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Index -- Whitney
(to the Amherst College
Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921) )
Every student record containing the surname Whitney . Click on a name to see the full biography.
Alexander, John Locke 1831
Baeslack, Frederick William 1902
Bigelow, Andrew 1838
Burgess, Ebenezer George 1852
Clarke, George Clinton 1858
Collester, Eugene Belknap 1873
Collester, Frank Melvin 1877
Houghton, John Cephas 1861
Lyman, Giles 1827
Priest, Sylvanus Chickering 1858
Sears, Nathaniel Clinton 1875
Small, Uriel Whitney 1854
Sterling, William Graham 1838
Waldo, Horatio 1825
Whitney, Addis Merrille 1886 (not yet entered)
Whitney, Arthur Colvin ex 1911 (not yet entered)
Whitney, Edward Samuel 1890 (not yet entered)
Whitney, Hamlin Avery 1886 (not yet entered)
Whitney, Harold Adelbert 1911
Whitney, Harold Edward ex 1907 (not yet entered)
Whitney, Henry Martyn, Jr. 1878
Whitney, Henry Thomas ex 1874
Whitney, Herbert Porter 1899 (not yet entered)
Whitney, John 1831
Whitney, John Marshall 1863
Whitney, Myron Thompson 1867
Whitney, Samuel Stillman ex 1836
Whitney, Samuel Worcester 1842
Whitney, Stanley Nathan 1905
Whitney, Wilbur C. 1924
Whitney, William Belcher 1887 (not yet entered)
Whitney, William Harvey 1913 (not yet entered)
Wilson, Howard 1889
Every Whitney that has been indexed so far. Click on a name to see the relevant biography.
Whitney, (Mr.) (mentioned, 1875)
Whitney, (Mr.) (employer, 1889)
Whitney, Abby Maria (mother, 1877)
Whitney, Abigail M. (mother, 1873)
Whitney, Addis Merrille 1886
Whitney, Arthur Colvin ex 1911
Whitney, Beulah (mother, 1854)
Whitney, Cecil Calvin (father, 1905)
Whitney, David J. (child, 1831)
Whitney, Edward Samuel 1890
Whitney, Eliza M. (wife, 1838)
Whitney, Elizabeth J. (child, 1831)
Whitney, Erwin B. (father, 1911)
Whitney, Eunice b. (mother, 1858)
Whitney, Frederica May (wife, 1902)
Whitney, George (father, ex 1836)
Whitney, George F. (father-in-law, 1902)
Whitney, Hamlin Avery 1886
Whitney, Hannah A. J. (child, 1831)
Whitney, Harold Adelbert 1911
Whitney, Harold Edward ex 1907
Whitney, Henry M. (father, 1878)
Whitney, Henry Martyn, Jr. 1878
Whitney, Henry Thomas ex 1874
Whitney, Herbert Porter 1899
Whitney, John 1831
Whitney, John Marshall 1863
Whitney, John R. (child, 1831)
Whitney, Josiah B. (father, ex 1874)
Whitney, Louisa H. (wife, 1827)
Whitney, Maria D. (child, 1831)
Whitney, Marshall (father, 1863)
Whitney, Martha R. (child, 1831)
Whitney, Mary R. (child, 1831)
Whitney, Mrs. Caroline (Baker) (mother, 1863)
Whitney, Mrs. Catherine E. (Kent) (wife, 1842)
Whitney, Mrs. Catherine O. (March) (mother, 1878)
Whitney, Mrs. Eldora J. (Gates) (mother, 1905)
Whitney, Mrs. Frances (Beach) (mother, 1825)
Whitney, Mrs. Harriet E. (Hitch) (wife, 1842)
Whitney, Mrs. Hepzibah (Raymond) (mother, 1831)
Whitney, Mrs. Luella M. (Self) (mother, 1911)
Whitney, Mrs. Lydia (Sawyer) (mother, 1838)
Whitney, Mrs. Mary A. (Jewett) (wife, 1831)
Whitney, Mrs. Mercy (Partridge) (mother, 1842)
Whitney, Mrs. Rebecca (Perry) (wife, 1831)
Whitney, Mrs. Sarah Ella (Jourowe) (wife, 1911)
Whitney, Mrs. Sybil (Landon) (mother, 1867)
Whitney, Myron Thompson 1867
Whitney, Nancy (mother, 1858)
Whitney, Phinehas (father-in-law, 1827)
Whitney, S. S. (teacher, 1852)
Whitney, Salmon (father, 1831)
Whitney, Samuel (father, 1842)
Whitney, Samuel Stillman ex 1836
Whitney, Samuel Worcester 1842
Whitney, Sarah (mother, 1861)
Whitney, Sealand (father, 1867)
Whitney, Stanley Nathan 1905
Whitney, Wilbur C. 1924
Whitney, William (father-in-law, 1838)
Whitney, William Belcher 1887
Whitney, William Harvey 1913
An "ex " preceding the class year means that the student did not graduate from Amherst.
Note: To date, about 45% of the entries in the Biographical Record are typed, and about two-thirds of those are indexed. As more entries are typed and indexed, this index page
will probably grow. Consequently, if you're interested in this surname, you should bookmark this page and check back again every few months.
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(If you're interested in the surname Whitney , consider checking these surnames, which also have Soundex value W350 : Weeden , Wheaton , Whedon , Whidden , Whiton , Whitten , Withum , Witney and Woodin .)
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