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Index -- White
(to the Amherst College
Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921) )
Every student record containing the surname White . Click on a name to see the full biography.
Allen, James White ex 1883
Bartlett, Alfred Lewis ex 1907
Billings, Charles Morris 1863
Bissell, Edwin Cone 1855
Bliss, George Rolland 1896
Brooks, Sidney 1837
Bullard, Artemas 1826
Bullard, Asa 1828
Chapin, Lucius Delison 1851
Clark, Sereno Dickinson 1835
Eastman, Sanford 1841
Efner, Henry White 1865
Fiske, Arthur Wilmot 1880
Fletcher, Joel White 1838
Forbes, William Trowbridge 1871
Gay, Edward 1856
Goddard, Josiah Hamilton 1856
Goodnow, Augustus Warren 1849
Griswold, Whiting 1838
Haskell, George Dwight 1920
Hitchcock, Charles Henry 1856
Hitchcock, Edward 1849
Howard, Martin Stoddard 1855
Howes, Clarence Linden 1869
Ingalls, Asa White ex 1838
Johnson, Quintard 1898
Jones, Henry White 1857
Kingsbury, Charles Wood 1852
Litchfield, Daniel Clapp 1853
Nash, Samuel Adams ex 1846
Nash, Simeon 1829
Orr, Walter Stuart 1912
Pomeroy, William Morton 1861
Robertson, John Johnston ex 1884
Sanford, Elliot 1861
Sanford, John Elliot 1851
Smith, Samuel Finley ex 1872
Stetson, Hiram W. ex 1836
Tracy, Alfred Edwards 1869
Walker, Merritt Harvey 1870
White, Albert ex 1850
White, Alden Perley 1878 (not yet entered)
White, Arthur Platt 1916 (not yet entered)
White, Carter 1920 (not yet entered)
White, Clarence Hayward 1886
White, Everett Alonzo 1889
White, Franklin Walter 1825
White, George 1825
White, George Abner 1887 (not yet entered)
White, George Holbrook 1870
White, Heath Edgar 1908 (not yet entered)
White, Henry Kirke 1880
White, Herbert Otis 1895
White, James Lloyd 1884 (not yet entered)
White, James Wilson 1834
White, John Flavel 1833
White, John Francis 1902 (not yet entered)
White, John Milton ex 1860
White, Luther Rice 1848
White, Maurice Putnam 1875 (not yet entered)
White, Oliver 1862
White, Orlando Henry 1846
White, Owen Sheppard 1918 (not yet entered)
White, Robert McRae 1834
White, Robert Rombout 1889 (not yet entered)
White, Robert Rombout ex 1919 (not yet entered)
White, Trumbull ex 1890
White, Walter Porter 1887 (not yet entered)
White, Wellington J. 1876 (not yet entered)
White, Willard 1872
White, William Franklin ex 1888 (not yet entered)
White, William Henry 1867
White, William Holton 1880 (not yet entered)
White, William Prescott 1867
Every White that has been indexed so far. Click on a name to see the relevant biography.
White, (Mr.) (partner, ex 1907)
White, (Mr.) (mentioned, 1880)
White, (surname) (mentioned, 1912)
White, Adaline (mother, 1869)
White, Albert ex 1850
White, Alden Perley 1878
White, Alice (mother, 1920)
White, Ambrose (father, 1833)
White, Ambrose (father, 1834)
White, Amy (mother, 1829)
White, Amy (mother, ex 1846)
White, Annie C. (mother, 1898)
White, Arthur Platt 1916
White, Caroline (mother, 1861)
White, Carter 1920
White, Catherine (mother, 1871)
White, Charlotte (mother, 1863)
White, Clarence Hayward 1886
White, Daniel G. (father-in-law, 1861)
White, Donald H. (child, 1886)
White, Eleanor F. (child, 1895)
White, Eliza (mother, ex 1883)
White, Elizabeth (mother, 1855)
White, Emily J. (wife, 1851)
White, Eunice (mother, 1838)
White, Everett A. 1889 (brother, 1895)
White, Everett Alonzo 1889
White, Fanny (wife, 1861)
White, Franklin Walter 1825
White, George 1825
White, George Abner 1887
White, George Holbrook 1870
White, George N. (father, 1870)
White, George S. (father-in-law, 1851)
White, Hannah (mother, ex 1836)
White, Heath Edgar 1908
White, Henry (father, 1846)
White, Henry A. (father, 1889)
White, Henry A. (father, 1895)
White, Henry Kirke 1880
White, Herbert O. 1895 (brother, 1889)
White, Herbert Otis 1895
White, J. C. (father-in-law, 1853)
White, J. P. (teacher, 1841)
White, James Lloyd 1884
White, James W. 1834 (brother, 1833)
White, James Wilson 1834
White, Jarib (father, 1825)
White, John B. (father, 1867)
White, John F. 1833 (brother, 1834)
White, John Flavel 1833
White, John Francis 1902
White, John Milton ex 1860
White, John Trumbull (father, ex 1890)
White, Joseph (father, 1848)
White, Joseph W. (father, 1886)
White, Josiah (father, 1862)
White, Julia A. (mother, 1870)
White, Louisa (mother, 1838)
White, Louise (wife, 1851)
White, Lucy (mother, 1826)
White, Lucy (mother, 1828)
White, Luther Rice 1848
White, M. E. (teacher, 1835)
White, Margaret (mother, ex 1884)
White, Margaret E. (child, 1895)
White, Mariett (mother, ex 1872)
White, Marion H. (child, 1886)
White, Mary (mother, 1856)
White, Mary Ann (mother, 1855)
White, Mary E. (wife, 1853)
White, Mary Washburn (mother, 1869)
White, Maurice Putnam 1875
White, Michael Graham (father, 1867)
White, Miranda (mother, 1856)
White, Mrs. Abigail S. (Prentice) (mother, 1867)
White, Mrs. Alice Mary (Heald) (wife, 1886)
White, Mrs. Caroline (Peace) (wife, 1833)
White, Mrs. Catherine (Dampman) (mother, 1867)
White, Mrs. Charlotte B. (Bliss) (wife, 1846)
White, Mrs. Cynthia E. (Whittemore) (mother, 1889)
White, Mrs. Cynthia E. (Whittemore) (mother, 1895)
White, Mrs. Diadama H. (Barbour) (mother, 1872)
White, Mrs. Elizabeth (Webster) (wife, 1848)
White, Mrs. Ellen (Davis) (wife, 1834)
White, Mrs. Esther (Hiatt) (mother, 1862)
White, Mrs. Florence D. (Parkhurst) (wife, 1880)
White, Mrs. Frances Anna (McCaughan) (mother, ex 1890)
White, Mrs. Harriet (Wade) (wife, 1833)
White, Mrs. Maria T. (Towle) (mother, 1880)
White, Mrs. Mary A. (Chandler) (mother, 1870)
White, Mrs. Mary B. (Pomroy) (wife, 1846)
White, Mrs. Mary Dickinson (Cowles) (wife, 1895)
White, Mrs. Nancy (Rice) (mother, 1848)
White, Mrs. Nancy S. (Grier) (mother, 1834)
White, Mrs. Peggy (Perkins) (mother, 1833)
White, Mrs. Peggy (Perkins) (mother, 1834)
White, Mrs. Rowena (Hayward) (mother, 1886)
White, Mrs. Ruth (Sherman) (mother, 1825)
White, Mrs. Sabina (Keep) (mother, 1825)
White, Mrs. Sophronia (Waterman) (mother, 1846)
White, Nathan (father, ex 1850)
White, Noah (father-in-law, 1851)
White, O. C. (mentioned, 1896)
White, Oliver 1862
White, Orlando Henry 1846
White, Orra (mother, 1849)
White, Orra (mother, 1856)
White, Owen S. 1918 (child, ex 1890)
White, Owen Sheppard 1918
White, Prudence (mother, ex 1838)
White, Robert (father, 1834)
White, Robert McRae 1834
White, Robert Rombout 1889
White, Robert Rombout ex 1919
White, Sabina (mother, 1857)
White, Sarah M. (mother, 1880)
White, Selden (father, 1872)
White, Sophia (mother, 1837)
White, Sophia (mother, 1852)
White, Sophia (mother, 1865)
White, Stephen (father-in-law, 1849)
White, Susan A. (wife, 1849)
White, Trumbull ex 1890
White, Walter (father, 1825)
White, Walter Porter 1887
White, Wellington J. 1876
White, Willard 1872
White, William Franklin ex 1888
White, William H. (father, 1880)
White, William Henry 1867
White, William Holton 1880
White, William Prescott 1867
An "ex " preceding the class year means that the student did not graduate from Amherst.
Note: To date, about 45% of the entries in the Biographical Record are typed, and about two-thirds of those are indexed. As more entries are typed and indexed, this index page
will probably grow. Consequently, if you're interested in this surname, you should bookmark this page and check back again every few months.
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(If you're interested in the surname White , consider checking these surnames, which also have Soundex value W300 : Wade , Wait , Waite , Watt , Weed , Witt and Wood .)
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