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Index -- Massachusetts -- Cambridge
(to the Amherst College Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921) )
Following is a list of all students, indexed so far, that have Cambridge, Massachusetts , in their biography. Click on a student's name to read his
Abbe, Frederick Randolph 1891
Abbé, William Alanson 1857
Abbott, Abial Ralph 1853
Adams, Daniel Lucius ex 1835
Allen, Frederick ex 1836
Arnold, Cyril Durrell 1920
Atwood, Shadrach ex 1829
Baker, George Pierce ex 1850
Baker, Albert Sherburne 1894
Baldwin, Martin Tuttle 1893
Baldwin, Dwight ex 1885
Ball, Nahum ex 1846
Barrett, Joseph Chandler ex 1850
Barrett, Henry Augustus ex 1841
Barrett, Fiske ex 1842
Bartlett, Warren Tyler 1894
Beach, William Howard 1918
Bednarske, Roger Edward 1918
Belcher, Nathan 1832
Benjamin, Reuben Moore 1853
Bigham, John 1887
Bill, Frederic Ledyard 1895
Billings, Dwight Brinkerhoff 1918
Biscoe, Thomas Curtis 1831
Bishop, Henry Walker 1850
Black, Lyman Foster ex 1908
Bliss, Richard 1831
Bliss, Mervin Washington 1914
Bond, Ephraim Ward 1841
Boutwell, Arthur Trull 1891
Bowman, Charles Delano ex 1836
Brace, Gerald W. 1922
Breed, Bowman Bigelow 1853
Bridgman, Frederick ex 1826
Bright, George Adams ex 1858
Broder, Edward William 1905
Brooks, Benjamin Franklin 1837
Brown, Warren Day 1894
Brown, Addison ex 1852
Buckland, James 1853
Bullard, Asa 1828
Bullock, Alexander Hamilton 1836
Bumstead, Sereno Edwards Dwight ex 1844
Burgess, William Phillips ex 1880
Burgess, Edward Phillips 1852
Burgess, Ebenezer George 1852
Burgess, Albert E. ex 1923
Burnett, Charles Theodore 1895
Burnham, John Appleton 1833
Butler, John Edward 1885
Caldwell, Jacob ex 1827
Canfield, Charles Taylor ex 1852
Canterbury, Lewis Bodman ex 1899
Chancellor, William Estabrook 1889
Chickering, Joseph Knowlton 1869
Clapp, Dexter 1839
Clark, William Smith, 2nd 1921
Clark, Joseph Manly 1852
Clark, Hubert Lyman 1892
Clark, Frank Lowry 1894
Cochrane, Craig Parsons 1917
Colby, Kimball Gleason 1895
Colebrook, Maus Winegar ex 1909
Converse, Charles Henry ex 1884
Cooke, Henry Arnold 1889
Cooper, Charles Wendell 1873
Copeland, Arthur Herbert 1921
Covert, D'Estaing Salisbury 1851
Cowles, Henry ex 1840
Crawford, James Davidson ex 1920
Crockett, George Kimball 1840
Cross, Edward Winslow 1897
Cunningham, Ralph Prindall ex 1902
Cushman, Marshall Blair 1861
Cusick, James Francis 1921
Cutler, Joseph 1840
De Forest, Frederick Lockwood 1845
Delabarre, Edmund Burke 1886
Denny, Andrew 1831
Devens, David Stearns ex 1833
Dickinson, William Austin 1850
Dickinson, Marquis Fayette 1862
Dole, John 1861
Donham, Harold Gregory ex 1897
Downey, William Henry 1892
Downey, Walter Francis 1906
Drewsen, Pierre 1910
Drown, Edward Payson 1889
Dwight, John 1835
Dyer, Brainerd 1905
Eastman, Alexander Crane 1896
Eldredge, Erasmus Darwin 1829
Esty, William Cole 1860
Esty, Edward Tuckerman 1897
Ewing, Thomas 1889
Fairley, Lincoln ex 1923
Farnham, John Marshall Willoughby 1891
Farrar, George 1839
Fay, Prescott 1851
Fisher, Nathaniel Augustus 1831
Fisher, George ex 1865
Fletcher, Joel White 1838
Flint, Kendall 1831
Flint, Austin ex 1831
Fox, John Lawrence 1831
Fraser, John Sullivan ex 1835
Frazier, Charles P. 1923
Furbish, Samuel Benson 1898
Gaus, John Merriman 1915
Gerry, Samuel Russell 1835
Giles, Joel ex 1827
Gillett, Frederick Huntington 1874
Gillett, Edward Bates 1839
Glann, Charles Banta 1914
Glass, Fred Everett 1914
Godfrey, Francis Joseph 1907
Goffe, Joseph 1826
Graves, Walter Lucien 1908
Gray, Levi ex 1852
Grinnell, James Seymour 1842
Hackett, Horatio Balch 1830
Hale, Eben Thomas ex 1862
Hale, David Clendon 1917
Hall, Merwin Porter 1918
Hall, Henry Bliss ex 1910
Hamilton, John Alexander 1853
Harris, Elmer Eastman ex 1896
Hartwell, John 1843
Haskell, Harris Bigelow 1894
Haskell, Benjamin 1832
Haven, Samuel Foster 1826
Haven, Henry Cecil 1873
Hayward, Lloyd Andrews 1836
Hayward, Frederick Downing 1894
Hayward, Charles Capen 1842
Hill, James Seneca ex 1852
Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight 1836
Hitchcock, Edward 1849
Hitchings, Benjamin Gardner 1832
Holbrook, William Edward 1876
Houghton, Edward Rittenhouse 1893
Houston, Charles Hamilton 1915
Howard, Arthur Fiske 1895
Howe, Walter Clarke 1894
Howe, Francis Augustine 1848
Howland, Albert Henry 1865
Huntington, Frederick Dan 1839
Hyde, Henry Dwight 1861
Hyde, Benjamin Dwight 1894
Jackson, Alexander 1840
Jacobs, Paul Cloyd 1911
Jeffery, Charles S. ex 1924
Jenkins, Thornton ex 1895
Johnson, Roger Arthur 1910
Kellogg, Ansel Marshall ex 1902
Kendrick, Arthur 1887
Kenyon, Owen Henry ex 1918
Keyser, Frederick Gardiner ex 1910
Kimball, Mark Rees 1895
King, Stanley 1903
Kittredge, John Theodore 1828
Knox, Samuel ex 1836
Lacey, Arthur G. 1923
Lamson, Carl Edwin 1899
Leach, Ezekiel Walter 1828
Leeds, George 1835
Leonard, Edwin ex 1894
Locke, Calvin Stoughton 1849
Lombard, Frank Alanson 1896
Lord, Otis Phillips 1832
Loud, Frank Herbert 1873
Lovelee, Albert Jesse 1908
Lyall, Amasa James 1895
Malcom, Malcolm Vartan 1907
Mandell, William Andrew 1838
Mann, Cyrus Sweetser ex 1842
Mann, Benjamin 1837
Manning, Jacob Merrill 1850
Mansfield, Philip ex 1896
March, Walter 1837
Mayers, Warren Thompson ex 1919
McAllister, Fred Danforth 1894
McLeod, Hugh 1851
Miller, Charles R. ex 1923
Milne, William Edwards 1896
Mizwa, Stephen Paul 1920
Moore, Henry 1852
Morong, Thomas 1848
Morris, Henry 1832
Morris, George Bliss 1837
Mulnix, Andrew Henry 1891
Murdock, James Maxwell 1903
Neal, Robert Miller 1922
Newcomb, George 1832
Newman, Samuel 1840
Newton, Leon Ira ex 1900
Newton, Francis Chandler 1915
Oakes, Fitz Albert ex 1894
Oliphant, Robert Woodruff 1845
Oliver, James ex 1832
Osgood, Edward Shirburne 1844
Ould, Richard Sheldon 1910
Paine, Stephen Atkins 1832
Parker, Henry Webster 1843
Patton, Normand Smith 1873
Peet, Edward Homans 1877
Pelton, Ernest Williams 1901
Perkins, Jonathan Cogswell 1832
Perkins, Daniel Chute ex 1849
Perkins, Benjamin Conant ex 1848
Perrin, Nelson ex 1832
Peterson, George Conrad ex 1904
Pettes, Samuel ex 1839
Plimpton, George Arthur 1876
Pray, Isaac Clark 1833
Prentice, Ezra Parmalee 1885
Reed, Charles Carlton 1920
Robbins, Wilford L. 1881
Robertson, Fred Crosby ex 1872
Rolfe, William James 1849
Root, Martin Nelson 1849
Root, Henry Dwight 1852
Rugg, Arthur Prentice 1883
Sands, Elijah Maybury ex 1900
Saville, Henry Martyn 1854
Scarborough, Robert Goodhue 1878
Scruton, Albert Field ex 1865
Sears, Frederick Edmund ex 1895
See, Philip Hudson 1918
Seelye, Walter Clark 1895
Seelye, Arthur Moodey 1892
Semple, Oliver Cheever 1883
Sharp, Malcolm Pitman 1918
Shedlesky, Lewis ex 1923
Shepard, Charles Upham 1824
Shipley, Henry 1850
Shoop, Max Pardoe 1910
Shrewsbury, Kenneth Oldham 1914
Simpson, John Woodruff 1913
Smith, Richard Odell ex 1918
Smith, Justus ex 1851
Smith, Edward Church 1901
Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides ex 1833
Spalding, Charles Dawson 1912
Spare, John 1838
Stearns, Edward Josiah ex 1833
Stearns, Albert Maynard 1908
Stebbins, Rufus Phineas 1834
Stedman, Edward Hemenway 1894
Stevens, William Caldwell 1876
Stewart, Hoard Raitt ex 1915
Stewart, Andrew 1851
Stickney, Moses Parsons 1830
Stockwell, Amos Wright 1833
Stone, Clarence Nelson 1905
Storke, Harold Grey ex 1912
Storke, Alan Marshall 1906
Storrs, Richard Salter 1839
Strong, Lawrence Watson ex 1892
Swett, Harry Preble 1893
Swift, William Jonathan 1873
Swift, John Baker 1873
Taylor, Samuel Worcester ex 1848
Tenney, Sanborn 1853
Thompson, Thomas Miller ex 1851
Thompson, Eastwood Pillsbury 1901
Train, Horace Dwight 1842
Trask, James Dowling 1839
True, Charles Kittredge ex 1832
Trull, Samuel ex 1836
Tyler, William Seymour 1830
Tyler, Mason Whiting 1906
Varnum, Harold Abbott 1903
Vinal, Charles Albert ex 1906
Wade, John 1830
Walker, Francis Amasa 1860
Walker, Aaron 1841
Ward, John Elliott ex 1835
Warren, Herbert Lakin 1895
Warren, George Washington ex 1829
Waters, George 1831
West, Lewis Willard 1860
Whidden, Philan Currier ex 1861
Whitcomb, Ernest Miller 1904
White, Henry Kirke 1880
Whitney, Samuel Stillman ex 1836
Wiggin, Benjamin ex 1833
Wilkins, Ernest Hatch 1900
Williams, Waterman Lester 1891
Williams, Lewis ex 1838
Williams, Elijah Hawley 1873
Williams, Albert 1826
Williston, Lyman Richards 1850
Wilson, Robert 1832
Wisner, Barnet ex 1830
Woodman, George Sullivan 1846
Woodworth, Robert Sessions 1891
Worcester, John N. 1922
Wright, John Harvey 1834
Wyman, Henry Nehemiah 1845
Young, Malcolm Oakman 1916
Cambridge was established in 1631, and was called Newtowne. After a boundary adjustment with Roxbury in 1635, Newtowne was renamed
Cambridge in 1638. It is in Middlesex County .
It is the "parent" of four towns: Newton (1691); Lexington (1712); Brighton (1807); and West Cambridge (1807). Cambridge gave land to Waltham in
1755; Brighton in 1815; and Belmont in 1862. It received land from Charlestown in
1761, 1802, 1818, and 1820; Watertown in 1855, 1885 and 1898; West Cambridge in 1862; and Belmont in 1880. It traded land with Boston in 1641; Somerville in 1856; Belmont in 1891; and Arlington in 1911.
Cambridge is bordered on the northeast by Somerville ; on the northwest by Arlington ; on the west by Belmont ; on the southwest by Watertown ; and on the south by Boston .
It is the home of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .
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