly journal Racine, Wis.
*Dutton, Alfred.  S. of Stephen Coffin and Phebe Parsons (Follansbee), b. Newbury, F. 7, 1815.  A. C., 1837-39; grad. Bowdoin, 1842.  Practised law Manchester and Portsmouth, N. H.; taught in Tex.  D. Sulphur Bluffs, Tex., N. 30, 1870.
*Gillett, Austin H. G.  Registered from Hallowell, Me.  A. C., 1837-38.  D. N. 2, 1838.
*Hall, Warren Davis Crawford.  S. of John W., b. Brazoria, Tex., Jan. 31, 1819.  A. C., 1838.  Planter in Tex.  D. May, 1851.
*Holbrook, Amory.  B. about 1820.  Registered from Rowley.  A. C., 1837-39; grad. Bowdoin, 1841.  D. Portland, Ore., S. 26, 1866.
*Hough, Lewis Sylvester.  B. Martinsburg, N. Y., Mch. 31, 1819.  M. A. (hon.), A. C., 1850.  A. C., 1837-39.  Taught in West; grad. Western Reserve Coll., 1847; prin. classical dept. Germantown (Penn.) Acad., 1852.  Pub. The Science of Man, and other books.  D. Media, Penn., 1903.
*Hubbard, John.  B. Brimfield, Jy. 26, 1819.  A. C., 1837-40; grad. Bowdoin, 1841.  Practised med.  D. Bowling Green, Mo., May, 1849.
*Hubbard, Samuel Austin.  B. about 1822.  Registered from Northampton.  A. C., 1837-40.
*Mason, David Burr.  S. of Rev. Stephen, b. about 1820.  Registered from Northampton.  A. C., 1837-38.
*Maynard, Eli.  B. about 1816.  Registered from Potsdam, N. Y.  A. C., 1837-39.
*McAllister, Joseph Longworth.  S. of J. W., b. about 1821.  Registered from Savannah, Ga.  A. C., 1837-40.  Col. in Civil War.  D. during war.
*Porter, William Bartlett.  S. of John, b. Newburyport, Ap. 23, 1820.  A. C., 1838-39.  Practised law Sullivan and Mattoon, Ill.
*Sikes, Lewis Edward.  S. of Uriah and Elizabeth (Edwards), b. Northampton, O. 19, 1810.  Prepared Brattleboro (Vt.) Acad.; A. C., 1837-39; grad. Union, 1841.  Auburn T. S., 1841-42; Yale T. S., 1842-43; a. p. Townshend, Vt., 1845-46; ordained Downer's Grove, Ill., Jan. 12, 1848; home miss'y Orangeville, Wayne and Ellisville, Ill., 1846-60; Newaygo, Cooper, Easton and Hopkins, Mich., 1861-70; a. p. Vienna, Kans., 1870-77; w. c. there, 1877-84; Leonardville, Kans., 1884-92.  D. Mch. 31, 1892.
*Sweetser, Theodore Harrison.  S. of Joseph and Relief (Crosby), b. Wardsboro, Vt., Jan. 28, 1821.  Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover and Boston Latin School; A. C., 1837-40.  Practised law Lowell and Boston.  Member Mass. Legislature, 1870.
*Townsend, Henry Perrine.  S. of E. M., b. Hillsboro, Ill., May 19, 1821.  A. C., 1837-38; Yale, about 2 yrs.  Practised law N. Y. City.
*Waldo, George.  S. of Ebenezer, b. Scotland, Conn., Ap. 14, 1816.  A. C., 1838-40.
*Willis, William Holmes.  S. of Isaac, b. Belchertown, Jan. 15, 1817.  A. C., 1837-39.  Practised med. Hardwick and So. Reading (Wakefield).
*Willoughby, Henry Washington.  B. Hollis, N. H., D. 21, 1816.  A. C., 1837-40.  Grad. Jefferson Med. Coll., Penn., 1853; practised Hollis, N. H.
*Withington, William Sherburne.  S. of Rev. L., b. about 1821.  Registered from Newbury.  Alpha Delta Phi.  A. C., 1837-39.  D. Medway, 1841.
*Woodman, Henry Augustus.  B. Newburyport.  A. C., 1837-38.  Studied theology with Rev. Mr. Cobb.; p. W. Newbury 2 yrs.; ed. The Watch Tower, Newburyport, several yrs.  D. Newburyport.

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